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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. How old are you Dealer? I am 45 in December and was divorced with 2 kids at 24. Life is great now (tough as a young dad/limited cash) but now I gloat at my friends who did things in a more traditional manner - live first, then marry, then kids. My kids came to live with me in their teens (both moved on now). You think the motor trade is tough
  2. It’s like a mad house now (dad and step mother’s house). She’s mad, he’s deaf and it’s almost as if they have a script of everything they need to say and you’ve little to no chance of getting a word in - TV (not our colleague) is on super loud and my head is spinning by the time I leave. Mind you, they love a drink and I would hate to offend. I know mate but many a true word and all that. Of course the cars are shit - for example I’ve got an E280 sport arriving this week - the equivalent would cost you £50-60k new, so one for sale at £4000 is going to be shit (by comparison). I would love a big old S Class - I think they’re great. Shit off road though and winter is coming.
  3. For the record, I will fix my dads car for ever without any complaints. He bought me up as a single dad from the age of 5 whilst running a successful business and gave me a childhood some people can only dream of - he truly is the nicest, gentlest, kindest most humble person you could ever meet (and people continue to tell me how much they love him) He is my hero but he is fucking irritating now he has gone deaf.
  4. I agree with all that apart from prep - notwithstanding this was for Dad, I go well OTT on prep but yes, quite often stock can be shit. I often think, if a car is absolutely perfect why would someone be changing it (in the price range I deal in, run of the mill stuff approx £4-8k on average). That doesn’t bother me because often I can fix them relatively cheaply (trade actual vs. Private perception) and get a good return. lately DMF 1 Series (LUK with clutch kit too - £460 punters think it’s a grand and get rid quick) MX5 - hunting like a bastard - split pipe and short MOT - under £300 Timing Belts due - quite inexpensive My cars then look good value with full MOT, up to date Service, Valet, PDI and all faults fixed.
  5. Thanks Tim It looks like I will get the award for bad run of luck from current runner EPV. After all this shit yesterday - get to work to a message from the winning bidder on my truck pulling out because it won’t carry his choice of cars. And, after many many emails, videos spent on Friday to a Polish buyer on a 325 coupe - he arrives, spends 2 hours crabbing followed by a test drive (which I explained twice the rules) only to be told he loves it and is going away to have a think. You’re right Tradex - I’m not worried about what the fix is - I will do whatever it takes, my only issue is pushing the garage to do something tomorrow when I spent last week backing them up after a good run. I will hopefully be laughing about it with you all by Wednesday. Thanks for all your kind words - not one bit of abuse
  6. Thanks David Thank you Stocked Up
  7. I feel shit for my dad to be honest. I bought him as a gift a Disco at the thick end of £30k and he was beside himself with happiness and gratefulness. Fast forward almost 6 years and he now lives back in UK and is 79 - doesn’t do the mileage, car is starting to need some £ spending (EGR, timing belt overdue, major service etc), RFL is over £500 and it does about 27mpg. Dad is no way skint but because he doesn’t earn a wage anymore, he hates to spend unnecessarily, despite still owning a number of properties which he rents out (I think asset rich cash poor is his favourite expression). So the solution is a 116D BM, £30 RFL 50+ mpg all sorted and ready to his spec (tow bar for his little trailer etc) We just agreed a straight swap, it suits me because a good Land Rover does everything I need and will tow 3500kg, fit the dog in the boot for muddy walks, get me anywhere if ever we have any snow (oh I hope we do) and is generally a nice place to be. My point is, no money is changing hands - I just wanted to get him a car that more suits his life style and one that suits mine - I just can’t quite believe how it has turned to such rat shit.
  8. You going to grow the big tash and Hasselhoff style mop for the occasion - or are you done with the Magnum impressions now - more Don Johnson for Miami (you’d probably we Donna Johnson though, just to confuse us) Like every week now, I shall be open 8.30 to 5.30 working week, bank holidays and weekends by appointment.
  9. Exactly what I have just googled too, so keep fingers very crossed and would tie-in with a sudden failure IMLO (limited) I am in work today and just started the BMW and it appears to be shaking less (haven't driven it yet because someone is due here any minute). Would DMF get worse with engine temperature? How can I tell if engine mounting is shot? Sorry - I'm doing a Benji
  10. Better still if it is a mounting
  11. Well that's my diagnosis so far - I will get the garage to take a look tomorrow and update everyone with the outcome.
