It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. what is this AT? sounds so last century
  2. rattle can that rotten sill lip with satin or matt black spend a £ more and get fuck me i want it wheel trims from eurocarparts
  3. hi if that is your advert redo the photos as it will put many off i could just expect you coming out to deal with me me stuffing a pie and having one of those nasty bity dogs on a lead remember people will sit for ages looking at pictures so background friendlyness is very important
  4. when its all done you can park your helicopter in there too
  5. they either knew the breaker engine was no good or they didnt you bought business to business a product you was told was fit for purpose see if they are limited and go lba get an engine somewhere else and please guys stop buying recurring vw threads with shit mechanicals it will put you in an early grave
  6. the only economical way to pull yourself out of these problems is to source s/h we all know this is impossible unless monies no object so the next way forward is to buy heavy rear salvage and get the box out of one and the donkey out of the other of course the labour bill and the logistics will be a nightmare please dont buy lightweight vw in the future as the last half decent car they made were a derby and even those needed the back arches clagging at 4 years old sorry mate
  7. The problem with this country is if you fail everyone treats you as a loser i know someone who would rip the shirt off your back has liquidated many times owes lots of people lots of money even to me some of them very nasty people indeed but whenever i meet up with an acquaintance i havent seen in a while its never how am i doing is always this other bloke its one of the reasons im not a facebook member as his name would obviously ping up all the time for some reason rogues are worshiped in the uk in america you are deemed to be a failure if you havent fallen and rebuilt so hats of to you Mark you have my respect the guy who laughed i just think with hindsight he made a booby with his comment
  8. lets be honest hes talking shite
  9. im not a fan of those code readers where the sales representatives think they are doing you a favour selling you finance at 10 bob a week get you on the hook
  10. or do the same to the car they are collecting and watch their faces take the spare wheel or gunge as well
  11. i would just love some tyre kickers to just well kick some tyres ive only got a magpie for company
  12. yes this its been building up now this past 3 years but even cars that look clean arent when you look properly people arent even having oil changes now, the filters on some look years old and very rusty it used to be bald tyres and a scuff now its deep clean /deep service
  13. digital is much easier just sayin..............
  14. nobody seems to have access to cash anymore this is the problem if she blows you can have a pitch full of anything but if they aint got the cash and the credit taps is off then its the old manage with what you have till its repossessed
  15. this is why i wont buy one as ive seen dip heads back probing and i just go ooooh you dont wanna do it like that but they still continue so i leave them to it i like a 501 bulb on a bit of wire if doing simple paralmpic drains
  16. i saw one of my old girlfriends the other day she was just like an old cortina all the trim bits had dropped down and she had a saggy bottom now thats a classic
  17. i hate my voice unfortunately i always wanted to be a dj because it was always a fanny magnet job anyway what if i do a video with say a voice changer to the darth vader would it put people off i wonder
  18. i think this is spot on and all good to nick
  19. i believe purrgot were the first to introduce canbus we now reap the rewards of cable saving............not
  20. thanks just been on ebay and bought a new tin hat wifes not happy ive bought a 1000 tins of baked beans mind for the cellar
  21. breaking.................
  22. first customer today and they want to do a deal with their unsaleable car and i give them money how does that work? i thought quantative easing was a government job