It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. do you understand the consequences of what this sentence means can i also ask why you consider it reasonable to drive a stock in trade car without considering the previous owner and the grief they might get
  2. pay up and learn your lesson hopefully it shows up as being insured at the time? you did put it on the MID? i dont think theres passenger assist to australia anymore though if that helps
  3. me too i like the aveo looks a lot for little dosh and its a corsa mainly for service bits got to be under 50 as you say though
  4. my motor trade insurance is with LV and they specifically will not allow you a car on the policy to smoke round in unless its in my name this caught me out the other week so i just registered a car in my name online and taxed( it twas free tax anyway) log book came back in 3 days,so it has another name at least i can confirm its a good car and can run on fumes
  5. i dont back cars or horses as i know they will all fall at the first fence what was the question again
  6. they could argue that you turned the light off prior to them collecting you wont win this one appraise the car again with a view to full refund and fix fault and retail for more money as it sounds a decent car if you dont like them
  7. in front of the judge on the day with your well laid out paperwork stipulating all youve done and your reasons why you refused to refund if you can stand the heat do that but it normally takes about 9 months all up
  8. selling cars is easy finding nice cars at a price you can sell them on for and lets be honest here if your trading from home you need to undercut the competition to get people coming up your drive is the hard part consider specialising this way you can sell lots of cars off one advert get to know your marque and its foibles create an interest in any crowded market just dont do it on my patch or ill send the boys round
  9. you buy the kit and fit it all as justina3 says keep away from the gearbox guy sounds like he needs a holiday out of you
  10. as said every car is indeed different had a few lately with the dreaded dog hairs so these easily take a full day up apart from that i would sack him too im afraid
  11. you should know you work for them hows it hangin bethany?
  12. the ones you love turn out to be the ones you end up hating i call it the being too nice at pos scenario of course this is not always the case i dont do percentages
  13. hide them in a corner or put a cover over them when you come to look at them again in a few days it will be with fresh eyes and a new view or work out to the penny what you have in it then work out how much to fix to bring to retail with that figure is it best to scrap auction the thing retail via say ebay as broken but may make a project for someone
  14. second lambdy loo could be slack in its hole or as said white box rubbish can you swap the two round and do a new scan ?
  15. ive got a plaque from the aa too only thing is i cant find it its under the empties somewhere
  16. i believe your business sells a brand that people want and so you probably find you get more customers than sometimes you can cope with so your hardest job is finding nice stock not customers if this is so then you really dont need this branding
  17. im not going to bother im just going to look at them in the car shows in my area ive decided beer goggles on a sunday night and ebay do not make a pair
  18. lets hope for 6 months of dry weather then