  12. I have a "free" basic AA thing (only to local garage) with my bank but you're probably right. It's life, it's embarassing but I will get it sorted. Dave you're the transmission guru - can a DMF simply fail that quickly, i.e. have I diagnosed correctly? Car was driving beautifully, I took a sharpish turn changing my mind deciding I could hold my piss a while longer and skip the services; I accelerated away, knowing I was in the wrong lane. This is when I said, "that doesn't feel right" I thought it was a wheel out of balance for a minute or two - pulled into a layby and it was shaking its tits off but gets smoother with speed. I would have thought (completely guessing) that a DMF would slowly start to fail, not instantly go from perfect to a shaking wreck. Car still drives and pulls perfectly (albeit shakey), no drop in performance at all, so hopefully ruling out an injector??? Gentle please, I am talking from experience not intelligence or knowledge - the last 1 Series had a DMF in and displyed similar qualities beforehand.
  13. I'm only pissed off for my Dad's sake - I have left him with no car after he was looking forward to his new(er) car. Hoping my garage can replace clutch and DMF Monday/Tuesday - get it delivered on Tuesday night. Fingers crossed.
  14. Cheers Sparky - it drove beautifully up until “that moment” so you may be right. My plan is to get the BM fixed and delivered to my Dad, collect DS3 and bring back to me. I live in Kidderminster Unit is in Worcester Dad is in Buckley if you have a transport co. I would be very interested - thanks
  15. Long story but I need to share yesterday’s events. Regulars will recall that I have taken my Dad’s Disco 3 in PX against a BMW 1 Series. Having bought him the Disco about 5-6 years ago, I knew I would struggle meeting his expectations of a new smaller, more economical car vs. The comfort of the Disco HSE. When I say no expense spared, I have done everything to this BM ready for him to receive on Saturday. New MOT, New Full Service, New Towbar, New Streaming Parrot Kit, New and Boxed Tom Tom, Taxed - ready to go. I travel home in the car on Friday night and the next morning, the wife, me and the dog set off for North Wales. I get about half way and suddenly, that doesn’t feel right - I pull over and it feels like it’s thrown a DMF. I call my Dad to explain and that I will go back to the unit in Worcester and loan him my Citroen DS3 for a week whilst I get the DMF replaced providing he will insure it - he does. I drive to the unit, dig out the DS3, swap all the stuff between the cars, refuel and start again. (Time is now 1.30pm, we were due at their house at 12.00pm). My Mrs drives because I am pissed off, I say let’s go a different way because I am so fed up with this same road and I am sure we can cut a corner - blind lanes for 30 miles but eventually end up back on the same A5 road heading towards North Wales - Nikki says this car drives so nicely (it does/did) get within 35 miles of their home (almost exactly the same location as the BM) - car goes into limp mode - engine fault, traction control - max revs 2,000 and rough. I didn’t think to bring my reader but decided (as we are closer to their new house to ours) to limp it to Dads and then call AA for a diog (don’t have relay). Most stressful shitty limp along dual carriageways for 35 miles ever. Get within 3 miles and spot a sales pitch - I ask the guy if you could help a fellow trader and lend me a code reader just to see if I could reset the fault and at least know that it is nothing serious and whether it would drive back etc. The result - it has thrown number 3 injector. I now have a Disco, a broken BM in Worcester needing DMF and a broken DS3 in North Wales needing transporting. What are the chances.
