It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. hi mike my insurer will only let me tax cars that are in the business name on the v5 thats LV With regards taxing then if you di these on a DDthe dvla take away your right to do it ever again if they catch you basically all cars in trade need to be off any land designated that the public can enter so this is why places like pub car parks are a no no my advice if you do indeed know your pub landlord and he has spre space is rent a bit off him in the corner put a plastic chain link fence up and get him to draw you up a short term lease type agreement to prove this is off bounds for joe public
  2. what are you doing about the steery lock though
  3. i used to run 71/2 ton you didnt need anything no tax as it was recovery no mot if you wanted to exempt it (i never did although it was a faff if it failed because you might wait 4 weeks for a retest slot) then you had to have an o licence i could get round that as i sold the truck to a mate for £1 who had an operators licence as he was a transport manager then running on trade plates was stopped then recovery tax kept going up so i went from 7/1/2 to 51/2 now im down to 3.5 but very careful what i carry its like going back to the late 50's and the new mk1 transit broke the mould
  4. i dont even carry the spare wheel and never fill the tank up
  5. if you look what the aa or is it rac use its a proper slide out axle trailer thing with a proper braking system,they are still governed by a max radious of 45 miles i think it is and of course the vehicle needs to be moved because it was causing an obstruction this is why you dont see farmer giles using his threepenny bit leyland anymore with a poorly rewelded harvey frost on the back going up and down the local bypass touting for trade
  6. and of course all those extra scratches and the dinners the yard staff ate in it will most likely come out with a dentmaster and major clean not sure about the fag smells though
  7. nap the law states any vehicle with 2 wheels on the queens highway would still need to be taxed tested if required and insured for road traffic use also unless you use a proper towing vehicle the mam would be wrong did i mention grandfather rights and tachos?
  8. well the longer its in sunny chelmsford the price will go down i would have thought 4 grand tops because i cant imagine its wanted in the east as nick says but much more likely southern spain
  9. just so i read everything right on here OP got a parking ticket for having a car that shows in trade yet is parked in a public place then we go on to a company that collects untaxed cars on our streets but it turns out this man is a skinhead with a paunch who polishes up turds and voted brexit then someone else who blocks the streets with untaxed cars thus denying our country taxes blabs that he done up a neighbour who he aSSUMES BLAGGED ON HIM UNBELIEVABLE AND ANOTHER REASON I VOTED BREXIT Anyone else want to spout diarrhoea? this is a forum where i assume members abide by the law or theres no point in having it
  10. other side of the coin ,i bought a vectra and got it back, went through it found it needed a clutch discs pads all round part exhaust system and various body faults i cut my losses and weighed it in but kept the battery oh and i took the cat off as they were worth plenty at the time other big loss was a reno auto never bought another reno auto since which is a shame but having had plenty of dodgy ones in renault 5's and clios i saw the light
  11. have you put it to sleep and woke it up yet?
  12. sometimes the in trade by checking on the dvla website is wrong just sayin............
  13. if its a non starter i cant imagine anyone would want the thing
  14. Why not register it here on gb plates then offer it for sale on ebay so expats in france/spain might pay well for it to take with them
  15. thanks Umesh duly noted for future
  16. i tried specialising in autos many years ago,i just couldnt find the stock i suggest you go through say local ebay adverts autotrader adverts etc and see what sells well ie do you live near council or million pound houses where 108 's for poppy might be popular,if council then purrgot 207 is an ideal car for the man of budget but wants a looker
  17. suggest you reread the full link NOACROSS offered yous
  18. go on go on you know you want to buy it
  19. cant get in the boot how do we know there isnt a body in there then
  20. best deals dont sell jack (unless you own tescos ) viewings by people wishing to purchase maketh the sale so location market price options etc would decree what you sell where theres a chap on here bungs them on the sodden earth at the front of his garage and does ok ,uses the the reverse of the latest utility bill isused to script his carefully ochestrated latest bargain on offer take it or leave it upselling techniques thing is the nearest train station is invernes and he has one bus a week and the next nearest car seller is 35 miles away but they do give free coffee to any mug walking in oh and he likes mercs