It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. mechanics dont even like being called mechanics they havent for 20 years brainwashed by the establishment (technicians) 50% are fitters at best and then they only fit on what a fault code says frightening and damming in my opinion but hey ho at least the other 50$ are true and good ..........
  2. i know we are getting sidetracked but if you dont do it you will regret it for the rest of your life if your wife is supportive then she is probably being pragmatic in getting you to put a lot of figures down and see what comes out at the end as said figures can mean anything you want but at lweast it gives you an idea of all the costings can you not say start up a limited co make your wife secretary to give her an insight into how you are doing and pay a peppercorn rent to the garage to keep everything sweet main thing is you must match your stock to the area do not buy something because you like it you can do it you just need the wifes support
  3. i would like to think the future is bright on this one but ebay dont really listen to anyone but themselves so although the idea is good i will wait to see the outcome by sitting on the fence im sure it will pass the monopolies commission or whatever its called as everything else passes
  4. good reviews i wonder why these good garages dont also use foxy lady though
  5. i quote the phrase anyone can hold a hammer but it needs experience to know where to hit with the thing this is why its always best to shoo the customer offbefore you give his car the magic potion or they feel they havent had value for money and if they leave it with you to fix on a warranty issue or indeed a paid fix dont ring them before 4.00pm to say its ready, this way they again feel they have got value for money (took me a long time to realise this but this information is free on here,)
  6. this never happens though the most tight arses of the motoring public buy these cars and never spend one penny theres one down the road from me its so loud it makes me cringe how can you live with such a thing also quality filters that dont turn to mush plus many garages as well as joe soap still think oil is oil so chuck some semi 10/40 down its hole
  7. you cant win this put yourself in customer viewpoint they bought a prestige car get the car back appraise and as said option ise where you go forward from there
  8. dell 610 and 620 here the rolls royce of reliability in a small box
  9. no thing is an alternator cant put in 100% charge i had an undi i1o earlier this year that had all this stop start garbage on it and it wouldnt work it needed 95 % charge apparently to work fortunately the savvy customers had done their homework and agreed the system was a joke to appease tree tossers
  10. you can check in but you can never leave
  11. maybe hes in the funny farm we all end up in there you know just sayin...........
  12. nothing go-in on but the rent i prefer
  13. do they actually have garages in grimsby? i thought the town had shut down years ago
  14. as its a ford check the iat sensor
  15. i think this is fake news and a publicity stunt pull the udder one meanwhile back on planet earth
  16. for the record i read Technotes post last night and just thought mm whats he/she trying to achieve maybe getting someone to admit something or working for the daily mail retc if you are a trader doing the job right you dont let anuything go out you wouldnt put yourself in you don't hope a car doesn't comer back because of something dodgy you wouldn't let brakes go out 30% left im not perfect but i too change lots of 501's because over the years its the first thing that pops after an mot so 12p a bulb is cheaper than grief Technote we are professionals on here so im too out
  17. so, make your own lunch at home everyday and one car advert per day is a freebie
  18. i dont like the twin exhaust is that standard fit or has a wazock owned it previous? boot tyre wants slicking a bit of fairy paint on the tyre rim to make it look like its never been fitted (it looks rusty and used) boot floor cleaning wheels in straight ahead mode lose the picture of the headlight switch see it can be done and dont eat pies when customer turns up
  19. different angle i was brought up to have manners and respect unfortunately most people have neither these days it really boils my we we if someone is given help whether on an internet forum or more likely here at work and the common decency of a thank you is never forthcoming,autofactor drivers seem the worst taking my time up and asking where so and so is then turning on their heals with not so much as a cheery wave did i mention opening doors for people in shops etc
  20. im slowly replacing standard tube fluorescents with the smd type,these use much less electric and im pleased with them,they also came free from an electrician working on public buildings where things get changed regularly that i know also i have a customer who promised me his mate who works for a large plc also has a good supply of slightly used ones,these have yet to turn up though not like the cake i got the other week .mm cake those square lights look ok but are still very expensive for what they are in my opinion
  21. i would have deducted advert costs and admin charges before he got a refund off me just rewrite your sales invoice stating its a contract to purchase and an administration charge etc will be payable if the sale is voided by either party get them to sign it job done
  22. just to confirm though both cows and car are outstanding in their field