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Everything posted by Ocsltd

  1. Just had a phone call from Zuto, offering to advertise my stock on their site, I'm sure they're ringing all dealers. But, it's free?! Is there a catch, or have I just become too cynical? Don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth and all that....
  2. Send her my way, I'll tuck her up for you..!
  3. One more today, all done by 9.30, nice and easy.
  4. If Corsa D's still sell, then I assume Zafira's still do.....
  5. I'm just off to my local BCA to witness some more madness, and if I'm daft enough, I must just join in, wish me luck....
  6. What a rubbish day, drew a blank. Had one enquiry on a cheapie, who was going to view, but never turned up...
  7. Jesus!! Hope things are getting better?!!
  8. Just hold on a minute, I'm putting the kettle on......
  9. The most frustrating thing is that punters have no idea, and all assume we've got ££££'s in all our cars!! I think they would be genuinely shocked if they realised how strong we have to pay, for good, clean stock!!
  10. I'm intrigued now! I was just reaching for the popcorn....
  11. She sounds like more hard work than it's worth.......
  12. Oh yes, took the plastic engine cover off, to make sure there was actually an engine under it!!
  13. Just done one, they brought their "fully trained mechanic" with them, so it was a bit of a long, hard slog, but we got there in the end!!
  14. Just watched an 06 plate MR2 go through at BCA Paddock Wood, 35k miles, 9 x md service stamps, so nice mileage and history, but grade 3 and cloth seats, cap clean £2225, made £5150!!!!
  15. Now work out the profit in each car, not a bad hourly rate! Like you say, makes up for other times. Really is a strange old game!
  16. I've been out most of today, delivering a car to a customer in Essex, sounds like I've been missing out on all the punters!! Just listed a cheap part ex on ebay and autotrader, so bracing myself for all the nut jobs....!!
  17. One more today, had 3 collections.
  18. I'm amazed it didn't rot away before hitting that mileage!!!
  19. I'm sure you will, and this goes without saying as you're switched on, but I would take loads of pictures of the car, ideally every panel and the interior, just in case it gets damaged in transit or they try anything funny once it's over there. Just out of interest what is it?
  20. Interesting, this is why I wonder if there's a shift in buyer behaviour? Or perhaps I'm just reading far too much into it!! Just lately I've thought about closing on Saturday's and making it appointment only (the gate to our estate closes at 1pm anyway). Trouble is, I would never want to stray to far with the family, in case of a lastminute.com, so defeats the whole point of trying to have more quality time with the family.
  21. Same here. Can't bear not doing a deal on a Saturday!! It's probably the worst part of the job for me, always working on a Saturday. Makes it all worth while when you do a couple of deals though..... I've found Saturday's a lot quieter over the last 12 months, I am a bit tucked away with fairly small stock, but don't seem to get the foot fall I once did on a Saturday. In the past, if we hadn't done a deal by 12/1pm, there would always be a flurry of activity in the afternoon, but not lately. Strangely, Monday's can be quite a good day. Anyone else noticed a similar trend?
  22. Not a sniff all day, then snuck a cheeky deal in at the end!