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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    People no longer want to leave. They already see the damage especially in the South East. Rioting? Have you sen the news? Rioting in France due to poor standard of living. That poor standard is on the way here if Brexit happens as “advertised”. Tbh their adverts were misleding, the product was misdescribed, not fit for purpose and not of satisfactory quality. And there should be some right to reject, surely!
  2. 2 points
    Hi Lucas. I would be free on thursday. my fee would be £995 plus VAT. I can even supply the manual car!
  3. 1 point
    Remember many years ago after only just starting on my own having a little Civic up for £3195 which was all the money. Was quite happy to get £2995 for it. Had a chap come in with quite a late plate Frontera that he absolutely hated to drive. He asked would i take it in but i wasnt overly interested. So i asked the question what do you want for it. He said give me £200 and take the Frontera. I said ok and sold it a week later for £7995.
  4. 1 point
    Quite common on the Renaults. Battery can be bought or leased. If leased, you (the customer that is) pays monthly for the battery and they take care of any issues or replacements. If it’s anything like the Prius etc and the Renault Twizzy I had, then that’s no indication of the battery health TV. That just needs charging.
  5. 1 point
    Hi Rover,I hope you are clued up on Nissan Leaf’s.Never having one,I fancied an 11 plate at Newcastle last week.I read up about battery depletion and the gauges etc.This one had 6 bar,which meant fully charged it would do 45 miles.Recon set of batteries about £3000.It still did over CAP clean,made no sense to me. Rovex.
  6. 1 point
    Like 4-5 grand instead of £12K?
  7. 1 point
    Definitely get it done at a MD at that age. I’d say anything up to about 5 years it’s worth keeping up the MD history, beyond that, it won’t stop you selling it imo.
  8. 1 point
    What if he got the Leaf at real handy money?
  9. 1 point
    Bold first car! Or are you looking to specialise in EV? On topic, thats a fair price to have the car serviced by the dealer, and also a big plus when composing your ad text. As its due so soon, just get it done now so any prospective buyer can drive it away on the day, rather than faffing about with post sale prep. Best of luck!
  10. 1 point
    100% agreed with Nick start with cheap cars to learn trade.
  11. 1 point
    Do it at Nissan as the car is under warranty. Any major problems they find will be fixed and the manufacturer will pay. £149 is a small price to pay under those circumstances. I would also advise you to NOT start in used car sales with newish high value electric cars. Buy 4 Micras instead.
  12. 1 point
    They were probably the ones who reported you to the council lol
  13. 1 point
    Only once this year out of 147 sales, so far.... the guy called prior to collection and said Mrs says unsuitable, he'd made a mistake and I refunded. I have never had anyone actually come to me and disagree with the quality and accuracy of my appraisal....
  14. 1 point
    Absolutely, the OP has every right to do what he is doing, he has to be bigger and better than nosey neighbour. However, if he persists then it should be him making a complaint to the council quoting harrassment, bullying, antisocial neighbourly behaviour...... The last episode of neighbourly hassle I had to deal with I turned it round onto the council and said all of the above about the sad retired antisocial nosey neighbour and they agreed, they went round to him and explained I wasn't doing anything wrong and he needs to stop his victimisation.....
  15. 1 point
    Lucas - out of interest, what was your job before you started trading cars? I can't understand how you've got yourself in to this mess. I would put as much of your money in a bank and completely rethink your strategy before you lose everything. Get a job to cover your living expenses and spend your spare time listing everything you need to do before you jump. I think you're a friendly chap, perhaps a little too nice and if you're not careful it won't be long before someone takes advantage of your niavity. Surely, the very first thing you would need is a driving licence to cover the cars you are selling. All said with the best intentions, to help you.
  16. 1 point
    I have seen them off road and they look pretty impressive little things - like the Lada Niva Cossack, they were also pretty good but both awful road cars.
  17. 1 point
    "I just discovered that my driver license only allows driving the automatic car today!"..... But you were aware that you had only passed your test in an auto right? as you just confirmed it? Now I know why I got so much stick And to do that you gotta be one hell of a DUNCEPOT right??!!!
