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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. This. I can’t believe I used to fuck around (or find the time) on doing my own prep especially paint. Only time I do my own prep now is a quick Boss Gloss before a viewing of the cars are dusty.
  2. That is definately one way to hide a fag burn
  3. I started out doing Smart repairs - paint, windscreens, fag burns et al (only thing I could never master was PDR) - I know very well how to "hide" damaged upholstery. Edit: sorry, that sounded arrogant and it wasn't meant like that - it should have had a at the end.
  4. There is no standard answer. Mechanical prep I go OTT Bodywork, I avoid anything that is beyond a touch in or at worst a Smart repair. Valet and tyre shine the fuck out of everything - floor mats cover any obvious and impossible stains.
  5. I want one of those, thinking of getting a sack truck, a good over spec battery and some HD jump leads - like you say proper BCA style. I sometimes could do with the Linde tug too
  6. You wouldn’t have forgotten for long because the second words out of punters mouths is always “has the cambelt been done.” The first question being, “what’s your best price.”
  7. I will add that I too would remove BACS as no one knows what that means (and it would be CHAPS you want not BACS). Remove all reference to payment methods and as Nick says, Zuto (albeit no commission) does move metal. I have an IZettle and it has helped but please don’t think it will revolutionise your business - for me, I think it just made it easier than bank transfer and costs me 1.7% of amount. If someone wants your car, they will find the money but it does add some professionalism that you take cards, cash, bank transfer it finance via Zuto. I think you videos do not need any attention. Yes, a bit OTT for older stock but that will surely make the lower budget buyers feel better. Remove all negative posts and images and fight those objections face to face - I.e, get them in front of you rather than prevent a call. Good luck
  8. You video is top quality though, only the lighting lets you down.
  9. Tyre shine and lighting is my two pennies.
  10. I can ski and I can drink - I drink much better than I ski but I ski much better when I have had a drink.
  11. Exactly the same happened to me but not regarding SOLD. In a bid to generate some Finance business, I advertised the car saying Finance available from £X per etc (subject to status). I used the same figures promoted at the foot of each listing but they pulled (unannounced) every advert. It was pure luck that I checked my performance on dealer portal that evening or I would have had a weekend of no advertising.
  12. Having a car in stock for far too long (live example Mini S Convertible AUTO/Scary PX). Sold at full asking price last week (after a £250 reduction). Once sold.......... three calls all desperatly wanting it (as TV would say) with chucky which would replace the £250 reduction in comms.
  13. Just performed the same test and I am delighted to say that none of mine are appearing either - suits me.
  14. Mark101

    Fiat 500

    It will make a nice ornament from my experience.
  15. I thought about that but they want proof of insurance and that is in the company name now.
  16. Becuase I incorporated last year after receiving plates (in my name), I had to apply for new plates using a VTL301, I even called DVLA to confirm that I was doing everything right. There was even some guidance notes saying you couldn't apply more than 10 days before when you want the plates to start. Mid Jan, letter comes back with my VTL301 and cheque saying due to the change of legal entity, I need to send a VTL301 - the very same form they sent back to me correctly completed. And, I also need to fill in a VTL308. I called DVLA and said I am confused, you're asking me to send what I have already sent. They said we are too busy to talk to you, send us an email. Auto reply to email says, this could take up to 8 weeks for a response. I then called again and said well how much shall I make a cheque out for because if it takes 8 weeks, that will not be the full years rate - they didn't know. Anyway, eventually I got a response and it was the VTL308 that needed to accompany my application along with the return of my old plates - now sent and just waiting and waiting and waiting. They sent everything back to my home address, completely ignoring my VTL301 application address, good job I hadn't moved house. If this annual renewal causes such backlogs, why don't they do rolling renewals throughout the year, i.e. whether you apply in Jan, March, July, or December - it is 12 months from then - same as normal RFL.
  17. Could you not do exactly the same with BCA and Manheim Online?
  18. I went straight on to Gold (after I had just paid private fees on first purchase). I'm almost at platinum now, so it worked for them and me.
  19. Exactly what I was thinking and I'm not at all technical. Dipstick measures depth of oil in the sump, which is where it would be if it snapped off surely, probably stuck in part to the magnet inside the sump.
  20. Good call - I have put it in the diary to do this at the next millenium
  21. I have just amended all my ads to say "former celebrity owner."