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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. I wouldn't be rolling over on this - 9 month delay...and your reason for the delay Sir?
  2. I would still go for the unit mate. My ONLY regret about the unit is the distance from home (about 35 mins e/w). Not a problem Mon-Fri because I base myself here but at weekends, I struggle to agree to meet people who want to come and look unless they are ready to buy (weekends are by confirmed appointment, not quite AD style but they need to be ready to deal for me to waste half a day).
  3. See, on any BM's I have had with a battery voltage issue due to being stood, it puts an amber battery symbol up. I am sure the ramp is just a service indicator, either due or overdue. I am happy to be corrected of course as I may be confusing my cars. If the symbol turns red then it requires immediate attention.
  4. Easy to swallow though, the original credit card sized sims used to get stuck
  5. Sorry Nick, I meant you may know someone
  6. I feel your pain Grant. Same for us, started promisingly - first day back and an immediate straight forward sale. Second day - walk on for Clio - never came back/timewaster, Third day - no show on MX-5, Fourth day - walk on for Punto - never came back/timewaster, Fifth day - Chap keeps calling saying he is almost certain he wants our Fabia - gone away. On top of that 2 x warranty claims. Shit start to the year for me but do have an appointment at 4pm today on V50 - fingers crossed.
  7. Better IMO My lease is 6 years with a 3 year break clause - only 3 months down deposit though and much cheaper than SE prices
  8. Back to OP If that car were mine I would do one or two things (ideally both) B Pillar back privacy glass Source some black 18" M sport wheels, sell the originals afterwards to offset the cost. It will look a different car.
  9. Rightly or wrongly, my screen price is usually a little higher than the advert. 1) might get a walk in who hasn't seen the ad or 2) When they try and chip you, you can say I have already dropped the price look at the screen, that's the old price.
  10. Isn't it strange how quickly car tech dates. I remember ordering a company car 520d M Sport Tourer with all the toys (2007) brand new, it was full of top end tech, now it looks like a horrible 80's dash. My 2008/9 Disco 3 - looked to business inside, now looks badly outdated. Hard to see how a new £100k Range will look outdated in 5 years but they will.
  11. I think you can fix your edit button yourself under this new EU scheme. Yes, my washer is Bosch, my last one Samsung (Samsung did less than 3 years). My tumble drier is a Siemens (no jokes, the quality washer dealt with that), cost me about £6-700 but it is brilliant. On another note, I paid a fortune for my TV (LG 55" 3D) about 5 years ago - could by 3 for the price I paid then. Still going well but when it breaks, it isn't the cost I will be worrying about - it will be lifting the damn thing off the wall again.
  12. Our washing machine goes on every day at least once - on a proper 3 1/4 hour wash every time and includes the dogs bed, mats et al. I paid good money for a quality machine (about £5-600 I think), it is now 3 years old and if it packs up tomorrow, there will be no complaints from me (I never registered the 5 year warranty either).
  13. Lucky them. Regarding loan car - I am adding this to my new insurance in February. I shall not be advertising the fact and will pick and choose who benefits but largely that should be me. An example, I have a nice customer who has an intermitent fault but works 9-5 an hours drive away, so trying to keep the workshop open is a challenge. After Feb and in these circumstances, I will simply say "drop your car off and take ours, we will call you when it is fixed." This car is within 30 days and I don't want it back, the customer is very reasonable, paid good money - so in this case a courtesy car could work well for me.
  14. It's all irrelavnt after 5'11 ft (I'm 5'10" probably a lttle taller if I lie on my side)
  15. To be honest, I had to chuckle (espcially because of the type of van) becuase the guy's house he parked outside is a bit of a cock.
  16. It's an unusal road which on one side has lovely big 3 storey victorian houses all the way along, with no parking. Unwritten rule is that each house has one space outside and the other(s) park elsewhere. There was irritating neighbour who had 4 + a camper (which lived outside our house for two years) and they would parking one behind the other, pissing everyone off (since moved). Our side of the road all have big drives, I can fit 8-10 on the drive, so never have an issue parking wise. It was a selfish twat who lived in one of the posh new houses parking half on the kerb outside someone elses house (not mine).
  17. Up to your old tricks Benji "I nearly went to an auction"
  18. I only advertise on AT but am "locked in" with Shpock for 12 months (never again), so I don't ask. During one sale (I presumed AT) they mentioned (unprompted) that they found me on Shpock - that one sale has paid for almost 2 years of Shpock advertising. It just shows. I just cannot deal with opening lines of "what is your last price." What does that even mean, where did that come from? Anyway, I shall not renew even if they give it me for free (their last price). On a side note, AT enquiries and views are nicely up but sales are slow here.
  19. We live in a cul de sac, each house quite different and all older houses (mine is one of the youngest 1950) = therefore bigger gardens than more recent properties. Two of the houses have sold their gardens or part of their gardens off making way for two newer exclusive small developments, about 6-8 houses in each. One of the developments has a restrictive covenant regarding sign written vans being parked overnight. One of the residents nearly always parks his van outside one of my neighbours houses each night (no covenant on our road), something that really pisses him off (he is a bit of a perfectionist/very house proud). The van.........a drain rod thing (luckily not a bright orange dyna rod one). I haven’t seen that van for several weeks now, not since I saw a mobile tyre fitter repacing all 4 tyres. True story which I had forgotten/not concerned myself until met’s post.
  20. And here's me considering whether to further invest in AT (additional stock) or split the investment across the two platforms.
  21. That’s good but don’t confuse profit with margin.
  22. Phone calls after what I consider normal hours but no message (I only return calls with messages left) Also What will you take for the car Where did you get it from How long have you had it Can you tell me a bit about the car - what? More than the advert on AT and my website, both with videos Can I view on Saturday - yes but only by appointment. I have others to see so can’t commit to a time - goodbye Has the cambelt been done (on a chain) Relying on third party services to back my exceptional customer service Feast or Famine income People parking in my neighbouring units space when I have parking outside People turning up with their friends, family and pub expert to crab a sub £5k car But mainly, the cold weather