It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. i think tonys 2 posts sum up the situation totally my only input would be if you think a sale is going to be a future trouble one never ever complete the sale,ive always done this,ok i might have fallen out with a few people over the years but i sleep easier and ive been to court..........not nice see tony.s post again
  2. some 3 inch nails should do it remember to bend the ends over though we dont want them making a claim when they catch their eyeball on it putting on lippie as they drive the M5 PS never use superglue especially on fords....dont ask
  3. i was buying a chryslar impsillion yesterday ,it was for nothing but then i thought how will i sell it? this new approach just shoots further any reason to use autotrader because an advert for this car would just never be viewed because i would be selling it on price and price only
  4. i get really upset when i forget im homing spiders and murder them as i point the powerful washy thing at the mirrors :-(
  5. you guys are all awful we all know the car is cursed and needs lashings of wooden stakes hammered in the roof during a full moon and your undercrackers on your head
  6. the cheap testers are literally a lot of hopefully copper wire wrapped round something when you put it on a battery it is literally a full short,this is to simulate a full load being taken out of the battery aka to a cold start with cold oil my old drop tester with 15 years of dust+
  7. i have a proper drop tester but wont use it on modern batteries of any kind its too easy to use one on a faulty battery that will explode before you realise the plates are bending its best as already stated to give a suspect battery a trickle charge then load test it on the car most of these so called battery testers are snake oils to sell mushers a battery they need to be used with caution just my two pennorth.
  8. as the header says you could write war and peace in your adverts but when customer turns up they cant often even remember what they've come for this is where personal service comes in plus impeccable detailed cars followed up by explaining in words what procedures your cars go through prior to being offered for sale once sale agreed customer then signs all paperwork including confirmation they've seen pdi, have seen and had time to see my warranty and then of course the signature on the legal document to purchase ie the receipt ...........i understand this is a contract to purchase and i am over 18 etc......... the hardest bit is getting the viewing so even i now answer txts emails pop ups promptly thanks to kindly kicking from this forum...........thanks chapps chappesses
  9. the factory head units cause parasitic drain in fiats like these highly unlikely to be a bsi problem ideally you need an auto electrician to isolate the drain ie disconnect ice unit and go from there so many people just want to blame ecus makes me think they have a vested interest (kickback~)
  10. we use the plates method what a picture what a memory,flash bang......................
  11. it constantly amazes how some people dress each day,the current trend seems to be old curtains again a lot of this i believe is down to what they are viewing on can you turn these turn ups into sales somehow?
  12. taxed at PO (THERE WAS NO LOG BOOK) and gone,man happy.............. me happy
  13. its working again so weve just gone to the main town with those iron horses to pick him up
  14. so to summarise it might have a mileage anomaly its a million miles away its obviously cheap and nobody else wants it its had a plate change and showing low mileage so probably hiding a vcar tag too nothing to lose then get it bought
  15. nice to see you are putting it in trade lots of traders bluff their way at the door of people and skank the whole log books away causing untold headaches for the selling owners
  16. just seen a few of these boxes locked up/no gears ,ive assumed diff drop but it could be anything
  17. me too also goods in transit for business use (no pizza deliveries mind) a few years ago i looked into using i think it was road+++ trade insurance as my premium had nearly doubled,i nearly signed up till i went online to see the small print no personal cars no sdp no goods carrying in relation to your business it might have changed now or it might not have
  18. well half of the title is right ive got a customer approaching from 100 miles away and im unable to tax their car due to dvla maintenance only these people and tsb bank would crash their systems on a friday morning
  19. how can it be taxed and in trade its an oxymoron and sounds a recipe for disaster i would never do it,i had the warning letter from dvla last year regarding this practise and to be honest i value my trade plates too much to lose them if i got done for a criminal tax prosecution
  20. i dont like to worry you but is it the diff thats dropping
  21. exactly dont do mens work if you cant hack it auctions should be trade only
  22. i agree with him if it was say silver its not too bad but a mint coloured one hmm
  23. why isnt it right? for me its a full time occupation to them its saving money taking bread off my table,these same people want to rob you blind if they are plumbers solicitors chippies etc if you dare ask for a quote bring it on gets them trotted yee har................