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Everything posted by GreenGiant

  1. TV advertising as we know it is dead in the water. Most people just record what they want to watch and skip through the ads anyway, so the return on investment must be minimal. Other than maybe a live sports event, I couldn't tell you the last time I sat through an ad break. I did go to the cinema the other day (Mrs GG wanted to see J Bond esq get his kit off) for the first time in many years. Have to say it'll probably be another few years before I go again: Expensive and embarrassingly clichéd. And that was just the ads. In fact, they just seemed desperate in a sad sort of way. Anyway, it's all about digital product placements into actual programmes now. There are many examples (cars are good for this) where products are inserted into scenes digitally post-production, relevant to the target demographic or audience. Eg, different brands of drinks would 'appear' on a table for different countries. It is fascinating stuff, but the old collection of 30-second mini dramas during a programme is going the same way as newspaper ads.
  2. Did all mine on the Sunday morning after the clocks went back. Last thing you need in December is someone demanding a discount cos 'you've had it in stock so long it's still on Summer time' Also shows a slightly higher level of basic professionalism, in my view. As does setting the satnav to the customers home address before handover. And sorting out the bluetooth pairing when they collect. Customers don't remember the big stuff...
  3. This shouldn't make any difference. Manufacturers' warranties apply to the vehicles (not the owner) for a set period/mileage. It doesn't matter what building/website/street corner you bought them from. They have no right or reason to refuse a valid claim based upon who had title to a particular vehicle. Especially as a massive number of cars on the road don't actually belong to the people driving them. I do know that some manufacturers do try to disallow claims for faults on vehicles that are being prepared for resale, but we all know ways around that nonsense.
  4. I think you'll find that VAT registration is based upon turnover rather than GP old boy.
  5. Fwiw, we used to use AA Warranty (RAC as was) but, when they refused to pay out on a gearbox because we hadn't put enough business their way over the previous 3 months (seriously. The Ts & Cs of the policy were apparently irrelevant) we quit them and have been with Car Care Plan's Autotrust warranties ever since. Outside the scope of FCA too which is a bonus.
  6. Just kidding.... Although feel free to post one. Especially if you drive a VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat diesel, your other half has a Vauxhall Zafira, your phone and broadband is supplied by TalkTalk and you were planning on flying off to Acapulco this weekend. If this is you, it's probably not worth buying a lottery ticket.
  7. You looking at me.....? Here's the thing: You all have to realise that AT do not now exist to make you rich. The game has been changing for a long time. It is no longer about relationships with their customers and helping you to sell more cars; we are now in an era of Total Corporate Greed. Think Ryanair but also with them running the airports, air traffic control and Border Control. This is the AT vision of our industry. Control of the lot. Everything is monetised and chargeable. There is nothing you are going to get for free, for the greater good of you and your business. Nothing. Nada. Nil. Get used to it. It is not in their DNA. Ignore all the flowery promises and insincere flattery. Especially ignore all the marketing BS that is spewed out to try and justify their actions. Do not, however, ignore your own instincts and knowledge. You have probably been selling cars for a lot longer than they have been doing what they do. You have certainly sold more cars than any one of them. You are good people and you know what you are doing and everyone will get what they deserve in the end. I have no patience with them as I can see through the smoke and mirrors, so I will just pay for the bits I need (for now) and source other things elsewhere. As has been said on here and other forums, you pays your money, you takes your choice, but there's no point complaining if you aren't prepared to do anything about it. However, even in their blinged-up ivory towers, they must now realise that the peasants are revolting.
  8. A friend of a friend of a friend is called Wayne Bruce. His nickname? Manbat. Bloody brilliant.
  9. You have to wonder when lazily-written, cliche-ridden articles slagging the trade are ever going to end. All they ever do is perpetuate the myths without any recourse or apology for the lack of actual facts. It's pathetic really. Im amazed they even published your letter!
  10. I think you can add a page in the 'manage my website' bit (blue button at top of dealer portal) and call it whatever you like - how about 'testimonials'? Then just cut, paste and publish.
  11. Up the prices and advertise a 'Minimum £500 Part Exchange' offer? 'Your car as full deposit' vinyl stickered on a scrapper outside as a finance ad? Or is that a bit too Old School?
