It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. i was just thinking most of my customers dont even want a drive they know they want what i have and trust me to deliver the full package, its really nice to be trusted, its so much easier when you have a product that sells i always insist on a test drive as my invoice makes them sign that they have been on one the only time i let a customer off a test drive in the last 2 years was because he insisted he didnt want one, only to come back two minutes later saying there was a noise,turned out the front discs had rust on them having been parked up overnight after a proper wash
  2. spot on i used to worry that a paint job on say a wing was a slightly different shade but came the realisation that im in the 10% of the population that can actually see this i dont get where arthur dealey shows stone chips though as if its a badge of honour take it or leave it ive gone through dozens of boxes of bryant and mays over the years using the ends to touch up any chip no matter how small its so useful when the couple come to view, the husband wanting, the wifey with her arms crossed doesnt want it because she would rather have a holiday, but my matches get the sale because theres nothing to slag on the car little things make heap big money see
  3. to slow the process down what steps do you undertake to confirm they are legally allowed to drive your car i assume you have accompanied test drive insurance if you are letting them at the wheel and not taking basic details off them then there is a possibly they might be getting a speeding ticket so use the form filling to cut out the tyre kickers easy
  4. did you ask them how much owed are we talking a grand or grands
  5. you have to sell it on price the number plate does the rest older people love these on a newer plate than they thought they could afford
  6. im surprised it runs my mates didnt aa gave him a red card in the end
  7. nice like it those scales can they do dope
  8. well for your sake i hope your fall is only small saying that my cousin fell off a 6inch wall back in 69 and still walks with a limp
  9. many owners show many trubles troo sayin flom far away clountry
  10. get these bought and stuffed in your glovey box much nicer than the oversweeet mars bars weve have flounced upon us these last 15 years............
  11. seriously? most buyers are goldfish so you gotta grab their attention the new new new new to the power of 10 (i think i got it right) advert is just more click bait
  12. i had similar years ago,i bought a car at auction gave it the full monty and had it all ready to retail when the auction house rang me up and said they had made a mistake and can i call in with another $500 i explained no but they were insistent so my only recourse was to never go there again they went bust soon afterwards,i like to think i did my bit
  13. I look at it a slightly different way back in the days where you had exchange an mart autotrader was still new and your local rag you advertised and your customers were always local unless exchange an mart pulled a head from afar (cant remember it) now up to date and you advertise on ebay and the whole world sees it the only people looking are genuine people and bored internet wallers for this reason to cut out all the sillies why not advertise your classic like anything else for the price you want ,ok put make offer but if silly, there are steps in place to ignore if you choose this way genuine people know whether it fits their pocket or not i relate it to driving down a road and theres a car on the kerb saying for sale but no price,i drive on i look in a shop window full of enticing goodies but no prices,i walk on i like many want to know what the pound in my pocket will buy
  14. never done one or corsa c but the corsa b were a peach to do as it was literally a pot you adjusted with the wheels clear of the ground and then start it up once the wheel didnt turn in one direction but stayed straight ahead you nipped everything up filled it back up with the glue gun and away you went these modern cars are a real pain as often you cant calibrate it without a scope and know how to use it
  15. fords from a mk1 transit onwards always had wiring that turned black ,ive spent a good bit of my life chasing cables back to shiney metal to let in new stuff modern citroen/peugeots i find i cant solder to the wires i thought at first it was because of this new smoulder we have to use with no lead but i bought some old new stock and still struggle sometimes
  16. if its a can bus wire then the broken wire is very plausible or non plausible if you is the computer looking for high speed comms
  17. to be fair if he is a jock then all becomes clear their beers muck cost me £5 a pint when i was up there in december everything was covered in snow or mush its always been their pastime to moan and if they arent moaning they are moaning that they havent got anything to moan about build that wall with cranky and her mates behind it
  18. If he wanted economy why didnt he buy the ubiquitous diesel mpg for a petrol sounds right to me,tell him to go on a long motorway run and he might get 36 but i doubt it remember he gave the vehicle a full and proper inspection prior to purchase so basically its buyers remorse *or it certainly sounds like it) did it have a fresh mot at pos is so you will have the emissions print out? always worth keeping these on odball stuff
  19. heyyyyyyyyyyyy pier luigi............ just like my mama used to make it
  20. kept away from everything been a nice break too so far
  21. depends where he bought them from i see my fantastic launch crp129 has now price crashed on aliexpress i updated mine a few months back via the internet and its dongle,super tool that works out of the box fast ive loads of laptops but hated the time the various programmes took to communicate with stuff like renaults or fiats so they are all stuffed in the bottom of the filing cabinet for emergancies
  22. i dont know about his user name i normally slip on them down my lane
  23. finish by autosmart,it has silicon but is water based so thin it down to your desired finish used it for years for real faded plastic a heat gun still comes up trumps but its a fine line before everything goes to a glump
  24. see business to business