It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. if you have a punter ready it would be short odds however the phone call goes thus brbbbbrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrr try again #### #me too bbbbrrbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbrrrrrrrrrrrr try again br br hello?????? is that mr peters? yes how can i help you hi its dave from economic cars i have the purrgot you asked me to source oh................................ we bought one on saturday.................. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. im going to look on abay for a big snap off patch
  3. he says he has no spare cash so this could be an issue of course sometimes going to court is a matter of principles principles have caused me a lot of hassle over the years but as michael caine said 'if you aint got peace of mind,what have you got' so there you are only thing is as i said earler the plaintiff might start adding on taxi fares storage road tax unused insurance stress loss of time at work etc etc etc
  4. just burnt a big hole in my free pagid winter coat with my heatgun
  5. once you get the lba you want to be filling all the paperwork in soonest and asking the court for arbitration,if the plaintiff refuses then also ask for an independent inspection of the car to ascertain the reason for rejection,this can cost up to £300 because the court might decide who can inspect if indeed they allow it you can ask the court to have the trial near your home if other party is far away,again depending on backlog this may not happen it can be 6 months plus before you get to court the plaintiff might make a call to trading standards to complain so be ready and have all your amunition at hand trading standards might be a good call anyway once the lba comes so as to ask for their advice
  6. smoothed battery charger no honk konk flues or ones that use a thyristor
  7. no this is the point the money may have been gifted/lent etc the judge will dismiss this if you use this as a defence put it in obviously but only as a point
  8. to add all correspondence to now be done via recorded signed for registered mail with regards nothing to do with father,ignore this im afraid because father might say he lent the funds so it his his case,remember the log book shows recorded keeper not owner (got the t shirt for this one too) you now need to write everything down, times, everything and wait for the lba
  9. at least you dont have to work out if the going is good before you bid or kinda you dont
  10. my dad used to bet cured me,he always lost more than he won however he did used to take me to auctions pottery old furniture etc think steptoe and son places so i never lost that bug
  11. citizens advice are a waste of time they nearly cost me a classic many years ago with bad advice steer clear of do gooding jobs worths
  12. never gambled in my life ok spent £5 on the lottery and lost the lot however when looking at lists of cars for sale i still feel like im picking the winner at kempton tomorrow on the 3.30 anyone else think the same
  13. the customer can insist on what he wants its up to the seller at this stage where he wants to go refund repair ignore like poker you need a good hand ie you hold all the right cards before making a move oh and i know nowt about poker nicely crafted words and succinct the guy isnt stupid is he
  14. i never ever said give a refund i said see what the fault is and decide your actions remember its a 3 pot vw these throw codes for fun
  15. so to summarise you sold a car it went faulty a garage unknown to you threw lots of parts on at your expense its now gone faulty again within six months with possibly same fault supplying garage dont want to give witness statement to the fact their repairs fixed the original problem your customer now has a car where handbook says return to dealer if light on 'do not drive' and you are listening on an internet forum to tell customer to do one as i said earlier you need concrete proof this is a new problem unconnected to whats already fixed if you dont do this the customer can claim for independent investigations car hire loss of use road tax insurance storage stress etc trust me here you could easily get a claim for 5g but hey what do i know im an optimist whos been there got the t shirt he could win and if you lose and forget to ask for the car back the claimant gets to keep that too whether its worth 5 bob or 50 grand
  16. before it goes any further would they be willing to give a witness statement if car has another unrelated fault
  17. within 6 months then read my posts again ive been to court by the way
  18. i never said customer was entitled to a refund i said go see the car and decide what action to take by sending the letter it leaves you not knowing what is wrong and customer having independent inspections which would be added to any court costs if OP loses in court because same fault is still present
  19. yes go look at the car or get a professional to listen to engine check oil check fault codes present and historical base whether you are willing to help once this is done if it goes to court the judge will see the car had lots of problems when purchased and these have returned judges cant differentiate between orange lights today and when purchased if you dont have evidence they arent related in their summing up if it goes to court you sold a lemon and knew it think about it if you go to court you need to win on evidence put yourself in shoes of customer ,would you be happy? this cars been nothing but trouble since purchased do yourself a favour do not buy another ask any garage what a piece of garbage they are
  20. hi reading the original post and what was done i see that the trader was over helpful the customer sees this as a sign of weakness this is why they are pushing now if the OP sends that letter i bet on the 2.30 at kempton tomorrow he will get a lba the customer has nothing to lose but £98 this is why i suggest the seller uses all due diligence by going through all the motions and writing it all down times dates conversations he then has a much better chance if it goes to court think about it so mr dealer this car had the same problem recurring since the day they bought it remember an orange light is just an orange light to somebody not conversant
  21. As much as I like his letter I think that the bad customer feeling would continue so I stand by my advice
  22. Probably sounds like a skeleton having a wank in a dustbin now because the owner hasn't kept their eye on the oil level and the chain's jumped a tooth Suggest you go look at the car non committal check the level and quality of oil look how many miles since purchase make a decision on what action you will take if any and keep to it Or take the car away and put a Tom thumb on the second lambda if chain quiet
  23. As that bloke on channel 37chasing cars says It's all about the chase
  24. Aftermarket stereo so when the scanner was plugged in the power went down a can line and fried your ecu It was common a while back Never as you say plug into the unknown I lost my Sykes pick event tool sip I think it was called after the so called mechanic had wired the crank sensor up wrong and it fried my map pod I wasn't happy either