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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. An entry for RH Trafing’s diary for 2019 me thinks
  2. I didn’t know that clause. I just presumed you could say for December and January, I want to drop my package.
  3. Cant you halve your contracted package for 2 months = same effect as Feb and March for you then.
  4. What area Andy? I know a good couple in Halesowen, West Midlands area.
  5. I think it is what it is. Your contract (and therefore beef) is with the factor, you agreed to parts only warranty (or at least that's all they offer and you proceeded to use and so by default accept that principle - same regardless of what it is, engine, battery you name it).
  6. No that was also our misunderstood forum colleague Justin(a) - BHM barks enough without needing a Doberman.
  7. Do you also remember another spin off - Top Marques, that was early 90’s too and the reason we are now called Imperial (our road name) and Marques (a play on my name, stolen from Top Marques Mag). In hindsight, if anyone else asks me what sort of Marquees we offer.........
  8. I might be wrong and maybe not double but I bet dealers, new and established have some extra stock which maybe isn't ready to go (i.e. not worth paying to advertise but if "free" why not). Take AD for example - I think Simon advertises 12 and always seems to have another 4 or so in prep - I am sure they'll be going on 100% ready or not, with or without a video. I am trying to get to 12 always ready to go (except MOT) and another 3 always in prep stage ready to fill empty advertisment slots as I am hoping not to come off the double package come Feb, which is why AT do this for sure (and it is a quiet time, so trying to keep people in contract). They'll enjoy the Feb March offer more I suppose
  9. I see it as a consequence of business. How many times have I given up time to help a customer when it turns out to be operator error (elec roof not working- reason = load partition cover not deployed). I don't charge the customer and I don't imagine you would have Dave, if the battery wasn't at fault. It's just a cost to the business although I do agree if you had to remove an engine and refit due to a parts failure but then I would be pursuing the engine (or part) supplier for reimbursment not messing with my very tidy books. Just IMO.
  10. I have been busy trying to get plenty of cars in and ready for 1st December free double up but have sold a few this week (strange to think, oh bloody hell - still need more, when really I am very happy to have moved some metal)). There I am expecting to have tons of enquiries because I will have double the stock advertised but in reality, there will be more or less double the entire AT offering because we are all doing the same. Question is will it make much difference (either way). It's December Everyone Else on AT gets the same benefit Only time will tell.
  11. Best Newbie : EPV Best Useful Techy Contribution: Dave23453426487987653426374985962415376889172634517284394595 Sunseeker & Ferrari Most frustrating post: CRA Most helpful member- Nick Grumpiest Member- BHM Thick Skinned Tenacity/Comedy Gold - Benji Most Annoying Subject - Making Tax Difficult (I mean Digital) Oh No Not Again Award: How to tax a smoker (I started it) Most polite - Umesh Best fatherly resource - TV Happiest face: AD Most money (to burn) and very respectful/polite I may add - Lucas Biggest run of bad luck of late - EPV Fattest: - Me or Tradex
  12. Personally, I always smoke the cheapest car I have in stock but enough is enough and next week I am going to smoke/keep the Disco until/unless someone offers me mega bucks (and I do mean mega bucks)
  13. Thanks Blenheim and yes, you're right - I like to place a few proxy bids but can't
  14. Guys Please can someone take a look at BCA Online for today and try and find Wolverhampton, starting at 15.50 - it is not showing on mine. Call to auction centre says it is?
  15. BMW 1 series in white diesel (116D.118D ideally), around 08-11 plate with sensible mileage, history half decent spec. Customer has £6,000 to spend - I will look after recon, MOT/Service etc and need to draw a bag out of it. Here's the issue - I need it within 48 hours. I sold my white one yesterday typically. Cheers, Mark
  16. Unless it is a warranty claim
  17. What about cherished transfers? - I've got a right one on the go (VAG drivers). Had to be done by post because there was a gap in RFL - sent all forms and DVLA messed up, customer calling me out on it as well as saying I had taken too much money and got my invoice calculations wrong. After 3 attempts to explain the maths, they finally agreed I was right having forgotten to carry the one over in their manual calculations. The best bit............retired maths teacher.
  18. +1 I used to curse at sitting there for hours with my fruit and veg counter type ticket but always got things done the same day
  19. Or the accident you Mom and Dad had 50 years ago
  20. I would also allow the report to go ahead but stress whatever the diagnosis, the cost of said report is on the person instructing it and until a non-refunadble deposit is placed, the car remains ON SALE.
  21. Cheers Dave I did (as a hopeful fix, it didn't) a transmission fluid and filter change on an RR sport (same engine), using (I think Britpart) hack - you cut the original oil pick up tube and replace the original sump (with filter insitu), this way you can slide the new replacement and new tube/filter/sump in above the crossmember without removing it. Such a shame because for an early RRS, it was the prettiest one I had seen, HSE, 22" Stormers, dechromed (but not chavvy). Transmission firm said it could be a £500 fix or a £3,000 fix, a gamble I wasn't prepared to take. Apparently, you can't just swap boxes around, it is all ECU this and ECU that, then it might still want a set of solenoids.
  22. Thanks Nick They're already pushing me for a facility even though I haven't got 12 months trading - they say I have enough assets (scary)
  23. At some stage Nick, I want to pick your brains - Close are keen to do something with me and I know you have good experiences with their offerings. Would you mind if I contact you once my FCA is approved? Cheers, Mark