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Everything posted by GreenGiant

  1. ...and some industrial-looking metallic blue ones...
  2. Ah well. We've all got to find something we're good at, haven't we? Besides, it really all depends on where we're located. For example, You being where you are (and Jim Reid, at the other extreme) would probably benefit from a flat rate, whereas Umesh sat in the middle of the country would be the one subsidising your deliveries. But he's a nice guy and wouldn't mind at all!(?) So, I don't know if there is a right answer. I guess it just is what it is and we like it or lump it.
  3. I see what you say, but when you find one in Newcastle, would you be prepared to pay £300 to make up the difference? Or will you then be wanting the subsidised flat rate? Everyone's trying to make a living; it can't always be heads you win, tails they lose, can it? And I bet you made more than £90 out of it... I don't have a problem with flat rate delivery charges. In fact, I wish MFL would introduce it, as it seems the only cars I ever want to buy from them are a squillion miles away.
  4. As its a DD, I think it's an instant transfer anyway, but give them a ring to check.
  5. Not a problem and if there are any issues, they get resolved. You are signing the DD mandate so they can take the money for the cars you buy. Don't forget, you also get Glass and CAP valuations for FREE also.
  6. You're assuming the 'recently-educated' actually know how to read. Most certainly can't construct a sentence, hold a conversation, or complete simple arithmetical tasks, so maybe reading is a magic trick that only the gifted elite are able to perform?
  7. Only this website. Every page I get a popup asking if I want notifications. I know I can click on 'Never allow' or 'No thanks, guv' or whatever, but only until I clear the cache and cookies, then round we go again. Is it just me?
  8. That's the thing - pop-ups are blocked.
  9. Bleedin' annoying now... Every single page?! Ive just got a new PC and don't want it infested with this stuff, thanks. Can you make it go away please?
  10. Maybe you have to do the 'Sell From The Trade' thing online using the V5C ref no. ie tell DVLA new keeper details, then tear up the V5 Then tax it using the V5C/2 ref no. (which is just the same number but with a random extra first digit) Then do the transfer. But then you'd have to use the V5C ref no that you've already used and torn up. Which is no longer valid, is it? Let's face it, I haven't a clue. Don't know why I even stuck my nose in..... ...sorry.
  11. You may be lucky and it could have had the leaks fixed recently, but just never dried out properly. Time will tell.....
  12. Older C1s very prone to need clutches at about 40k. Also leak like a sieve through the rear lights, vents and/or tailgate. So don't be surprised if it lands back on your toes the day after the next rainstorm.
  13. It's 'checked' not 'check'. And 'alternative to' not 'alternative of'. The rest is just gibberish, but thanks for popping in.
  14. I thought I'd heard of it before......FarmersgolfFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Preparing for a swing in Farmersgolf.Farmersgolf (Boerengolf in Dutch) is a farm land game modelled after the sport of golf. It originated from a cheese farm run by Peter Weenink in Lievelde, a small village in the Achterhoek region of the Netherlands. It was invented out of frustration with costly golf course fees in the Netherlands, and with a test called the GVB (Golfvaardigheidsbewijs) which most Dutch courses require players to pass before being allowed to play. The first game was played in 1999, and since then games have also been played in Germany, Belgium, Sweden, France and Finland. There are currently about 70 farmers golf locations in the Netherlands, and over 110 Europe-wide. In 2005, over 10,000 people played the game on Weenink's course alone. Farmersgolf is played with a special wooden golf club, with a club head in the shape of a wooden shoe, or clog (in Dutch: klomp). A farmers golf ball is, with its 20 centimeter diameter, much larger than a traditional golf ball. A golf hole is made by placing a bucket in the ground and a flagpole beside it. The 8 to 10 holes have, on average, more than 200 meters distance between them. The defining feature of Farmersgolf is that the game is played on an otherwise unaltered farm. Obstacles and "hazards" include anything one might find on the farm, including live cows, ditches and barbed wire. The Farmersgolf name is trademarked in several countries and Weenink hopes to establish an international association that will raise the game to the level of serious sport.
  15. And the special, mould-eating bunting... ...don't forget the bunting.
  16. Hang on...... got a £6k car here..... let me just put the price up to £8750....... OK...... give us his number, I'll be amazing and give him £250 back. You wanna buy his swapper?
  17. Sheffield to Shrewsbury and back. Every day. Except Xmas hols. For 5 1/2 years. I could be wrong though...
  18. I think we all know which one it is... long as he leaves you with a bank account full of cash and then does a disappearing act without showing you his magic wand!!
  19. I heard that.... Hmmmmm. Difficult to know where you draw the line though, isn't it? So you (we) don't mind helping, as long as it's not helping too much. I'm not saying that is wrong, but there's a morality issue that certainly does need thinking about. Correct. it's the VoucherCode Generation. Had a discussion this week with someone after one of our cars. Long story short: wanted to buy ours at a big discount, sell me his old klunker at Retail, and not come back for servicing, MoT etc. He got a bit peeved when I said i'd rather keep mine and sell it to someone local and reasonable. A question for all (and this may go off-topic and need another thread, but it is kind of relevant): What do you do with your non-retail part exchanges? Have you thought about where they end up and how much of the 'home-trader' problem is, in fact, of your own making? Albeit indirectly?