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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. Exactly that Good shout Tony, thanks
  2. Thank you I don't know why but the first 2 weeks of each month have always been poor for me. Week 3 and 4 it really picks up. Wish it was weeks 1 and 2 and then at least I could relax without worrying about a poor month.
  3. I never count my chickens but it is looking good. They would have come earlier on Sunday but I told them I will be in no fit state to drive before noon after the session we have planned for Saturday night.
  4. UPDATE: Just called to say they have got a bank loan and will be here on Sunday at 1pm to pay a £200 deposit in order to get the car in for MOT and Service.
  5. Not sure if it helps. When I was working as an employee, my HQ was in Vegas and I hired a Mustang for a week to drive from LA to San Fran and back (week long road trip). It has to be done in a drop top Mustang, or so I thought........... What a dissapointment, it was only the 3.7l (I think but defo not 5.0). Crap, slow, unrefined, cheap. Your PX = lots of owners, just saying...............
  6. OK, so utilising the double stock offer from AT, I had 12 cars advertised (normal package is 5+2). I sold 4 of these recently and haven't replaced yet, so reverting back to my original 5+2 package. Instead of deleting the sold cars to historic stock, I marked them as sold but kept adverts live (why not, I had an extra 5 free slots). Anyway, offer ended yesterday I think and upon checking my current performance, I see only 3 cars advertised. Yes, AT when deciding for me which 7 cars (out of the 12 on AT during the promo) should remain after declining the bigger package, chose the ones I have marked as sold. Surely, you would continue to advertise the available cars, not the bloody sold ones. No wonder I have only had a couple of calls today. Angry....
  7. /\/\/\/\ This. Except, I think in most peoples minds Great is better than Good but Priced Low - WTF does that mean, it could mean more than Great or less than Great, so I never aim for that. In fact, I do what I want but basically: First 30 days - priced for maximum profit vs. reality Next 30 days - Sharpen up price Next 30 days - Further sharpen prices to attract maximum interest After that - try and recoup costs + a drink
  8. AT - Great Shpock - Never Again (tied in for another 6 months)
  9. It is a super(?) little Mini S but a Camden Limited Edition 50 yr jobbie, up on the miles but very very tidy. Went to Close Bros. as my preferred lender, whom in turn refererred to Jigsaw - both declined. In fairness to her, she did warn me about her credit history and the mitigating circumstances but as we know a computer is black and white in their consideration. Her husband (apparently with good credit) is seeking a loan through his bank and she has asked me to hold the car for two days in order for him to achieve this. She did manage to get approved somewhere else (not sure where) but she said the interest rate was a complete non starter.
  10. What about aye up duck? Next car I film, I will try that - send you a spec of the car and you can waffle on in your broadcasting voice - could be interesting.
  11. 6 desposited and 1 desperately trying to find funding (I think they will). Not great but up until yesterday, I was only on 3 (from 15)
  12. See you're one of the lucky people with no accent, my better half is the same. Whereas I have a black country twang, not strong but it is there. AD has a West Country accent (an accent I really like by the way), EPV is always climbing up apples and pears and I haven't spoken to Nick in person and his videos have no voice over. I am considering sending you raw footage of my cars and getting you to voice them for me.
  13. They're crazy - this was my initial response: I have randomly received an invoice last night for a car someone has clearly won.It was not me, I wasn’t online or at Wolverhampton yesterday - not to mention that I will never stock another Vauxhall.Please can you credit that invoice unless you have found out who was the bidder already. Followed by: Had a quick chat with Aaron whom will testify I was not on site yesterday and clearly, I wasn't Online either. Just for the record, I work alone and unless it is me - DO NOT accept any bids in my name. Needless to say, I won't be taking this vehicle - so please issue credit. Not heard anything since and no credit either................
  14. Here is their response, hardly technical fraud: Now if he was devastatingly handsome, I could understand them mistaking him for me but..... Hi Mark,A young lad comes up to the side of the rostrum and give your account name to the rostrum clerk?Regards
  15. I reckon you could earn more money doing voice over work - you have an excellent broadcasting voice.
  16. The staff are firendly enough at Walsall, it is the actual site I cannot stand - it wants levelling
  17. I would be writing to both the enforcement office and the local authority both in carbon copy to each other. Stating the fact you have never owned the vehicle and you request them to cease pursuing you (your mate). Recorded delivery obviously and if necessary you will have dated proof of your objection and their unreasonable pursuance, if it goes to court and you need to take action against them. I am fighting BCA at the moment who insist I need to pay for a car I have never bid on - in fact I haven’t been to BCA physically or online once this year, let alone bought an Astra (my thoughts on Vauxhall are well documented in this forum). I just started my case in writing, so I have proof if and when it progresses.
  18. That’s one way shift the “stickers” (as in stock)
  19. It’s £98 - the very most you can save is £98 - I wouldn’t hesitate if that’s the fix.
  20. Yes, I hadn’t considered that until someone mentioned it last week. I am adding this snippet to my speel. I still envy your photography skills....
  21. I have much better addictions - most either come in a pita bread or a pint glass. (Not the same addiction of course).
  22. Seriously? paint thinners, gets it off instantly (not B&Q white spirit), I mean proper body shop paint thinners.
  23. You can’t compare houses with cars for a thousand reasons. In fact, I prefer a multi owner house because they generally make continual improvements in line with modernisation and fashion. Same may be said about cars but you can’t extend or alter it in quite the same way. My counter argument (to punters) for multi owner cars is that several owners have each loved and maintained that car during the “honeymoon” period whereas single owners lose enthusiasm for the car - it becomes just a car and maintenance and general upkeep becomes nothing but a chore and a financial vacuum. Usually works but give me a load of 1 owner stuff because people do still prefer that.
  24. I agree that a 1 owner car who’s owner’s enthusiasm for the car has long since past may not be in as good a condition as a 3+ owner. But, I disagree that a 1 owner car is not worth more - purely based on people’s perception of how desirable and well cared for a 1 owner car must be (in their eyes). Same applies to a 20k mile city car vs. A 60k mile long distance commuter car - I know which one will have a better clutch, gearbox and running gear.
  25. I hate the markers, they don’t consider or differentiate for low owners, history, condition etc. No allowance for those of us who do it properly vs. The quick wash and sell brigade. Worse still is CarGurus who state time in stock and price changes - that really does piss me off.