It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. assuming the seller had her pants pulled down when she purchased it so is just trying to sell it on did the interiors turn to dust like them 924s????????
  2. ive unbuckled many a clio alloy with my copper hammer i would never cold stitch a wheel though im with tradex just too frightening to contemplate sorry
  3. yes but just think of the learning curve you had by everything not fitting from the box customer today booked his car in for full service no handbrake and an mot,he dropped it off at 8.30 and said i will go to the cafe and be back in an hour to collect priceless
  4. hi welcome guy i know buys from hills of birmingham,just tasty stuff mind i would look to what your customers were bringing in and just copy maybe golfs and bmw?
  5. no go to court i dare you when that bobby has to take a day off his hoildays to give evidence i would love you to phone dvla compliance up too and say i misused my trade plates and want to complain now have a nice day and comply
  6. very apt really because if you get the ass out of line your f**ked
  7. hi its online now so you cant theres always the big issue
  8. he has answered the question lets just hope for your sake you have heard the last of this because you could lose your plates for not displaying properly and you might get fined for the back tax the rules are there please dont moan if you are not willing to comply as it gives all us other motor traders a bad name oh and if you are losing plates then you are doing something wrong
  9. madness to put a young driver on a trade policy in my opinion as we all had a bump within 18 months put the youngsters name on the log book park it off road at home have a black box fitted (it works both ways) put a clean licence named driver (s) on it should help decrease the bill (its kosher if that is what you are doing so long as you are not fronting) consider a late night curfew time go with a proper company limit the mileage
  10. trade plates are not allowed in window
  11. does your factor not send both out? oh you must have euro
  12. ok sorry must have misread i did look in some other countries and failed but sometimes ebay afar can turn up things,might be worth opening up a malt, feet up and have a scour
  13. theres a later one further down but you will have to negotiate on them sending it hth
  15. not into these does the pump change on 06 to 07?
  16. i would agree once had a fiat auto put it right up to the bulkhead on the truck and the battery went flat,i couldnt get bonnet up due to crashbar and couldnt get it out of gear cant remember what i did probably drove it into a river it was a very very long time ago
  17. mate of mine went into the portal last friday and no one has seen him since
  18. where theres a will theres a way where you can play on peoples greed theres a way going back to original point i think it absolutely disgraceful that you can buy a car under 3 years old clock the hell out of it register it in your name and get away with it because gdpr does not allow you the information from the dvla but if you are a chancer car parking company the details are yours for £2.50 its time mileages were a legal requirement to be noted when log books change hands,its all there but not the legislation
  19. that might be the logical reason but think about it from the legal perspective car found on property that public have access thus car should be taxed and insured its not the dvla's responsibility to ask questions like how long have you owned it its just simpler to take all back tax owed,remember they dont know if this car was a user by trader or anyone else this is why trade plates can be worth their worth in mars bar wrappers
  20. hi bsm yes its standard main thing is pay it promptly or it escalates
  21. boring dave is bored now you say you lost your grandads money then you say you were replacing like for like with your car written off then you say you are a student then you say you nweed a car like for like for work then you say you are studying law then you keep coming back i put it to you you are a troll so you other motor traders on here keep feeding this troll im out......................
  22. i wasn't as i said there's banks out there doing their stuff to stop this i suggest you kindly ask your banker to consider offering vulnerable members of their customers this service too some banks now stop large transactions from private older customers if they feel they are being targeted,i thinks its hsbc but not sure,the customer gets a text message its a brilliant way to make customers think twice i must be old i got a bank message today too
  23. hi i just read that there was no There is no contact number (alarm bell) You cant view the cars first (siren) You must pay by bank transfer not credit card (fog horn) my bank santander are now doing courses for customers to be aware of online scams,barclays have been taking half page adverts in the sunday times for months doing the same,can you please tell me as a student what you are studying as then i can tell my bank more needs to be done to educate both ends of the population so others like yourself are given further help in looking for dangerous scamming offers