  18. 1 point
    Sorry but that’s nonsense. Many do but & leave meant leave to me. 100% leave. No half measures, out 100% & sort out whatever alleged mess afterwards. I agree Theresa’s made a right f*** up of the job. Those that feel this country isn’t fit to govern itself & will struggle to trade, even though we’re a country of conspicuous consumption, should perhaps think of relocating abroad. Why on earth the country is contemplating continuing to tip millions per week into the EU is beyond me, that was my main gripe. The EU is a sausage machine turning over our, and a few other net contributors, money into bolstering up the abysmal economies of the PIGS & various Eastern European countries. Good luck to all nationalities but I personally have no interest in assisting the struggling economies of other countries.
  19. 1 point
    You are very likely to fail that test without a couple of hours with an instructor. I am 90% sure I will fail it even in an Auto.
  20. 1 point
    The driving examiner would ask you to sign to say he is covered to be in the car when conducting a test , I wouldn't think renta car insurance would cover that if its in someone elses name on the rent agreement . So have you got insurance cover that would make you legal to drive a rent car , a manual car, and take a test in it . If not the examiner would void the test . What you need is a driving school car really as they have the insurance for the test . If you have insurance cover now it wont cover manuals . Does your cover also include learner drivers ? Small cheapie car , A friend over 21 and insurance for a test seems to be a solution if you cant find a school car .
  21. 1 point
    Can’t you get someone over 21 to sit with you and supervise, you just need L plates.
  22. 1 point
    SOLD full price £1490 with a Mondeo taken in PX (£250) given. Project Mondeo will be next......
  23. 1 point
    In 2017 I went on a long summer holiday (3 separate trips) and in between two of them a chap called me from Bristol. Wanted my 2006 SLK350 and had a 2002 Z3 2.2i (straight 6 but nothing special) in chop. Wanted £4K for it and I told him no way, Cap said something like £2500. I went away on my travels. A month later in September he called again, the Merc was still there and he was interested in coming to see it. He came, loved it, his BMW looked very nice, I gave him £2400 for it and sent him happily. Thought of selling for £4K but had several other cars waiting and a ton of things to do so parked it in my "overflow" yard, right at the back. By end of November it had gone quiet and the time came for the cheapie BMW Z3. Looking at prices there was nothing comparable under £6K and being the middle of the winter I priced it at £7389 almost certain it will be several weeks before I got any interest. The phones started ringing almost immediately, on 27 December I had sold it for the full asking.
  24. 1 point
    Bid this punter on his 7 year old,powder blue met,Merc CClass against a newer one.He had parked his swapper in an unusual place over the road from the pitch..Said he would think about it.A few days later I see a powder blue met C Class park up in exactly the same unusual spot.The guy comes in and I say something like ‘you’re back for the C Class then’ and he says yes.So I write the deal down for him and say leave a deposit and get it tomorrow.He looks at the deal and says,’ I will just pay for it now ‘.I pass the deal over to a sales guy for the handover. The next day our sales guy says something like,was that guy with C Class a friend of yours etc.The swapper C Class turned out to be 4 years older than the one I valued,it was a different punter. I think the swapper had its birthday and we blew £3k on it,how embarrassing. sorry if I have mentioned that one before.
  25. 1 point
    2009 Mazda 6 sport diesel, owner was in panic mode after the new mot regs came out this year as she'd had the dpf mapped out......... Gave her 200 quid........ Sold next day......... £2000.
  26. 1 point
    Sold a £22K Merc ML350 on finance yesterday, took a deposit on a £13K Mini Convertible today and if I do two more juicy deals until the end of the year I will be happy. Away between 17th and 28th Dec so not a lot of working days left.
  27. 1 point
    Break even or small profit would be nice, I have had a range of December`s and who knows what this one will be ??
  28. 1 point
    'It's obviously a good car as its so popular sir' £1495 all day long AD, future classics market and all that, I'm sure someone will value it at that and at the money it owes you there's no reason to give it away.
  29. 1 point
    I like old Donald, he makes a lot of sense
  30. 1 point
    You are better off offering all your MOT, service and repair work to a local garage which will value your custom and ask them if in return you meet and great your billies there...... I did it for years.....................
  31. 1 point
    Checking the Mot history I see in 2009 it had an advisory on slight smear on front wiper blade Has it been done? I’ll give you £200
  32. 1 point
    Had a bit of a result on some cheap 16/65 Focus that we brought in, 4 identical Zetec 1.5 TDCi, all sub 50k, put one up cheap (£7495) yesterday morning, hour later, Irish chap on the phone, I will take the Focus, you got anything similar?.... 4 invoices sent, £4k transfered already with balance transfer when they collect.