  12. Likewise. Think it's the time of year when people realise that their old falling-to-bits snotter probably won't see them through another winter, so they're getting out of them now, while they can. Bright side: More deals done. Not so Bright side: Loads more deathtraps for the illegal roadside traders to screw people over with.
  13. Fill your boots, cancel your guide subscriptions and donate to a charity of your choice instead. My work here is complete...
  14. Think you may have to contact them to get properly authorised. I'll talk to my contact there and find out for you.
  15. Not sure if I should blab about this (as I usually prefer to keep my opinions to myself...), but I've been a user of autorola's Autofind Stock Locator for many years. Not only does it have a large no of main dealer cars for sale, there is also a facility to add cars to advertise. Doing this by reg no lookup gives both cap and glass valuations. Tbh, I don't think I pay anything for it, so seems like a proper bargain to me! If there is a cost, I'm sorry but don't grass on me.
  16. Last one of these for a while, folks. I'm getting a bit tired of finding things to whinge about - seems it's all I ever do! So, just a general observation this week. Why... ... does the lengthy dry and sunny spell only start here the day before I fly off to Spain? Where it is raining. Where it hasn't rained for the last 5 months. I'm sure I'm being punished for something. Does AT control European Weather Patterns as well as the UK car market? Speaking of AT... ...nah... cba.... but had a quick look on their forum earlier and the groundswell of discontent is definitely growing. Not quickly enough, but the worm is certainly turning. The next few months should be interesting.
  17. I think you'll find they said leg end. As in: withered, scabby old stump.
  18. I could be pedantic Phil old boy, and say that it is only the first £1000 that you keep just over £400, but in essence you are correct. And it is for this reason alone that there are so many street corner/layby traders knocking out poorly-prepped bangers. No VAT, no warranty, no comebacks, no accountability. If the auction co's insisted on a VAT reg no before all 'traders' could buy cars, the playing field would start to be levelled for the rest of us.
  19. I'm picking on the punters again this week. Especially this one... Few weeks back, a guy rings us asking for prices to service and MOT his 2 cars (neither bought from us). All quoted and booked in. Collection and Delivery, swapping one for the other when completed over a couple of days. Simples. First car collected; calling it a shed is doing a disservice to sheds. 7 year-old MPV, kids, dog, takeaways, last time it was cleaned was the day before it was registered. Needless to say, the MOT doesn't go too well and the Failure list goes to 2 pages. Work required is explained and authorised. Bill of £900 paid over the phone next day and the swap is done for the second car. This one makes the first one look like a minter. Seriously. Stig of the Dump would complain to the council if he had to live in it. Our driver brought it in and told the service guys that there was something wrong with the brakes and the steering was knocking. MOT confirmed: Brakes metal to metal, shockers leaking, suspension arm bushes perished. electronic parking brake inop, bulbs, wipers, emissions (EGR valve, obvs) etc, etc. Estimated £1400 for the repairs and fingers crossed the service didn't find anything else. Punter went into orbit. Couldn't believe we could do the same thing to him twice. How could his beloved cars both need so much work? They'd been meticulously maintained. We're obviously just finding work because he's a soft touch.., you know how it goes. Didn't want any of the repair work done on this car as he was getting rid of it anyway, so we delivered it back. Two weeks later we get the email about his CSI questionnaire. Trashed us for appearance of premises (never set foot in the place), Comfort of Reception area (ditto), Clarity of Communication and Value for Money. Oh, and we didn't valet his car either. Cheers mate.
  20. Anti-depression pills for when you tell the punter how much they're getting for their swapper and they say 'Blimey - that's more than I was expecting...!'
  21. Knock yourself out buddy. Doesn't matter if they buy or sell or both. Or anyone really. I'm tired of being tarred with the same brush as some greedy toerag that is only in it for the glory.
  22. Nothing to whine about this week. In fact, everyone else seems to be kicking off about everything so I don't really need to! I do think the 'Name and shame' concept might have some legs though. There's some potential mileage in publicising the rip-off merchants that give the rest of us a bad name. I know they won't like it but, if they've overstepped the line then I personally don't give a monkey's willy. The public should be treated with respect. Well... Most of them...
  23. Named and Shamed! Nice. This is the way forwards people. The more unscrupulous traders that are unmasked, the better it will be for the rest of us. Hey! Nottingham Audi! Anything to say?.....