It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. well done my first port is always a google with regards neck and throat try taking a sip of water with your viagra next time
  2. sold a car a few weeks back with every check box checked full new mot ,this car was sold before it had been unloaded i was delivering it as the customer was a new driver guess what the eml came on on the delivery
  3. i hate machines and yes its my age
  4. yesterday speaking to a very nice chap and i told him i only like to sell to people i like as it cuts down on the moaners he said well i hope you like me because i want to buy this car yes i said i do like you and we did a deal i honestly try not to sell to people i dont like because you just know that if they arent nice today they wont be any better tomorrow
  5. why not inspect your cars before you take them for the mot i get complete respect from my mot station because cars are fully sorted before they go times money and if you want a discount trade mot then respect the mot mans time and not have him do an extended essay finding all the advisories categories required on the machine as he writes you out a failure chit i left my last mot station because the man with the hat told me he was going to charge me retest fees even though its easier to spot an albatross than me get a failure chit with regards driving a car from the mot station that flags a dangerous the law doesnt change and your insurance is invalid anyway if you did knowingly drive a car in such a condition
  6. worse the guns fully loaded i believe its better to buy from a plc who will idemnify you againt the risk,i know you will only get what you paid and no betterment but its better than getting a letter through the post warning you its going to go all legal if you dont cough up 4g
  7. i wouldnt want to sell it its a hundy thats 16 years old and niche just saying...............
  8. car tax too much for my money and use just use a cheap road tax smoking dog and keep the back seats down
  9. santander for me they do everything i need and reasonable charges too,one of the main reasons was i could pay any cash into my account at the local PO i left hsbc
  10. utter madness at the mo
  11. you usually get to the house and see signs of trading like a wheel in the corner or the gardens built in such a way that theres a fence where they do their dodgy repairs behind etc if its a council estate or whatever they are called these days you usually spy a tattered old recovery truck very near the scenes of crime seen it all
  12. its always been this way though theres an mot garage near me that also sells cars,ive heard they have been taken to court due to dodgy dealings but they still told a customer of mine to buy a car i had for sale but the tester guy who came with the customer then went on to say he would have failed it on a mark on the windscreen even though it was outside the drivers arc he would have loved to have lifted her skirt but i dont need to i prefer the monies
  13. my own at least 30 years work in them now it now runs to 18 pages with the new gdpr rules added
  14. that should sell ,no worries pal its outstanding in its field..............
  15. is it working yet now i know what tsb stands for
  16. cdm isnt what it was its too american for me i now buy aldi chocolate whats that oreo about too whilst im on they were horrible 30 years ago just like hersheys adventures of chocolate tin tin,nasty stuff now the car
  17. i have yet to meet a trader who likes visiting a jeep trade counter im sure the foreign legion sounds a nicer experiance
  18. i used to use 2 different cars when i was buying cars with my wanted ad in the local newspapers its amazing what dress and car can make to nicking nice stock
  19. check the drop links again if thats what it has just one little bit of rubber missing can make one hell of a noise sometimes
  20. absolutely pathetic it looks like a 5 year olds best effort why make something simple look so bad
  21. i never join private clubs last one i was in got raided and we all had to run out of the back door
  22. i put it to me learned friend whom did you purchase the commodity off i rest my case my lords quilty as charged............
  23. send me your email and i can do you a virus package for £10 we do gud business
  24. you wont win an oil leak is obviously a major fault if you dont nip it the next thing you will get a call telling you the engine wont turn over and its cost £200 to recover it to their local garage then its letter before action then you lose in court sounds bad but if selling cars the other side of the country you need more small print than anything to cover yourself ive just turned down a long distance seller on a car before theyve even set off ps you cannot charge them to collect this car you are taking away their statutory rights