It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. don't cut-and-paste Mr Blobby in the background waving its not big clever and ALSO it doesnt work
  2. scrap them but keep the batteries
  3. Seeing as you dont have back to base written on your invoice its down to you unless you can persuade him to get back to you vis his say aa membership What would i do? jump in my truck with the £895 he gave me stuff it in his hand and drive the car on the wagon and go back to base Once back get it repaired wait for log book after possibly having to reapply and retail it again job done lesson learned that the details in the paperwork,who are autotrader again?
  4. ive got £110.52 pence in my wallet if that helps oh and some salt and pepper packets i nicked from McDonalds last friday tickety boo now what was the question again
  5. ive always seen these eastern european car washes as a way for customers to buy drugs
  6. i wouldnt say that because they know where you are but you dont know where they are these kind of people might keep a long time grudge be polite say sorry but let them go do one elsewhere
  7. how is it that we can always tell from 30 paces if a trader is trying to leg us i know i use my cctv when they first pull up and if they get out, pull their kegs up and light a fag then starters for 10 we aint gonna be doing business
  8. sold a car to a woman who came back complaining that she couldnt get to drive it properly because there was a plastic thing sticking down under the steery wheel now we did a good long test drive on the car and i even delivered it to her house anyway i explained that they all had this madam as it is called a lower cowling and was definitely there on the testy drive so she went of and multiplied or not i hope
  9. and chasing your bum off to fill the place kiss_____ keep it simple if its working dont fix what aint broke
  10. yes they may ban you if you cock what you have to ask yourself is do you need them or do they need you buy it on a card if you can or see bank manager for overdraft if your out of budget spend see if you can flip it it might turn out to be a simple fix and a nice little earner
  11. im at the back of the room by the post coooeee............ any way i will give feck all for it and put a new interior in see there's always one to nick a project
  12. both these cars are seen as prestige middle class conveyancers by the teachers and social workers that buy them and as such are very fussy,your bodyshop understands this so unlike slapping a bit of paint on an old fiesta they realise it might come back,as regards replacing the bumper its entirely possible it did have a poor previous repair and as such a replacement would be the only option for 100% quality i use a local man for most paint he lives in a shed and works from a bigger shed hes cheap but the jobs are not always perfect you pays your monies and........................
  13. polish only want to pay less than death price so its a very last option for me
  14. inn the app does it say to stick a finger in the oil filler whilst engine running to check for mayonaise
  15. ha ha not been on as i lost my password but i would like to remind fellow traders i use LV via a broker the price is always good and the wife made a normal claim last year on herb private ins and everything ran real smooth service comes before saving what might be a pittance in the longer term for stuff like this cancel your autotrader accounts and spend the dosh on champagne insurance oh and if your dodgy they wont accept you
  16. i fell on cazano a few weeks back too and found it a very good site ,even more so when i logged in through a facepalm link i use at work incognitoo
  17. last vehicle i took to a punters house was a chevette so you can see its at least 25 years ago since i last did a fools run
  18. you need to put the right wattage bulbs in too ie if number plate bulbs are normally 10 watt then 5 watt ones will cause a light on dash
  19. ive got a 207 haunting me,every time the carlsberg land line rings im sure its going to be you know the pewgot you sold me.............................
  20. Had one the other week was buying a car for his daughter,he had been before she rejected the car he had picked on the colour she didnt like it,this time he said i am buying and she will agree with my choice, can i have a test drive? no i said bring her down if she likes the colour then we go on test drive,they turns up after my normal hours after he asked me to wait she looks at car we go on test drive we come back she doesn't like the colour no wonder i sometimes go to the pub
  21. I rarely give timewasters more than 5 minutes of my time and very rarely do i bother even getting the keys for them so they can hear a motor run,i find 98% of my customers dont even look under the bonnet until i show them on collection where the mucky bits live and where it might need feeding and watering
  22. i always say the hard part is buying good stock even a fool can sell good stock every weeks different I always tell myself to go in with eyes wide open and not to think that ones mine that is because there's always someone who thinks the same as you, so you have to purchase using psychology sometimes and outmanoeuvre the other buyer by banging your bids in quick and determinedly, rather than waiting for the going going gone rubbish. Oh and watch out for the local traders selling you their p/x chop ins because once they realise you will buy anything they will smell blood even though long time gain is better for short term gain for them,(if yours are better than this then remember a nice bottle of malt is always welcome at xmas)
  23. does it quieten if you spray some water on the serpentine