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Everything posted by justina3

  1. I was think along the lines of the headbanger that owned it, after reading the add i think headbanger is to polite the guy is clearly from a different planet. "it has jaw dropping looks,and turns heads every where it goes" (yep in disbelief)
  2. I always find when i go off my theme there the same as cars bikes boats if you comfy in that area there is room for you, if your out of your depth you will get burnt.
  3. justina3


    More coffee coming my way this is getting better by the day. And regarding the original post, your garage drained the oil on a fiesta thats a first on me, as tradex pointed out a 10 year old could work out a thrust bearing fault
  4. You cant fix stupid, god that saying has so many uses in the world we live in today, Bit shocked to see your stresses thought you had struck upon a great new usp of selling cars. If it helps here is stupid for you, Sold a Golf + tdi last weekend this thing is mint and i mean shiny polo mint, anyway fussy customer wants the head lights polished or changed, they had some slight frosting well they didnt polish up as good as he liked so he left a £300 deposit and said change the lights i will give you the asking price plus the price to change them, i found a set of copies on flebay for £130 result. Guys rings today doesnt want the car but his deposit back so i pointed out nice and calm your not having your deposit back you time wasting minge bag as you made me change the lights, he said fine but he wants the old lights as he feels he has purchased them !!! i kid you not. So around he came at 4.30 to collect his old Golf plus lights we just sat in the office and said there outside and laughed as he struggle to walk off with two headlights under his arms. go figure
  5. As in so many threads the discussion often goes off on a tangent, i was just commenting from both sides of the fence as a smart ass lease holder.
  6. For me its a no, i do enough hours during the week i forced myself a few years back after watching people starting to run themselves into the ground, cancer heart attacks stress was becoming a far to often story, i need my day off and now i couldnt do without it mentally and physically.
  7. Why has the lease holder got to be a smart ass?, We finished a development two years ago of 8 houses and had this clause put in, two reasons no 1 the building structural warranty company insisted upon it, no 2 over the years the two biggest headaches we have had from warranty claims came from people trading from home and using the properties for purposes they where not built for. So seeing both sides of the argument on this one. .
  8. I dont get that problem everyone is accountable for there actions if the mechanic doesnt put seat covers on he can explain the customer why they have oil on the seats or if the salesman promises the air con will work and it doesnt then its down to him to sort the customer out. Of course if they turn into a fruit cake then i step in, but no staff member gets to hide behind each other this approach i have found focus there minds.
  9. I had a complaint about our sales man last month, customer rang in saying he was rude and abrupt when I asked her for details she told me she doesn’t expect to be told sorry this garage isn’t for you when she asked can you not help me the sales man advised she needed far more help than a car sales can offer. of course I had to quiz him on it, basically the lady came in with her how to buy a car guide and laid down the rules of how she wil do business with us terms and conditons even had them written down, then a check list for 7 different cars she wanted to drive my guy tried his very best after 35 mins of pointless dribble explaining it is impossible to match Hyundai,s 7 year warrenty of a 2k Fiesta she then acccused him of trying to put her in a clearly illegal car as why would be putting trade plates on she isn’t in the trade and we must be trying to mask the cars real identity from her. At that point he pointed her in the direction of the door and said thanks but no thanks. I said good bullet dodged there and made the next round of coffee.
  10. Poor benji he isn’t here any more and the poor guy is still having it in the neck.
  11. What auction house, come to think of it doesnt sound right to me you pay an indemnity for just this reason.
  12. The boys just reminded me of a vicar we had come in once to buy a car, paid a deposit seemed like a decent enough chap, his daughter and husband came in the next day almost in tears with dad in the car, poor guy had alchermizers and forgot he couldn’t drive anymore bought the car for him and his wife sadly his wife passed away three years ago. Such a sad tale.
  13. We did ban an asian gent once for swearing at us because we wouldnt give him 50% discount on a car. As long as your not busy i see no harm in talking to the old guy you never know he might buy something one day.
  14. I am being deadly very worrying serious its getting stupid now, at this rate i will have a choice between a Clio Fiesta and Puntos.
  15. My avoid list is now bigger than my wish list
  16. Not sure how long it takes you to text it’s nornally less than a few minutes for us. A few minutes for a possible sale hardly a drain on company resources the staff take longer checking there brain draining mong book accounts.
  17. What auctions do you attend to see stuff miles below and i threw in some extra modern smiley faces just for you on this bright and cheery tuesday morning
  18. LIKE So if we go to an auction and the guide price is £3995 should we be allowed to start the bidding at £3500 or should we just not look at the car.
  19. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/REMOTE-KEYLESS-ENTRY-CENTRAL-LOCKING-KIT-VW-LUPO-POLO/380337360544?fits=Model%3APolo&epid=1588220466&hash=item588ddf8ea0:g:A04AAMXQHO9Re5rA You will need a relay to step up the current to lock but any 30amp relay will do the job nothing special I love Golf Plus's sold one yesterday they seem to come fully loaded or maybe just luck of the auctions.
  20. 10% golly thats a fair jump, you going to sell now or ride the wave see if it goes higher, thats one thing i have never got into is shares way to old in the tooth to start now but still good to watch.