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Everything posted by Ocsltd

  1. Dead here, one appointment yesterday which cancelled lastminute.com. Hate bank holidays with a passion!! Got 2 cars that need to go to the bodyshop but they're not open until Tuesday........
  2. They look really good but don't think they would work with my trade plates? I've got the older style trade plates where they don't have the driver & vehicle licensing agency logo on them, and pretty sure my plates don't have those slit holes for the nuts??
  3. To be fair, most consumers think they've got 6 months to change their mind, so perhaps 7 days isn't a bad shout?!!
  4. One more today, good margin in it, which means I've covered my costs for the month, anything else now is pure profit. Agree it's very quiet though!! Hate this time of year from a business perspective, too many holidays, bank holidays etc, seems to kill trade.......
  5. This is exactly why I've stopped buying from Manheim. I had to reject a vehicle as it required too much paint to make it viable, none of which were on the report. Sadly this wasn't an isolated incident, but by far the worst! I know it's not a perfect system, but Manheim do seem to be really bad!
  6. Two on the board today, so not a bad start to the month.
  7. Couldn't agree more, sadly.
  8. I know, I'm fuming!! A deal in very low mileage, exceptionally clean, low owner vehicles, so my stock is usually always above market, but they always sell, because generally faultless and hard to find elsewhere. It's bad enough when you get the Parkers price guide brigade in, who think they're price experts and your retail price should be less than you paid for it trade!! It's almost as if AT is deliberately trying to alienate dealers, very odd!!!
  9. I agree with Tom. It sucks, but all part of buying blind from auction. I was actually at a BCA auction, I asked the driver how the clutch was, he told me it was about half way and seemed fine. I bought the car (knowing full well to take what he said with a pinch of salt!), sure enough right at the top and slipping!! So even when you're present they will lie to your face, so you've go no chance hiding behind a computer I'm afraid. I do sympathise with you however.
  10. Because they're retarded, much like their spelling!!
  11. Sold 2 more today, I don't want this month to ever end!!
  12. He's either a complete numpty, or hiding something. Either way he's probably not someone you want to deal with.......
  13. Ha, yeah I know what you mean!!
  14. I was out most of today, went to BCA Bedord as desperate for stock! Total of 915 cars going through, I bought....... One!! Or even BEDFORD!! Won't let me edit it!!
  15. It does seem to be happening more and more that Saturday's are quiet. I had one handover today, but then didn't see a single other sole. There are plenty of other things I could on a Saturday, especially when the sun is shining like today!! I'm seriously tempted to start closing in Saturday's, (I've already reduced my opening times from 10-4), but just know as soon as I do, I'll get a disgruntled phone call asking why I'm not open!! I also find that Friday's can be quite manic, and Monday's are quite good dealing days. Only problem with closing Saturday's is that someone always wants to collect a car on Saturday's!
  16. They'll be queuing up today!!
  17. Thanks mate, appreciate that! The good thing about a quite spell, is it's usually followed by a busy spell!! 14 months?!!! Wow! Did you still make a profit? Makes me feel a bit better about the Tigra I've just sold that I'd had for 7 months!
  18. Just sold my oldest car in stock - a Vauxhall Tigra, never, ever again! That deal has just made this month a record month, my best ever month since I started! Not sure what's happened this month, but if only it was like this all the time!!
  19. Blimey, is it really that quiet everywhere?! I had 3 go out Saturday morning, done another one this morning..... I've had the best month I've ever had and it's not been this busy since last October, very odd. Although my forecourt looks like a stall at a car boot sale, towards the end of the day, just the odds and sods left!!
  20. We are in the wrong game, it is possible for trades people to earn that sort of money. They're usually really good at what they do, or appear on Rogue Traders!!
  21. Hi Matt, Welcome and good luck with the venture! They're a really good bunch on here, very helpful. cheers