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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. Ok Guys - just to close this thread. Very reasonable punter was prepared to park the car up for a week until a suitable garage could attend to the issue. I have to say, fantastic service - they called to tell me it is all done and ready for our now mutual customer to collect. The fault? A missing clip from a turbo pipe and a blocked spot filter/DPF - forced regen and ECU reset - test drive = now faults remain. The cost - £148 (inc the VAT) Chuffed for me and Customer.
  2. Lucas - out of interest, what was your job before you started trading cars? I can't understand how you've got yourself in to this mess. I would put as much of your money in a bank and completely rethink your strategy before you lose everything. Get a job to cover your living expenses and spend your spare time listing everything you need to do before you jump. I think you're a friendly chap, perhaps a little too nice and if you're not careful it won't be long before someone takes advantage of your niavity. Surely, the very first thing you would need is a driving licence to cover the cars you are selling. All said with the best intentions, to help you.
  3. Well done Simon I was looking forward to that video too
  4. I have seen them off road and they look pretty impressive little things - like the Lada Niva Cossack, they were also pretty good but both awful road cars.
  5. Strangest I had. I was selling a boat and a chap says would you be interested in a PX with a motorbike. I did the deal with a Honda Silverwing with an interstate fairing in chop - bloody horrible bike but very comfortable. Stuck it on Ebay and to this day have never had so many watchers or enquiries. Ever since, I have been adamant that unusual stuff sells. Look at the price Suzuki Jimnys fetch - I would never want to own or drive one.
  6. Had exactly that on my wrecker - 10 day auction, brutally honest advert and with 2 seconds to go, bid of £5,100 knocks out a £4,800 and a £5,000 bid. Followed by sorry mate my brother bid on it but it is not big enough.
  7. Watched your Mini vid yesterday and I have to say Simon - that’s a serious hair cut. Lionel Blair haircut ad springs to mind. Knocked 10 years off you though
  8. I’d rather a few modest properties than one imposing one personally. Other people paying the mortgage - thank you. Cash in one day or live off those owned outright, it’s my pension.
  9. No mate, it’s an overall loss because I accrue £10 per day in stock (covers overheads on top on recon) and take that figure off the gross margin. So, I don’t lose on the initial capital outlay but I won’t draw a wage from the car because it hasn't really earned it. I know what I mean but just to help, here’s a hypothetical example Metal cost - £1,000 Sell - £3,000 Gross Profit = £2,000 Less Vat - £333 Less Recon - £500 Less 20 days in stock @ £10 per day - £200 Pre tax profit - £967 The DS3 will show at least a £2k loss pre tax but still positive over acquisition and recon.
  10. To be fair, mine only had 83k with very full history and was the nav version, had full discs and pads (just before I bought it). Only one person interested and they were desperate for a rare? red one. Good idea re Halfords nav system.
  11. That site wants levelling and rebuilding, it isn’t aligned well with BCA’s market leading presence. Have you tried Wolverhampton David?
  12. At my end of the market, I don’t think Brexshit, Black Friday, Cyber Monday et al make any difference - there is always, always something going on to affect sales but people don’t necessarily aspire to own my stock, they just need a car for whatever reason. My second best month this year.
  13. Mine went live on thursday afternoon, it just happened.
  14. I’ve had a tidy month, despite a slow start with two dippers ready to be logged for December (one just collected from home, drove back in it last night).
  15. Exactly my issue too. The DS3 is lovely (I’m using it, the one that the injector failed but now 100%). I’m taking the day off today and guess what, someone wants to see it (called twice) - I shall call him tomorrow because I really am not in the mood to drive to the unit, clean it in the hope he proceeds when I promised myself a day off (wedding reception tonight).
  16. Where does the term purple patch come from - I see it written here a lot and know what you’re inferring but why purple?
  17. Same again here - Quick KPI - 4 units break even, 6 units a wage and 8+ a very nice income making it all worth it.
  18. My refurber is amazing - all wheels are chemically stripped, repaired and then powder coated - £45 a corner They also have that machine (or similar) for diamond cut refurb - £65 a corner
  19. I love the buzz of an auction, always have from when I first went aged 18 (first dabble a trading cars). What I hate is the stupid parking arrangements. I bought a transporter because I was buying between 2 and 5 a week from BCA Wolverhampton (a nice clean modern site, the polar opposite of BCA Walsall). A few weeks ago, they suddenly fenced off the customer parking completely, relocated it on some land nearby and put on a shuttle bus service. I was never their biggest customer, so my lack of presence will be of no concern to them but I am not hanging around waiting for that one shuttle bus to collect me, nor am I walking down a dual carriageway in the cold, dark and rain - so I buy elsewhere or online now. I hate the cold, that is my biggest gripe with auctions
  20. You acquired that car around the same time as I bought the exact same model (in red). Naively, I didn’t consider the RFL fee or the colour at the time, I fell in love with the sound. I panicked it wouldn’t sell but that one right person bought it and tipped me £1800 plus a newer silver TT 1.8 roadster in chop, which sold 2 days later to a repeat customer for another healthy drink. Not boasting, this was one of my best deals to date; it was to labour the point that there is no rhyme or reason to this game.
  21. It depends whether you mean from start of application of from submission to FCA. From start of application, just under 2 months - Close helped me. From submission of completed application - less than 2 weeks
  22. Struggling to nick anything at the moment though
  23. What's the longest you have ever had a car in stock? I shall start: Citroen DS3 in red - 47K been priced between £5-6k (I fluctuate to gain interest/or not). 2 Owners, 2 Keys, FSH and timing belt (had it done before I read the intervals ) Nothing wrong with the car and people visiting always comment on what a lovely looking mint car it is (whilst they have come to view something else). Purchased in May 18
  24. There are a few ways to avoid this and it doesn't require a study to know how harmful these fumes are: I only enter the hall to bid on stuff, not just stand there aimlessly waiting. Stand outside or cafe in between lots. I do buy mainly online now, which reduces exposure by 100% Wear a mask