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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. I had a 500S in white with (what I would call) Graphite wheels - it looked lovely (every day for about 4 months )
  2. Best post I have read in a long while, really motivational - thank you. Please can I ask what you stock profile looks like. I love the add-ons but at my end of the market (£5k ish retail stock), I am reluctant to extend (self administered) warranties. I have just obtained FCA approval though, so an exciting opportunity to earn some extra £££££'s as you put it.
  3. When I ran the last business, I got bored of telling the sales team that an order isn’t an order until the money is in. Occasionally, there are deposited deals that don’t come through, either due to a change of mind or a fault developing. This is why I have always counted monthly sales as money in the bank deals. I wanted to squeeze those extra 2 in November making the month my second best to date (unit sales) but I’m going to stick to what I have been doing to date as like Simon says - you can’t change the benchmark.
  4. I shall leave it as a good start to December then (and hope these 2 do not end up as the grand total)
  5. Do you guys count number of sales at point of deposit or point of collection/payment? Only asking because I have two deposited which are being collected Saturday and Wednesday - do they count?
  6. I would touch in the bumper with a touch up pen and ignore the wheels. If a customer mentions them, use an offer to refurb as a way to close the deal.
  7. I always look to do something when it is quiet but motivating myself to go out in the cold and wet weather doesn't help. I have a new plan - to earn enough money to never see another winter.
  8. I know what I need to achieve and I am ecstatic when I do but of course we always want more. My problem is May was my best month to date (only incorporated in March) and I have only got close once since (June) - so every month looks dissapointing in comparison. My ultimate goal is to reduce ex's over the next 5 years to a point where I own everything outright - once you've been bitten you soon realise that turnover and gross profit are insignificant vs. outgoings. I also plan on growing my stock steadily over the same period - i.e. scale stock levels/turnover up and scale down the ex's (proportionally of course) - should mean each year, the bottom line figure (the important bit) gets better and better. PS: gone flat again this week and pissing it down/freezing cold.
  9. I miss the old Top Gear - the Grand Tour is shite (and Hammond does my head in with his over acting am dram style) and the new Top Gear - crap.
  10. To be honest James, I find anyone (any trade) who is mobile to be unreliable in terms of time keeping, answering calls etc. Valeter = brilliant but always always an excuse for being 3 hours late Key Guy = Only ever once failed to repair a key but always half a day late I always allow 24 hours contingency on any job now. I.e. customer collecting Friday, I tell whoever I need it Thursday etc. I wish everyone offered the same level of customer service that we offer.
  11. It depends if your buyer is VAT registered, if so you will buy it plus VAT.
  12. I hope you cleaned up after yourself
  13. Your + whatever is NOT doubled up. My 5+2 will go to a total of 12
  14. That's right TV - but you had to be on the a package prior to October the something (I think) to qualify but yes, it is an automatic increase.
  15. That's for a basic package and the double up excludes the (bonus +) 2, so 12 for the price of 5 (+2). I also think you've missed the cut off date for the double up.
  16. Re: Overheads I calculate margin car by car I.e. selling price, less recon, less VAT margin, less purchase price and then less £10 per day in stock (the total cost of my fixed overheads /number of cars /365). This equals the exact and true profit or loss from a deal (pre tax). For those thinking you’ve just earned £2,000 in a deal would be really shocked with the true figures.
  17. Hi Nick Pm me an email or mobile and I will send it. I only have my IPad on me at the moment. Nit commercially sensitive at all, it is in my office where customers sit.
  18. Good shout Stalker - thank you. I hate sending work out because they always find additional (and unprovable) faults.
  19. Clio gone - £120 That's a £16.67 profit after VAT margin = free lunch for two days
  20. I used to buy off Brown Brothers
  21. I have bought this Apparently about as big as you can get on single phase leccy
  22. I know it is all new to me but I love being at the Unit - there is usually something to get one with (besides cleaning ). My OCD extends and I now have a white board 1800x1200 with perfectly straight lines, listing all the stock and its individual status. It is huge and fills an entire end wall and those coloured magnets must be in line. This forum is always open on my desktop and I always check everytime I sit down for a coffee or in between visitors. I have ordered some AstroTurf today (size of one car) to go in the entrance and photo area because I cannot cope with the bloody rainy dirty floor from car tyres.
  23. Ok, just taken an 05 Clio in chop - 156k, clutch all but completely gone - paid £100 (finance deposit). Alloys, new front tyres - weigh it in or fix and sell for £500? I think I know the answer but it seems criminal with brand new tyres and tidy alloys.
  24. I’m the same Simon. Mobile Valeter Smart repairer 4 units down Mechanic/MOT 6 units down BCA Online and most importantly, Cafe 3 units away All I do is sit in a heated office, buy and sell. There is little money saved doing all your own work - like you better placed researching, advertising and making customers feel special - oh and stroking the head of warranty, Sandy (my border collie)