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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. I have 1600 sq ft (including office) I can easily store 9 inside, 10 if I get creative. Room for 8 outside too. Unit is almost a perfect square 40 x 40. Wouldn’t want to go any smaller.
  2. I have done a half way thingy. Filled in V62 and got customer to sign but with a change of address to mine (save bothering the old dear again, or chasing her, or hoping she doesn't bin it as she has already lost my cheque). All things being equal, I should receive the new V5 still in customers name but delivered to my address, then I will simply place the car in trade. I even used a postal order (first time ever), to avoid my details being on the cheque further muddying the waters. Fingers crossed.
  3. I wouldn't be here if I did
  4. Not to be argumentative but just to offer some balance. I may have been lucky but as yet, I have no single complaint with DVLA - they have always been helpful and prompt and the Online system works for 90+% of everything I need to do day to day. I do not work for the DVLA, never have, nor do I know anyone who does, it is just my experience so far.
  5. Close Brothers - free Gentlemans agreement that I reward their efforts with some business.
  6. I have a Class 1 HGV licence but gaining an O licence is too much of a faff - plus sometimes the truck is in the unit, other times it is at home. I don't think even my reasonable neighbours would appreciate 44 tons and 11 cars outside overnight. I would consider a smart 7.5t two car transporter and trailer option though (still need O licence though)
  7. I thought a "dolly" can only be used for recovery?
  8. +1 I did and it already earns its keep - all vehicles back within 24 hours of auction close (5 the other week). Again, be careful with payload - dont expect to carry anything much bigger/heavier than a small hatch - I have 1500kg payload but only if I don't have lunch that day.
  9. I thought you might be with someone else (wife, friend, etc) whom could drive one and you the other? You’re not going on your own are you, you know.... to find yourself, be at one with nature.
  10. Pick the Pug up on the way back, you’re driving passed the door.
  11. And me, unless I am being specifically retained to source a particular type of vehicle. If it looks value, needs minimal recon and I can see 4 figures across it, I'm on it - especially if a little odd ball.
  12. Thanks Nick - I don't have an HPI package, I use Cazana and as far as I am aware, this is not part of their deal.
  13. I'm always being asked for this, how do you go about getting this please?
  14. Thank you Umesh I will try that if they haven’t found it by Monday. I don’t relish explaining that to these almost 90 year olds mind. Worth a shot I suppose so thanks again
  15. Hi Guys I have just collected at Skoda Yeti 2013 with 3,000 miles (yes 3k) 1 owner unused for last 18 months. Elderly couple who have given up driving. Can’t find their log book. Obviously the value in this car is the 1 owner 3k miles. Can I apply for a logbook and put the car straight into trade (I.e no additional keeper) or do I do as I have started and apply in their name and ask them to notify me when it arrives? Trouble is, they can’t even remember which one of their names it was registered in when new. Cheers All
  16. I have one of these and it works brilliantly everytime - not sure why I want a compass though.
  17. Walsall is a very tired, dirty site and god help you if you need a piss whilst you're there. Freezing cold toilet block, filthy, horrible, nasty place - switch to Wolverhampton and it is polar opposite.
  18. I thought you just wanted the circular piece of ply that goes under the boot carpet to stop it sinking into the spare wheel well. I thought a main dealer would only charge about £30 for that.
  19. You're ex construction aren't you (like me) must know a few chippies (I know you like a kebab lol) They probably will not stock it but more than likely next day. I doubt there are many available at breakers yet or any that can be arsed to find a £10 bit of board. I agree with you on the parts gateway stuff, they never return any results for me either (but we do have a few good breakers locally).
  20. I get on really well with the main auctioneer, he's a top boke to be fair. His sidekick on the other hand ouzes arrogance and is obvious with his phantom bids. Young lad, never cracks a smile or any courtesy in or out of the hall. Made me smile the other week when I was collecting the last car close to closing time, to see him climb into a shitty i10 or similar (after giving it large all day).
  21. Have you tried Dacia/Renault. You might be surprised how inexpensive their parts departments are. Failing that, make one out of thin ply.
  22. Is it Jim? Auctoneer terminology is great: Quick car = beat the traffic High Miles = been busy or someone liked driving it MPV = get the whole family in that Bag of scrap = looks well Accident damaged = needs a polish
  23. +1 I can't believe how many people ask me this question,'s my job?