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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. Are you shitting me? Terry is in there telling all the behind the scenes antics (from the other side) I don't remember him Used to love Terry and June
  2. I think it was £40 one off fee. The motor factor can then make my plates up and why not whilst we’re at it, add the company name. You’re right James, it’s vanity but when I often change plates because the existing ones are tired, I thought I would just budget 12.99 to each car and at least lose all the crap Union Jack, Euro flag, welsh dragon stuff and promote? my business instead of the last supplying dealer. Makes me at least proud to see one of my cars being used around town.
  3. I always say that cash is my least preferred payment method. Transfer being favourite (until I get FCA).
  4. I’m not sure any incremental business will come as a result of a little name on a number plate. having said that, I normally put new plates on because they make the car look so much brighter. I have just sent DVLA app off for permission to supply plates. for £12 a set with my name on, it is a no brainier and adds that little bit of professionalism. Years down the line, it’s surprising how many you see about town.
  5. Wrong topic The only thing wrong about Freemasonry is misguided outsiders perception of all the good work they do
  6. Thanks for the update - two bites of the cherry
  7. Bloody hell you're all too kind. I bought an under 2 year old Range Vogue for £47,500, traded it in with same dealer after 3 months and took a £9,000 hit.
  8. Didn't need to Google that one
  9. 8 for me - 6 gone, 2 with holding deposits for collection before month end.
  10. £140 is tops for me. Had a result with a Merc key, usually North of £200. I agreed to be gineau pig to trial his "new" software for Merc and he succeeded - new key, coded and my cost........ £70
  11. I could have filled your spaces for two weeks, just considering "upping" my contracted number. Enjoy your hols mate
  12. I always make sure there are two keys (unless it is a shitter or cheap PX). Costs around £140 but like you say, 1 key does look a bit shitty at hand over.
  13. Try these guys Very good from my experience
  14. I've just had to Google HTH because you keep writing it and I had no idea lol (irony)
  15. You were happy with the initial price, only increasing through frustration (we have all been there). Accept it, in effect you've only been chipped £89 - the extra £200 was never "real"
  16. Exactly that. Insurance, Ltd No. and in 24 hours later
  17. I print two copes confirming the transfer, one for them, one for that specific car file.
  18. If we start using the PML as our general chat page, they will follow...... Most of the other forum headings don't get utilised, so just farm it all over to private.....please. Especially when one post the other day inadvertently left the customers phone number on a copied and pasted transcipt - whoops