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Everything posted by justina3

  1. Those headlights are a shocking design very weak it takes the smallest amount of pressure to break them, depends on how awkward the customer is going to get sometimes its easier to just give them the money back and move on to someone who isnt pond life, for example his next comment could be if your agreeing to pay for the alternator then its logical to assume the lack of charge has killed the battery and therefore i think you should pay for that as well consumable or not. And regarding your comment "it was sold as seen without any warranty" that wont wash and you have already gone back on that by offering the alternator exchange. sigh the joys of retail
  2. You could always use the basic tools on you tube, they have a stabilize feature if you talk about is to cheesy to stand you can even add some sporty music, depends on what your selling most of the kit being sold by umesh needs the highlights pointing out, i sell bread and butter so not a lot to say about a renault clio, but the video still gets a lot of views its good to show the panels are nice and straight and interior hasnt been lived in by a short white fur yorkie.
  3. they dont last long but why not just replace the battery there is a company called beal uk and they do whats called a bat40 which is bigger battery than the standard snap on one but fits in the same hole same fixings ect its a simple change, its about £40 plus vat we just replace ours every year and it works just fine for another year then you notice it starts to struggle time to change it again. edit that if your going to do it let me check the bat number before you order.
  4. Loads of horror stories doing the rounds about the rear axles on fiats 500 falling apart after just a few years, they always look like a drip me up car to me so i dont bother with them. agree with you on the mini front up in the year mini's seem to be bringing only a few pound more than the older ones.
  5. Vans and custom conversions are miles apart in the customer type, a few local garages to me that do what i would call bob the builder vans are dead, lease deals these days are very good so the second hand market is feeling that pressure, Leasing vans makes perfect sense to way more than it does to lease a car.
  6. Surely part of the indemnity you pays ensures the cars history is checked this hasn't happened so the auctions should be your main point to complain
  7. You will have to paint at least some of it then pop into halfords they have a fair selection of mobile phone holders just get the one with the biggest base to it
  8. The home made mechanic or Kwik fit fitter always make me walk off for a cupa, the time served mechanic i love to deal with as there living in the real world, I did sell a car to a VOSA inspector last year who asked if he could check the car using my ramp crack on i said, he then asked what mot station i used when i told him he replied there ok dont mind them, felt if i give him the wrong answer he would have walked, anyway he bought the car and never seen him since he was a nice guy to deal with apart from his big orange coat saying VOSA inspector all over it, i was going to try and pinch his coat watch peoples faces in horror if i walked into the auction with it on.
  9. whats wrong with the good old western union money transfer, seen that used many many times in never never land.
  10. Sold my Cooper today whoop whoop looking over my records the mini us my top margin vehicle
  11. Same as tradex never had an issue on some lumpy stuff I do charge a percentage towards merchant charges as these can soon mount up
  12. plenty of space to cover most price brackets, i am amazed its still there.
  13. I think thats a great looking pitch, you could do some great pos on those walls, up sells on warranty company history so on so on, I think with the power of the internet passing trade isnt as important as it used to be back in the day.
  14. Agree so much poor info out there regarding these, i used to use a great dolly had brakes ect when i bought mine armitage was one of the best brands not sure if it still is, only problem i found with them was there where a nightmare to reverse with, after getting stuck a few times i went on a towing weekend course and bought a trailer and an old rat bag of a shogun job done.
  15. ?? i cant keep up who are these
  16. I used Motors for many years when they where owned by (cant remember the name) but it was part of a newspaper group so it allowed me to put the old fashioned classified adds in my local evening post for pennies sometimes even a few free which was great for our local advertising, then they sold out to the Manhiem group and the phone stopped ringing i have no idea why they spent millions on tv adverts ect but the leads just dried up so i left. and at the price quoted above they have knocked 50% off there rates makes you wonder why
  17. Umm i think you misunderstood what i said or i wrote it wrong, i am far from not affected, fed up of people through the nose and out bidding me on cars, my stock is half what it normally is which must have an affect on my sales, however i refuse to pay over the odds just for it to sit there and wait for me to reduce it down so i make zero on it.
  18. Not down my neck of the woods people are panic buying over paying then having the stock stuck up there jumpers i call it sheep mode, you often see it when stock gets thin on the ground, i would rather have 10 cars owing me the correct money then 20 being stuffed up my rear end. Your logic is sound but in practice i have never seen it work like that in real life.
  19. I think unless your buying right up in the year stock then Glasses guide and similar no longer have any reference to what is going on in the real world i was watching three traders fighting like there lives depended on it over a 55 plate fiesta this morning bought over double cap clean, My point being if i had my trusted little book and went to auction hoping to buy stock in a certain older range the book would be pointless.
  20. I got two booked for today wont be holding my breath...no doubt they will turn up with half the car is marked up for in pound coins which according to mike brewer is meant to me make cave in so i am told.
  21. These kind of questions pop up a lot recently on here, I still struggle what difference or what help it will be knowing what my rent is ? my pitch could be ten times bigger or ten times smaller, I could be on a prestige estate so my rates are treble or in the back of beyond and there almost 0, how can you possibly work out why your quiet from that ? I am lost. anyway apart from that we are desperate quiet as well on the plus side my pacman score is off the chart
  22. I did something similar at the start of the year, but then the guy was on the phone screaming at me and i twigged i only give him my personal account not the business one, and he had indeed paid the deposit as promised. Thankfully i hadnt sold the car so i got away with a very big slice of humble pie and a full tank of fuel for the customer. Clearly a case of to much to do and rushing around like a fool day.
  23. That's almost impossible to answer as each month is very very different, plus each dealer will be totally different in what they pull profit wise from a car, i know a guy who is happy to make £100 a motor so sells over double what i move, however profit is king in my book and i get no where near the amount of headaches he does, then add in the mix people who sell £1000, against people who sell £10,000 I feel the answers you get will give you no help. Turnover is vanity that old chestnut springs to mind