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  1. 2 points
    I use that on some of my adverts
  2. 2 points
    Up on the miles down on the price . Riiiiiiicky .
  3. 1 point
    So I know this is quite a familiar story on here (decided to start selling cars from home initially) so I won’t labour it too much. But suffice to say in June I was made redundant and as having always been a bit of a petrolhead (some people think I own too many cars as it is!) and having some redundancy and savings behind me I’ve decided to try selling a few cars. I’m taking it a little cautiously at first, but if this works out then I’m looking forward to being my own boss and hoping the flexibility will make life with a young family a bit more rewarding. So I have something niggling in the back of my mind that I’d like to ask for experiences or opinions on. I wonder if there is an upper limit to the price joe public is comfortable paying for a car from a home trader? I know it would be one of those illogical views by people, a bit like those views on cars with over 100k miles, but we all have these subjective thoughts about things. The cars I have been buying so far will list around the £5k mark, but I’m concerned if I go for more expensive cars people may be hesitant about buying from a guy trading from home. Thoughts? I must say I have learnt a lot from trawling this forum and also the great ‘How to be a car dealer’ article, so hope as time goes on I can add back in.
  4. 1 point
    My two pence below Selling from home can be an effective and cost saving method - if you do it right you can give even us forecourt lads a run for the money I know of a guy, who lives in “high profile” gated community, big fancy metal front gates, and a nice stoned driveway - his stock profile is around 30-40k a car at minimum and does extremely well.... even has his own office in the house for the customers (it looks the dogs boll*cks if I say so). come to think of it, even Tom Hartley technically sells from home (although he has a showroom in his property lol)
  5. 1 point
    And even if he did he would still walk around it complaining about every tiny stone chip
  6. 1 point
    Was that the legendary quick knock specialist Mr Moore ?
  7. 1 point
    Im in a similar boat to you, just started out 4 months ago. Learnt and are still learning masses from this forum! I spent weeks, if not months trauling this place, gleening any information i could before i took the leap and its helped massively. What i did was start with a mixed bag. My stock now ranges from 3k - 10k. Theres a bum for every seat and aslong as they have faith in you as a trustworthy, honest seller and its priced sensibly you shouldnt have any issues. 2 of the biggest things ive learnt are: 1. Prep, prep, prep!!! This will save you hassle in the future! Take the time to make the vehicle as good as you can make it(margin permitting). Remember these people know where you live! 2. If you want/need trade plates(which you will!) get the ball rolling on them now! Mine took 3 months to materialies and it really was a pain trying to get by without them! Good luck with the venture!
  8. 1 point
    (From the past) I can’t remember where but what was said was; “it’s been a popular car” - a 12 owner car. “a morning’s work to put right” - the car had been on the receiving end of a wronged wife/girlfriend. No glass in it, interior damaged, every panel kicked in & a few choice words sprayed on the car
  9. 1 point
    Well.....I do know of a Polish guy back in Brighton who sold a Passat on a dark winters evening. Passats were his stock in trade. .... took full payment then, the following morning swopped the nice interior out of it only to put in a really tired one back in its place...same colour though and cloth for cloth. Customer 'sort' of noticed but thoight he must of missed it.....and got away with it
  10. 1 point
    Still miss Tony from BCA Enfield and also did Paddock Wood. ... had some crackers and in later years always tried to work out (and odten fail) the yearly average on the low miles gear with help from his audience. "more 'istory than the Tower Of London boys" "handful of owners" A real gentleman too, retired a few years back.
  11. 1 point
    Back in the day, i was at Leyton car auctions when they were filming the episode of eastenders withfrank and Ricky? If that counts?
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Many years ago the auctioneer at Blackpool auctions (Shit hole with a very strange gene pool) Every single car that came though was always "in the best colour"
  14. 1 point
    Very easy, sent them a personalised video of the car about 2/3 minutes explain how nice your car is and the fact that they need to have realistic expectations of what their budget will buy them. Not a slagging one but just a professional reply! Converted a couple of deals last month but they weren’t being as silly but fi I hadn’t bothered or simply sent silly reply back I’d have lost them! Good luck! Can’t win them all but if you don’t try you’ll never know.
  15. 1 point
    It will come to you , dont panic , just have to imagine every day is a school day I've been selling for best part or 50 yrs Salt and its always fun in my head , Customers change but their questions and expectations don't , Just learn to tell the truth and be firm , Don't let them rip your heart out , because they will have a go , no morals in the buying public , most rude set of people on earth , but you will learn the retorts that shoot them down , I do actually get off on dealing with the public though , one big competition and I don't lose Stick at it you will be fine
  16. 1 point
    Hi Salt You are probably making the usual mistake of stocking cars that YOU like.I would suggest trying different stuff and work on very low margins until you will find out what the punters want.So you might find it is Zafira’s or Dacia’s or Ssang Young’s rather than A6 Avants or M Sport BM’s .The punters will let you know and you can take it from there. Good luck.