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Everything posted by justina3

  1. Never had a mini without either, I did start under sealing them before they go for mot then the bloody tester puts that down "car has been heavily undersealed" you cant bloody win
  2. or sunbed salons there all the rage with ex car dealers and drug dealers these days
  3. Whilst a lovely idea, however our country has no means or even close to being able to monitor anything let alone the second hand car business, if anything our society is being held together by a shoe string, and a lot worse than joe public will ever know.
  4. I know a lad (dont we all) who buys and sells loads of cat d and to be fair he really does supply a good car, no website just word of mouth loads of lumpy sporty stuff with top profit, but each to there own when you have a web page and it screams written of its very hard to get any calls on them.
  5. Could you give us a little more info as what kind of system it is "management" is quite broad
  6. three times a day, everyone wants a slice of our cash suitcase under our beds
  7. this is why i dont bother the world is nuts, its almost as nuts for the finance company to suggest a return due to the exhaust not being new.
  8. The bigger you are the bigger your headaches become, my model is to have as close to 0 overheads as you can get, and when a quiet month turns up out of the blue i thank my lucky stars i do not have huge dd's going out at the end of the month.
  9. I am not a qualified mechanic but often end up pointing someone who is meant to be qualified in the right direction, qualifications in my view are extremely over rated.
  10. Very hit and miss looking at a graph of sales over the past decade and some years have been rock and roll others have been flat as a pancake.
  11. I have never seen a color change noted on any car over the years so i am sure that they do not search or disclose that kind of info, technically they might be right morally i think there not, but i wouldnt hold your breath on a moral victory with the auctions houses.
  12. I can see Deborah Meaden wincing her eyes at those sums.
  13. I have never heard of a "going rate" know plenty that do it but not something they advertise
  14. I used to reply to everything you never know and all that (but have to admit of late have lost the will the play the game)
  15. That’s a hell of a find, I would have never ended up looking there I am curious as to what pointed you to the squib?
  16. I was on the MX5 band wagon back in the day southampton docks brings back fond memories, I got a friend who does the VW golf thing from germany mostly g60's vr6s and he does well but i would say its more a passion than a business. as mentioned above more info really needed to say if its good bad or ugly.
  17. If your talking about the last few years then i would totally agree, however back in the day when they where linked to the local newspaper it was an amazing media for advertising the rep used to have deals left right and center to get you into the local evening post for pennies, we did very well from it.
  18. Local main dealer just used these people and fair play the finish is like rock https://www.regalfloorpaint.co.uk/?kw=floor%20paints&fl=928722&ci=208855958372&network=s&pm=&dev=c&gclid=CjwKCAiAoqXQBRA8EiwAIIOWslyoLaJ1WJRsVpigM7Ws3sL8FvZ42-6ZE0ss2iXaWlkt2rIXwYgBwxoCXL0QAvD_BwE
  19. me very easy FREE and way to find out what is going on in your area i couldnt give to hoots how much they sell for in Scotland, also handy feature is to be able to click sold for, just because someone advertises a car for £3500 doesnt mean there going to get it, see recently sold items and they might be only fetching £2500 with auction bids. I use my trusty old iphone 6 i must be way behind the times if other dealers are using iphone 17's
  20. Binned mine years ago, with the speed of mobile phones i find you can get a much better picture of the true value of a car, what there asking, what they sold for, how many close to you ect, far more vitual info on line imo
  21. Only advise i could offer is I would ditch the motors cost, the rest you will no doubt learn from the book of hard knocks.
  22. Thats a shitty one, these days once i smell trouble i run for the hills and unwind the deal in my dealings with such pond life it never ever just stops at one complaint the lists just grows daily,all the time there clocking up the miles and hammering the car.