It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. you should fit right in here no introduction nothing asking for likes best of luck some of us work for likes an tings
  2. br brr br brr hello investigation team for auction trotting how may i help
  3. ive just offered 500 big ones for a smoking focus i valued at 100 and he still walked
  4. theres a flaw in this plan that you need to check out carefully you would need to put the car on the mid and its possible depending on your insurer that they would not pay out if it was damaged/totalled,certainly my old insurer LV would only let me put cars registered to my name/trading account before they would insure
  5. or a future customer even if this one isn't for them its all about the attitude in this job
  6. so you have a car someone cant get all their funds at once because they are locked in some bank etc scheme and you wont take the money because you dont want to hold the car for a few weeks to 4 weeks just wow there must be another trader etc you know or even uncle bob where you can stick it up his drive until the day comes ive never turned money down if its a cert
  7. those codes are generic and point to a typical vauxhall problem poor wiring loom look for chafing first missus then consider corrosion in plugs,has car been washed off underbonnet lately?
  8. under 3.5 tonne no you just run and drive no trailers mind thing is not many wagons weigh under 2 tonne with a body on then you have to be wary of overloading an axle with said load easiest answer is a proper pickup and something like a brenderup but then you have to park the trailer somewhere where it cant be pinched
  9. think yourself lucky ,beenaroundtheblock cant get rid of his
  10. if the business is there then its a good idea to lease the machine if not just use the local good supplier when needs must im past putting slogans or we'had a good deal 'stuff in cars they always know where you are when they have a problem and they sure as hell arent going to walk out to the car in the rain to tell their best mate what the phone number of your gaff is we have internet for these things these days no vanity here just profit required thank you..............
  11. thats best you get more for your money that way
  12. my local hospice shop always has some bargains in the dead mens clothes section,only thing is they aren't allowed to sell belts anymore because the local MP had bought one stuck an orange in his gob and dangled himself from his wardrobe, so you will just have to find a bit of string to hold your kegs up with hth....................
  13. im sat here now waiting for my cyber pint
  14. are these still on the hot wall? i thought it was now on the cool wall
  15. run away can you imagine the grief this could cause is someone dangling the bag of silver? ive sent a couple of customers abroad lately but all weve dne is the usual full pi full proper service new mot full global scan they understood
  16. i took a titty ho car motor company window sticker out the other month didnt want any tittering in the back
  17. maccy dee wrappers and orange flavour used condoms then
  18. they used to do synthetic paint you would put it on top of the gas heater at work with the top off until t was boiling and bubbling bang some white spirit in and get it in the gun and squirt it fast next morning it would shine like a dogs nob with no polishing needed any runs had gb stickers added or we been to bognor those were the days ask yer grandad
  19. we used to chuck coffee on the big runs when we had them painted in the 80's with sadolin
  20. i put up all my prices and the sales are coming in weird but there you go punters obviously want to get rid of their lolly before our great new leader leads us to the better land