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Everything posted by Ocsltd

  1. It's that time of year again when my trade insurance is due for renewal. Any recommendations for a reasonable quote? Cheers
  2. But what if you’re not into religious music?!
  3. Could not agree anymore with this!! Great post!!!
  4. Ok thanks for that, they're not my normal bag, had a feeling they weren't particularly good.
  5. Are the 1.2 Ford Ka's around 09/10/11 Reg good news? Do they sell well? Are they problematic, any common issues?
  6. He's already got one if you read the posts above......
  7. No I understood that. What I mean is, why bother taking a deposit if you're going to refund minus an mot and service cost?? If a buyer pulls out of a sale, I keep their deposit, which is surely the whole point of a deposit? For me it's not just about the prep costs (My cars are fully serviced, mot'd, checked over prior to sale anyway), but it's more about the lost opportunity / lost time to sell elsewhere.... If I booked a holiday, paid a deposit, then pulled out, I'd fully expect to lose mu deposit, so why should it be any different with cars...?? Of course, we all operate differently, so if that works for you, great. But my question is, why bother taking a deposit (finance aside), if you're going to refund most of it anyway?
  8. Glad you found one you're happy with!
  9. Same as any other auction house then!
  10. I would not be refunding the deposit. Sounds like a classic case of buyers remorse, and he's trying to pull on your heart strings to get his deposit back. Remember, buyers are liars. If he was a genuine / decent buyer, he would have contacted you and explained the situation, instead of you having to chase him! (He seems quick enough to contact you when he wants his deposit back!) He's also moved the goal posts, first he wasn't back until January, then February...... knowing full well you wouldn't want to keep the car that long. So, I would go back to him, explain that you sympathise with his situation (even though personally I think it's a load of old b*llocks!), but you're a business and you can't afford to haver a car sat there, sold, but not paid for. Tell him you're happy to keep the car until he returns, subject to him paying the balance within X amount of days, otherwise you will have to cancel the sale and he will surrender his deposit. If he's genuine and wants the car, he'll pay the balance by BACS (Clearly he's got an internet connection to email you, so see no reason why he can't transfer the money.) If he refuses, then clearly he doesn't intend to go through with the purchase, in which case I believe you are fully justified to keep hold of his deposit. Perhaps leave the door open, and say because it's the season of good will, you'll happily put his £500 towards another car in the future. (Chances are you'll never seem him again anyway, but shows some good will from your side.)
  11. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your place!!
  12. December is starting off really well, after a shocking November, it really is like someone has just flicked a switch!! Sold 3 cars within the last week, all 3 I had in November and not one sniff, yet each one, I've had two people wanting it on the same day! What's that all about..... I am taking a lovely champagne Gold Omega Estate with full leather in part chop, haven't seen one of those for ages......!!
  13. All bets are off. He rang this morning, he's going ahead and has placed a deposit. Ye of little faith!! (Me included!!)
  14. Yeah I did give him a business card. Think I may as well have given him a christmas card tbh.
  15. You're probably right, although he did ring me on his way home to confirm what warranty it comes with, as he forgot to ask. Then asked what time I'd be in the office on Monday morning. I'm hoping that's encouraging. He's either still thinking about it seriously, or he's just teasing me and getting another 'fix'. Place your bets....?
  16. He really should have attended school.....
  17. I've had more enquiries over the last couple of days, than I had in the whole of November, so things are looking up. Just had what I thought was a dead cert, come out with the 'I'll ring you first thing Monday morning, have you got a business card'.... Now, I don't know what everyone else thinks, but I hate it when they ask for a business card, as that's usually the kiss of death. It's almost like by asking for one, it's their get out of jail card, they don't feel so bad about walking away..... Guy rings up on Subaru I've got, he's had one before, bought the newer shape, regretted it and wants to get back into an old one. Mine ticks all the boxes, he couldn't believe his luck finding mine, as it's "exactly what he's been looking for". Even by his own admission on the phone, he wanted to try and play it cool, but was really keen for the car, anyway he rings back an hour later, to say he's on his way over (2 hours away). He turns up, I give the obligatory warm welcome, shake his hand, make hime a coffee etc etc. He looks around the car, confirming it really is immaculate, (it genuinely looks like it's just come out of the showroom!), perfect full main dealer history, we go out on a test drive. Car drives like new, I ask him what his initial impression is, he replies "it's like coming home" he's now like a pig in sh*t. We get back after a perfect test drive, fully expecting him to say, yep, I'll have it. I then get, I'm 95% sure I want it (he was 98% sure on the phone!!), BUT, I'll give you a call first thing Monday morning, can I have a business card? Fearing that I've lost him at this point, I politely ask if it was what he was expecting, to which he replies, it'e even better!!! If he doesn't ring back Monday, I think I'll close the doors. He was the perfect person (or so I thought) for the car, and the car was perfect for him!! I've never met someone so gushy over a car / brand before. All very odd.......
  18. I assume he's aware he's, 'devaluing' it, every time he uses it?! It's called depreciation Sir...! What a total Cock Womble!!!