  16. Long story but I need to share yesterday’s events. Regulars will recall that I have taken my Dad’s Disco 3 in PX against a BMW 1 Series. Having bought him the Disco about 5-6 years ago, I knew I would struggle meeting his expectations of a new smaller, more economical car vs. The comfort of the Disco HSE. When I say no expense spared, I have done everything to this BM ready for him to receive on Saturday. New MOT, New Full Service, New Towbar, New Streaming Parrot Kit, New and Boxed Tom Tom, Taxed - ready to go. I travel home in the car on Friday night and the next morning, the wife, me and the dog set off for North Wales. I get about half way and suddenly, that doesn’t feel right - I pull over and it feels like it’s thrown a DMF. I call my Dad to explain and that I will go back to the unit in Worcester and loan him my Citroen DS3 for a week whilst I get the DMF replaced providing he will ensure it - he does. I drive to the unit, dig out the DS3, swap all the stuff between the cars, refuel and start again. (Time is now 1.30pm, we were due at their house at 12.00pm). My Mrs drives because I am pissed off, I say let’s go a different way because I am so fed up with this same road and I am sure we can cut a corner - blind lanes for 30 miles but eventually end up back on the same A5 road heading towards North Wales - Nikki says this car drives so nicely (it does/did) get within 35 miles of their home (almost exactly the same location as the BM) - car goes into limp mode - engine fault, traction control - max revs 2,000 and rough. I didn’t think to bring my reader but decided (as we are closer to their new house to ours) to limp it to Dads and then call AA for a diog (don’t have relay). Most stressful shitty limp along dual carriageways for 35 miles ever. Get within 3 miles and spot a sales pitch - I ask the guy if you could help a fellow trader and lend me a code reader just to see if I could reset the fault and at least know that it is nothing serious and whether it would drive back etc. The result - it has thrown number 3 injector. I now have a Disco, a broken BM in Worcester needing DMF and a broken DS3 in North Wales needing transporting. What are the chances.
  17. I do hate the smell of those Bosches - Black and Decker much nicer smell.
  18. And download the Car Dealer Magazine - how to sell cars - or whatever. I have downloaded it (haven’t read it yet), partly out of support to this forum (I have learned a lot) but mainly because I am not niave enough to believe I can’t still learn. It may be aimed at Newbies but a quick scan looks like it could help us slightly less newbies too.
  19. The selling is the easiest part of this game.
  20. When a car is won (auction, private, PX whatever) I check the price point from AT suggestion/Cazana/HPI et al and add about £250-£500 to the advertised price. Once it is back and recon costs established, I then adjust the price as high as achievable whilst still attracting interest (from the right type of customer I.e people who appreciate value). If a car has little or no interest, I then readjust - my point is I DECIDE how much I will take, not a punter. I kick the how much without warranty mate in to touch and wait for the right buyer. The only time I negotiate is when there is a PX in chop (unavoidable). Rather than discount, I add extra value - for example, a V70 D5 almost due a belt; rather than get chipped £500 (what he believed to cost), I said the price is fixed, take your PX shitter out of the deal (suits me) and I will do the belt. See for me, the belt being done over a discount suits me too - I shouldn’t have a claim on that car now for a snapped belt, whereas a discount maybe a quick deal but a ticking clock and all these I don’t want a warranty, I understand the belt is due types always come renege when the shit hits the fan.
  21. It is hard to explain on here but I thought anti sales would explain well enough - perhaps matter a fact would sum things up better. Many people often talk about providing a non pushy, no pressure selling environment. I basically take that to the extreme. I introduce myself, hand keys to the car and then ask them to peruse at their own leisure and if they need me, I will be in the office (nothing different there you might say). Inevitably, they do come into the office, if only to hand the keys back and/or ask their obligatory question - how much for cash, you can write back your invoice value etc etc. My reply is universal - I never discount my cars because every car comes with a new MOT (no advisories), Fresh Service (due or not), PDI and Warranty (one that actually does cover you). If you’re unsure about the car, I suggest you go and have a look at some others, sleep on it, I am not in a hurry to sell etc. Putting the process into text doesn’t really translate but I guess I can’t be the only person who walks in to a shop, store, showroom and hates being badgered by an irritating obviously target driven sales rep. Bearing in mind, many will have experienced the stereotypical pushy franchise type sales person (pointy shoes AD would say). I try to be the polar opposite of that. On a side note, I often watch a video from Steve Richards (I think) as for some reason his channel gets recommended to me? I haven’t subscribed. No doubt he is a brilliant traditional type salesman, his videos are entertaining and I am sure this approach works on some people - personally, I hate being sold to.
  22. If you want cheap and cheerful - get a Titan from Screwfix - cheap as chips and brilliant
  23. I am so going to use that - abolsutely brilliant I use a bizarre anti sales tactic - done it for years (cars and non cars) but I promise you, the minute someone makes it in front of me - they have bought the car, all but 2 or 3 since I started again in feb this year and I have sold more than 4 before some smart arse calls it.
  24. I will definitely second you if you pick the comedy or tenacious category.