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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. I really like the pictures you take at home Simon, I think that is as near perfect as you can hope for.
  2. Thanks NOACROSS - two PX at cost (needed rid) the rest proper (and I do mean proper four figure) margins. Have more or less reinvested the capital plus profit into more stock and higher value, whilst enjoying a decent wage. It’s why we do this stuff - right? Thanks again mate, I’m chuffed to bits with the last two months.
  3. 12 sold and gone, 1 deposit paid, collect 7th July - total stock 11
  4. TV - you talk an awful lot about “our guys.” Whom are you referring to, have you sold your business and working out your contract or P/T or consultant or....? Just intrigued.
  5. I trailed that site but at more than £600 a year, it’s something I can manage easily on Excel
  6. I list everything bought the same evening - no pics save for generic “just arrived - pics coming soon” - on collection day usually the day after sale - mini valet - list in and out pics and video. Then off to workshop for MOT and service ready for sale. More often than not I sell cars prior to MOT and service - take deposit and arrange collection for a few days or week later after all work completed. I have too few cars (about 12) to wait for valet, paint, workshop before listing.
  7. Excel - Stock Book with autocalculation showing Gross Margin, VAT Margin and Nett Margin - needs norhing else.
  8. In the grand scheme of things and as far as admin goes, I am very happy to add each car bought or sold to MID but if I could find a way around updating the bloody stock book with every single VIN, REG and CHASSIS detail, I would be a happy man - it is the ONLY part of the job I hate doing - I have always hated admin. I don't buy as many as most of you, probably 3 a week on average but coming back and filling in the stock book, starting an excel sheet on that specific car, writing key tags out, preparing adverts etc is so time consuming and doing more than one at a time drives me mad. I like buying them and I like selling them and the sooner my business can accomodate/replace two salaries the better (wife and I) - I do the buying, selling, garage stuff and she can manage the office (which is what she does now for a large dealer group).
  9. I disagree with the majority on here. It takes seconds to add or remove a vehicle from MID/cover. Just wait until you get one nicked and your insurance say it wasn't on the MID - or go through an ANPR en route to MOT, Valet, Test Drive or the Like and it picks up the cars plate instead of the trade plate. For me it's a no brainer and it also shows the insurance company that you're a proper trader - remember that post the other day about someone having to prove they're trading - well there's no doubt looking at my insurance portal. It might be a bit belts and braces but if an ANPR equiped patrol car follows me, both the trade plates and the actual car are both shown as on cover - might save a pull for displaying TP's inside the car (which I will continue to do).
  10. On my MID Tradewise - I get the option to state whether the vehicle is for sale or own use. Moreover, I was told that vehicles need to be added with 14 days of acquisition. Just in case, I will continue to add every vehicle which is in my custody or control - it takes 20 seconds and remove once sold - another 20 seconds.
  11. Put all the cars in the sold section and say, they have only left a deposit, if you can better their's yours
  12. I do transfer all ownership at point of sale: Sold car file has: Signed Deposit Form Signed Invoice Form Signed PDI Form HPI Certificate Notice of V5 Transfer/Registration Signed Warranty Form (now self administered) Tax Online (if I have performed the taxing on customers behalf) I should (and I don't) add a copy of the advert too (a pain becuase decsription, apart from mileage, MOT etc differs slightly on each platform depending on number of words allowed)
  13. I love Paul Schofield, so much better than his brother Phillip who used to do his James Herriot impression on a Gofer
  14. I don't think it is the amount of prep you do that is neccessarily wrong, more the time it takes (delay in getting them listed and sold). You're losing weeks in some cases before an advert goes live. Also, IMO the A6 passenger door is going to bite you - arguably a safety issue? 90% of my stock is listed within 24 hours of purchase and then fully prepped and ready with new MOT, service (+ whatever it "needs") within 1 week and lately, sold within 20 days. Only ones that fall outside of that is anything requiring bodyshop work (waiting does my head in) or electrical "issues" which seem to really drag on. Caveat: Your images and presentation (pictures) are amoungst the best I have seen (lose some of the cliche IMO), your website is top quality, you advertise everywhere and have a funding partner, credit cards, self administered warranty - I think as a newbie, you should be applauded. Just speed things up between purchase and readiness for sale is my only advice.
  15. Then you use reserves, knowing that the money is coming - no?
  16. It depends on what package, I have a deal which includes my prevenance (HPI type) checks - about £50-60/month
  17. I know, I get a notification on YouTube everytime you upload a video (I am a believer (sorry subscriber) Simon.
  18. I subscribe to Cazana, which works well for me - quite often it brings up the last advert (if there is one) of the car you are valuing, together with who was selling it. Quite interesting - doesn't happen everytime, just sometimes. It also gives you a good retail price based on live market data I believe.
  19. They're just getting back in mate - they asked me to call them back in a month (that was in February) - because they would be up and running by then. Couldn't wait so I'm with Tradewise. Anyway, back on thread: I have two stories: First, I was selling my boat and someone asked if I would part-ex his motorbike, a Honda Silverwing with an Interstate fairing. Well, I had never heard of them but wanted to the boat gone and a deal was done. I listed it on Ebay (2009 this was) and had more Watchers than I have ever seen on any listing ever and made a fortune on something I didn't even know or like (rode well though). Other week, sold Passat DSG estate for top money (great margin) only to take his older Passat DSG estate in chop - sold it the same day and made another good margin. £2,500 across the two deals in 24 hours. That's what I class as a good PX
  20. My policy is unlimited cars in my custody and control but limited to £20k per car and I only smoke one at a time and wife has company car. 5 is a joke surely, you can't work on that level can you? get a couple of stickers and you are really limiting your stock.
  21. Mark101


    I have a 7+1 package with AT, so I know your pain -12 in stock average and have ditched Ebay now and also not renewing the Shpock experiment (it was an experiment and I spoke to almost all of Jeremy Kyle's guests)