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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. What? I am lucky if they help me find a car that I have a pass out for.
  2. I was about to join today but have relatively few contacts for the reference section - could I use BCA and ECP. I am not sure that my Indi garage, smart repairer or valeter would be sufficient (or can I use those I regularaly converse with here, Umesh for example?)
  3. Yes - it's the PDI sheet List all faults and/or damages under the comments section which the customer signs
  4. To sell on DA - you need to be a franchised dealer I use Wilson’s but the bids are pitiful in the General section.
  5. Just to be awkward, I like a Mini and have always done well with them (touch wood). Got 3 in stock as we speak: 06 Cooper S Convertible Automatic (PX) 59 Cooper S Camden Edition 61 Mini One D Having said that, all I am getting lately are warranty claims (we self admin) BMW 1 Series - Oil leak DS3 - Service light keep reappearing Focus ST-3 - steering rack Just done DPF on V70 Always when it's quiet. I wouldn't mind but I always go OTT to mechanical prep but my crystal ball can't tell me what will fail a couple of months down the line.
  6. My Mrs has her staff Christmas do tonight but no partners are invited (I suppose it would hinder the office snoggings). Anyway, I said we are having a Christmas party tonight (my border collie and me) but unfortunately, we are not inviting partners either. My meal is ordered already (in my head) - the dirtiest and biggest kebab I can find
  7. Send me some of your stock and I will sell it for you and get them fixed - you just take your share of the winnings
  8. Happy Christmas to all my "colleagues." This forum makes me feel part of a bigger team in what can be a lonely place at times. Thank you for al your support. Let's hope we all have a really prosperous New Year.
  9. I was 21 and 23 when I had my kids (girls). I was divorced by 24 and saw my kids every other weekend for years, then suddenly - they both fell out with their mom (sorry, saw the light) and both came to live with me. They have cost me a fortune over the years (and I thought maintenance payments were high) but it was great, I got to do the fun stuff, first cars, driving lessons, getting pissed together, they became my best friends - something I didn’t think would happen. I now have one grandson and my eldest daughter is due her first in April. It was tough being so young with limited funds to support myself let alone kids as well but eventually everything does work out and I wouldn’t change it. I have two (expensive) kids but I also have my own time to do whatever I like (or can afford) and a partner who is very supportive in business and life.
  10. One day I shall Knock your unit door (I don’t want to pay a deposit though) - I spend as much time there as possible. Sorry to be a nearly man - but almost bought a second home overlooking Torbay a number of years ago - wish I had.
  11. Wait until they hit their twenties.... You started late and I started early - I am still not sure who got it right.
  12. If I had enough dollars, I would be in Devon myself (Salcombe to be precise) but certainly very near to Jurassic coast. I do not like or understand city life, too busy, noisy and expensive.
  13. Yes for sure - no pressure, no customer waiting just my own pride/wallet. Look at Trade Vet - all this shit we go through now become interesting and funny future stories. I have never been one to worry about stuff I can’t do anything about - of course, I would rather have taken my bride out for a proper night out but it’s happened and gone into the future story bank.
  14. You had a narrow escape - I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I am already laughing about my £400 fill up. Shit happens - move on. I would prefer my situation to yours, that has to be the worst.
  15. I love the fact I am not one any more because I too hated it
  16. There is never a bad day for a kebab - if I wasn’t loved up it would be my full time diet. Mind you, I am a fat bastard
  17. To be fair and think about it. I paid about £165 to the AA for my fuck up. in return, they sent a patrol with a special collection tank and pump. Probably £40 in wages, £20 in van costs (fuel, fit out and lease), £10 worth of fuel and whatever happens after they leave me. I don’t think they’re having it off to be fair. I couldn’t be arsed with the hassle of dragging the car in (2.7 tonnes), draining the fuel etc and it was freezing/pissing it down, just to save a couple hundred quid. I fucked up and that’s the price I paid - hey ho
  18. I am finally back home, G&T in hand. Total - petrol £105 Misfuel - £199 (AA Discount and because I hadn’t started the engine + £10 worth of diesel inc). Diesel - £119 £423 inc VAT (I will claim the VAT)
  19. £250 of that is the fuel itself (petrol and diesel). I am still waiting, paid £199 (will get VAT back) for the service. Just pissed off I can’t keep the fuel because it would be diluted enough to use in a petrol car. Luckily I realised before starting the car.
  20. £450 It’s easy. Simply, start with a completely empty tank, completely fill with premium unleaded fuel, realise you’re a twat - call AA whom agree to send a fuel recovery equiped vehicle, pay a fortune then finally refill with premium diesel. I'm currently sat at the service station waiting for them to arrive. Happy Christmas
  21. Auto electrician The limiter will not reduce acceleration, only limit top speed. If it feels noticeably slow (acceleration), I would investigate that before anything else.