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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. I'm going to open a can of worms again and say. This is one Topic which should be in the Secret Room. Google CRA and customer may land here
  2. Doesn't affect me Stalker - I have my own Lechler paint scheme and mix my own
  3. Is it me? How on earth could anyone think we are only responsible for existing faults? Surely it is our job to put faults right so that the car leaves fault free (meaning we would be liable for nothing). I personally consider myself responsible for all faults past, present or future for 6 months (unless I have told the customer and stated on the PDI something like AC not working, customer aware). I say within 3 months (my warranty period) I will fix everything except wear and tear items (I mean obvious ones like tyres), hoping they agree to that and don't start spouting CRA. After 3 months, I would dig my heels in but as an honest trader, I genuinely want my customers to come back if they have a fault on their cars within 3 months. Of course, I hope they don't have the need to but equally I am more than happy to oblige. I can categorically state that there is not one customer whom wouldn't buy another car from me or recommend me to a friend. For the avoidance of doubt, Of course we ARE repsonsible for NEW faults except fair wear and tear.
  4. See I disagree - the warranty is valid for 3 months or 3k. IMO the owner deserves the cars warranty to be validated regardless whether the car is work a quid or a hundred grand. Otherwise, what’s the point in doing what we do, what value do we add? Caveat - except when you have done a deal with Billy for a sold as is and he is renaging on the deal, i.e wanting his cake and eating it. Again, so what whether it was there before or not and IMO, even a clutch isn’t a wear n tear item within my warranty period (not sure what else could even be argued as wear n tear in a gearbox). I think it is completely reasonable for a customer to expect his gearbox to last throughout the warranty, regardless whether it is a wear and tear item or not.
  5. But Halfords are open 7 days a week until late - otherwise I completely agree with you.
  6. I and the 3rd party garage both use the Snap On Solus, a great piece of kit but even that cannot go as deep as full dealer level diagnostics, so whilst you clearly make every feasible effort, it isn't fool proof and like you say, it won't pick up a worn bearing, so a moot point in this particluar OP.
  7. That might be the difference, you say we whereas I am I (by my self). Who does you scanning, I'm confused
  8. Who cares whether the fault was there at POS or developed since purchase? Of course the fault developed since purchase, that's the whole point of a warranty and probably the reason a customer bought from a dealer instead of chancing their luck by buying privately. Is it just me, as responsible dealers (whom most here seem to be) - we ensure there are no faults at POS (unless noted and customer informed) and we honour our warranties within 3 months (or whatever term we agree). Why are we talking about getting out of fixing things (within warranty). It might be a cheap car but to some people, spending £2k is the equivalent to some of us spending £20k.
  9. I moan how busy I can be, trying to be in 3 places at once most of the time, then I moan when it is quiet/little to do - I'm just a moaner I guess. I would love the pace to even out, so every day is busy rather than caotic, hectic or slow.
  10. I could not agree more. For me, if it fails within 3 months/3,000 miles (except tyres or breakage due to an accident) I'm gonna fix it - that's my self funded warranty and I would stand by that. >3 Months, I will take my chances and do everything to help besides paying. How on earth can you drive every car 100 miles? for me, that would be 1500 miles per month on top of sourcing, collecting, prepping, advertising, selling, warranty repairs oh and sleep - not realsitic.
  11. Was it after 3 months or within 3 months and what warranty did you offer the guy? No biggie, worst case car back - refund minus usage charge at 50ppm (and hope he's done close to 6k miles)
  12. Now that was funny. To be fair I used to use them on the pitch + bunting + boots open, now that just makes me cringe. The bunting did have one useful benefit, it scared the birds (flying type) away = less shit.
  13. I had a Chevette, tried selling the plate ALF 225S (didn't happen)
  14. If you get in to this game, your next post might be a repeat of your first line here. Rude question, how old are you? I am 44 with 3 points, had 3 or 4 years personal NCB. Trade from home, unlimited number of stock up to £20k per unit including personal use. Off road, on road you name it, online MID updates and I paid about £1400 (+ another £500 for telling them that I had incorporated the business - still stings). Tradewise via Autonet Insurance. I reckon you were living in Oz by the way.
  15. I have the exact same one albeit rebranded by yet another importer, paid £169 delivered (but I live in the middle of the country so free postage). Cracking for the money but mine is a pig to start until warm. Maybe I should change the plug?
  16. My mates got a newly built (albeit basic) unit on a farm. The farmer is gradually building several (about 20 so far) sheds and wait for it £250 month all in. At 44, I'm probably already too old to bother joining the list Seriously though, I would be happy with any old shit storage. Continue trading form home and pay for a wash, dry tyre shine before the pre appointed punter turns up. I just need somewhere to stick the over stock and rotate as and when someone requests a viewing.
  17. I'd but 2 or 3 more stock cars instead
  18. I used to do that too but if I'm honest, it was only to stroke my ego.
  19. If a car had "as new" plates on without any chavvy emblems, I wouldn't do them. Cars that need new plates, why not add your name £40 one off feee (unless I have made a mistake)
  20. I am considering this and I do have a few £30, £20 RFL cars in stock. Unfortunately, on my side of the cul de sac most have drives, the other side is all huge three storey Victorian houses none of which have drives but many have 2-3 cars. Their side of the road is carnage and my only saving grace is that although it looks like a forecourt (minus the bunting and signs) I DO NOT take up anyone elses already limited space.
  21. I've got stock coming out of my ears (for a doorstepper). 11 on driveway, 3 with valeter, 1 in workshop and 2 sold waiting for collection. I reckon my new wrecker may just tip the neighbours over the edge. Oh, and 1 more stored in my mates unit because I'm completely out of space - where do all the other doorsteppers keep excess stock? I need to think outside the box. Nothing is in the road I may add.
  22. I went to Santander with about £7k in notes, sent to post office. Other day, I had a taxi waiting (on way to collect a car) outside the bank. I queued and queued for the one cashier whom said, "Is that cheque for a business account, we can't accept that over the counter, you will have to use the machine." Touch screen was really slow and I nearly walked out in handcuffs.
  23. This is what I did (James)