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Everything posted by justina3

  1. I dont get this feeling against people texting myself, i get them all the time just give them a price they either say yes or no. As we pitch our product to first time buyers they often communicate via text even gets whats app enq's its how young folk talk.
  2. The locking is vacum on the fox so four cables and your away, changing locks and ecu in my mind = carnage so much to go wrong this doesnt fit or needs a program the chances of something not going to plan is just huge. I have never been able to sell Fox's the stupid cup holders in the back put a lot of people off, plus the 1.2 3 cylinder engine is a pile of junk.
  3. good luck with that i have been asking for ages people still think i am either a bint or a crossdresser
  4. can of worms to put it mildly, in the past i have just bought a cheap central locking kit from flee bay so the customer just presses the button to get in and then the ignition key,
  5. Never really seen the advantage for my useage, great invention if your detailing cars daily
  6. It might have popped up once or twice
  7. There handed out free around here, thick skin and a dose of google will sort you right out.
  8. My local auctions who are not franchised also do this as well weird, i have found a few sets of lovely oe mats in the boot recently
  9. Mileage blocker as in a device to alter the mileage or stop the mileage going up ie a clocked car ? if thats right then depends on your terms and conditions i would have thought like a mileage disclaimer if thats the case then they have no claim to you, if on the other hand you assured the mileage then its down to you. thats how i see it.
  10. Old models never suffered this problem, three hours it took the lads to get it right what a pain in the backside
  11. What is it with the Clio 07 On with doors that have dropped what a stupid fault to try and fix guys seems to spend forever on it, picked up two the weekend and both have the same fault better get the bacon rolls on order to soften the workshop guys up.
  12. If the auction is close to you then even in five years I would still attend, unless your buying very new stuff with tiny miles anything else needs to be heard seen and smelt in that order.
  13. Back in the day i used to be a VW fanatic and almost every car i bought was from the VW family (back when there product was good) i stopped in the end, niche seems to work for some people for me it was just to hard to find the right stock and enough of it to fill the lot with just one brand and then the product turned into a pile of rubbish anyway so it worked out well in the end.
  14. Totally agree i stopped trying to be the cheapest years ago thats a race to the bottom you shouldnt want to win.
  15. If you have set up a business bank account talk to your bank they often have merchant deals on machines and costs, i know Barclays did when i set up with them. I have changed banks recently but still use barclays for there merchant services.
  16. We do everything in house one mechanic employed full time, but we do not advertise to the retail market we only work for the trade, lots of reasons but in the end this route worked out to save us a fortune we zero headaches. quick example, Phone rings hello Mr Jones how can i help you, hi you fitted new brake pads for me last months and now i have an eml light on, aw ok bring it down and we will have a look, Mr Jones your 02 sensor has failed, well no way i am paying for that it was fine until you touched my brakes !!!!.......good bye retail customers. The work he does on the trade cars doesnt bring in a fortune but pays his wage and then all the work completed on our stock is labor free with enough left over to buy a few pizza's.
  17. Nope they pay a flat rate and mate commission on charging extra premium to us poor folk, so when you have got them down to there lowest figure just bash a few percent of the premium charge for going onto dd i know someone paying 8%
  18. Insurance companies have a bad name for a reason, we make sure we get a rep out so we have a face to shout at, also your premium for dd payments seems a bit high we pay 4% premium credit is the firm.
  19. Use those crazy opening doors and run for the hills
  20. We use them often not a quick fix but when done and done well they look good.
  21. We get a lot them being by the seaside needless to say we go through a lot of 2000 grit wet and dry
  22. Yep we have all that in our terms and conditions but no matter what you put in writing an idiot will always be an idiot i rather get the car in do the job done no fuss back to them less chance of it blowing up into a full blown argument, However I am of the mindset that a problem solved quickly and without any fuss gives our garage the chance to shine, you can picture the story about the pub table, customer bought a car from xyz now its got this wrong and that wrong all the garage want me to do is drive it back i am not driving it back its not safe, well you unlucky i bought my car from justin (the crossdresser) it had a fault they collected it sorted the fault delivered it back and even cleaned it, best form of free advertising you can get imo. As in life what ever works well for you.
  23. i agree but as we are a sub 4k market dealer and we do all our own in house repairs, whilst people are quite happy to travel 40 miles 80 miles round trip however they soon turn into a nightmare when there is a problem however big or small demanding collection and delivery and everything else under the sun, i rather sell locally issues are easily sorted then.
  24. Nearest first is my box of selection, we only sell low value stuff so couldnt care less what one is selling for 75 miles away