It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. not interested in 40 year old rust buckets as i welded enough of them up to know not to want to own one im more interested in making sure my mot failures are minimised and nothing shows on the sheet
  2. you dodged a bullet with them by just refunding ,well done i will do exactly the same but i wont normally sell a car like this to parents for their sons for this very reason,girls no problem boys no ,i need to see the boys eyes and body language or i wont do a deal
  3. linky here i cleaned out all the bugs with my feather duster made of old car mats
  4. cribbers aint worth dealing with unless its reasonable like the parcel shelf needs replacing or there's a mudflap missing and can you sort it once they start talking noises that aren't there its best to answer the phone that isnt ringing pull the keys out and trouser them and disappear from view,they usually get the message,easy one is to tell them the phone call is a previous customer who saw this car and is on their way to purchase and for you not to sell it
  5. and they probs been fraiped man
  6. It's me


    as said do a walkround at time of collection,this is written on my bill of sale and is a step to cover you,theres no way 700 miles later they can argue the dent was already there then use the opportunity to show them how to fill up with fuel the condition of a spare wheel and jack and any locking keys then show them under the bonnet then sit them in the car and go through all the instruments and then in your case show them how the bog flushes if you think it will affect future business pay for the repair and learn from the experiance the nicest ones are always the ones with the hidden knife
  7. i wouldn't be worried unduly i had a customer ring me about 7 weeks ago with the exact same problem and they had changed plugs coils etc without my say so i asked them what a scan of the vehicle showed and they said they hadn't done one i told them to stop playing parts darts and get a scan done basically as a starter for ten after the phone call i remembered that they told me they have a business repairing lawn mowers and i wonder if they filled the car i sold with old lawnmower (free) petrol as most people wont accept that modern petrol goes off very fast he didn't give you the opportunity to inspect the vehicle but took on technical repairs himself without professional advice either from yourself or a local garage so you have no idea if he created the problem and now he's had his fingers in the pie you cant reasonably be expected to refund him i would ask him to return the vehicle at his expense so you can have a professional look at the vehicle at your expense only and change your invoice to specifically add that any complaint must first be addressed for you to have the opportunity to inspect before any third parties or the owner can have a twiddle of any knobs or see him in court if you have built up a slush fund of 3g
  8. has the head gasket gone yet oh he never came back did ee
  9. mercedes you need a star to work on them see what i did then
  11. the power of the community spirit eh? anyway he is my cuusin innit
  12. coming to a cash machine near you soon i quess or was it a jewellery wobbewi what a shame there isnt a house number on the door in the background otherwise we might have found it
  13. its the back of beyond,no room at the inn last time i was in the area and everything shuts at 8.00pm
  14. theres a johny foreigner i know who sells lots of car from his private ebay account,i just assume the people buying are as big a scally as he is so they all deserve each other
  15. hi have you tried a miniductor to remove hail dents and if you have what do you think of it? thanks
  16. you forgot to add that on the day its supposed to arrive they always come at least an hour late and usually give no apology unless pushed this is why i keep their car all day and sometimes overnight too,its just my way of punishing them
  17. you've offered it for sale so they could look at it remember these people are not nice people if you rub them up wrong this is why i have a strict policy of offering nothing for sale unless its ready the dealer was selling poor maintained cars he was due a tickle anyway but they do sometimes go on the look occasionally (TS)
  18. with regards customers cars and repairs its always wise to book them in and advise customer you will require the car all day,this stops phone calls and also if it is paid work and they think you have worked on it all day they feel they are getting their monies worth with regards advertising cars not ready for retail then you only have yourself to blame don't do it is the simple answer and if its not valeted its not pdi i assume so if trading standards see it advertised and do a spot check and find fault you could be for the high jump seen it on a local pitch just saying
  19. put a vacuum gauge on it and post the readings for tickover and fast speed 2000revs
  20. just do the ebay ad spares repairs and see if it goes at £250 you say this was the cream on the cake so wipe it off its gone off