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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. That and. Two happiest times for a boat owner, the day they buy it and the day they sell it
  2. Could be several reasons: 1) Reserve met - await a cheque 2) Didn't get any bids - re-enter or collect 3) They haven't got around to calling you yet to discuss the provisional bid (albeit this is unlikely because they want the cars gone asap). Give it until Monday lunchtime and then ring. Option 1 or 2 most likely.
  3. I used to do 6 races per week in my prime including National championships and also teach sailing if they want some help on their new yacht. Bloody expensive hobby but I have seen the light and sold my yacht, I now bare boat charter (rent) as I was told many years ago: If you want a boat, stand at the end of the jetty and chuck £50 notes in the water, one after an other. Or better still; If it flies, floats or it!
  4. I don't get the whole VW thing, whether that be the original camper, the wedge or the latest T whatevers. If I am paying £40k + for somewhere to sleep, it needs to have full standing headroom (I don't sleep standing up mind), a kitchen and most importantly, somewhere I can shit without walking across a field with a load of wannabe hippies born too late to really recall the 60's. Plus, many of them are complete bores. My mate has one of the most expensive and rare vans (about £70-80k) and it is valuable becuase it has a certain number of windows - think it is a Samba or something from Calafornia and about a thousand years old - does nothing for me. He also has a new A Class (German) quality motor home, that's more to my liking but he reckons his classic is worth more - not to me it isn't. He also has the Jags, Porkers, Rangies etc but it's the camper he (bores) me about. Having said all that, I admire the work MrC does, it looks top quality and I can see why he does well. Me, I'm into boats in a big way - you know the ones with a stick and rags hanging off them - I could bore you for hours on that subject.
  5. That’s my plan - less stock but high value, like 2 to 4 £50-100k motors to create some sort of income post (semi) retirement.
  6. She could probably do much better than most BCA drivers
  7. Thanks Mikey but what magic did you use to do that?
  8. Does that work? How do you imbed an image on here, I am soooo old
  9. I think so, thanks for the advice mate. Having said that, the CRV was a Shpock enquiry - weird. I will give you a bell tomorrow if you're free - I've got prep and deliveries coming out of my ears.
  10. Finally started to pick up. Two collected yesterday, deposit on CRV and someone seriously considering the Yeti. Volvo V70 being collected today too.
  11. Personally, I would say go for it, after .......................... You have all your ducks in a row: Stay employed and use your spare time to source ALL your stock, get the first batch prepped and ready to show/go - then switch. Don't under estimate how long it takes to gear up to 10 good buys, all prepped, all pictured, all advertised, all recon and ready to go. Where's your income coming from in the first couple of months whilst you're spending time doing this? Make the most of your Dad's garage space and start filling it before you quit a wage. Just my opinion but go for it, if you're not happy.
  12. Some of the jokes were crap but they help during this quiet time to lift my Moo.....d
  13. I do a lot (relatively) of BMW stock and Merc. Speak as you find, I haven't (touch wood) had any serious issues with BMW or Merc. My most expensive warranty to date was a Scirocco requiring both EGR valve and EGR cooler to fix the fault. Vauxhall on the other hand, not a chance, not here, not ever (unless in chop).
  14. I use Cazana - on a contract. 10 by provenance checks per month (which roll over if unused) and 1200 price searches per year - cost about £50-60 month. There are some good insights on there too, many include a copy of its last advert if sold in the not too distant past. speak to Kieran - he is on here.
  15. Hopefully, the only consequence of this is that AT try to become more competitive.
  16. Price always plays a part but it is NOT everything. I am (normally) always above AT retail checker and invariably (unless a rare car) I rarely appear on page one of searches. My stock takes much longer to sell than most but it does always sell, you just need that one person for that one car. I remain convinced that for most sensible and normal (the ones I want to deal with anyway) people see paying £250-500 more for a straight car, low owners, plenty of history and well prepped backed by a good warranty (in house) and on their doorstep as good value (or better value than driving hundreds of miles in the hope they might find a golden egg, only to be dissapointed by a poorly described advert). Having said that, I am so so so so quiet this month (and last to a degree) but did get a Volvo V70 away yesterday (deposit left) with a healthy margin deep in to four figures and a repeat customer is finally coming to collect their BMW they reserved at the weekend with similar margins. So finally a few quid back in my direction. I target 8-10 cars for any given month and so far have only done 2 retail (good margins) and 1 Ebay auction (loss £150). Way behind. It always comes back, so as others have said - don't panic, tweak adverts, clean cars, clean the office and workshop/showroom - get ready for a flood of enquiries. I had a long chat with EPV (James) the other day and he offered me some sound advice and took the time to review a couple of my ads for me - it really does help to talk to fellow traders in this "lonely" at times job.
  17. They might be grey actually as I have never seen one
  18. Simon's is double that, his unit is twice the size of mine.