It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. dropping prices rarely works its usually better to increase prices to the forum.................... seeing as its an open ended question im going to start at 12 years i bought it to sell thought umm thats different so ive kept it (no i wont tell)
  2. your 50 50 warranty is worthless as it takes away consumer rights he told you he was an arse on the test drive,you really need to learn from this and not sell s/h cars to people with no mechanical sympathy that are going to break the toys in court you are screwed sorry but you have broke every rule to make a sale the help you ask is as said get inspected independently and if seen in your favour then run with possible court action but at 3 weeks old to customer be prepared to lose and dont forget additional charges can add another 2/3 costs to original claim of money back oh and welcome
  3. is that looking from the front,sat in drivers seat,or looking from the back
  4. you beat me on the shuvitt mine had a kent 1600 had a cf pickup 2.3 and it used to beat all the xr3's at the time from traffic lights it was a real hoot to smoke round town even better because it had great cross plies on ,a great comfy ride,i miss it but not titing the thing up
  5. thanks just read that, absolutely fascinating and now i know why they all rapped on start up
  6. to mrv never heard of a belt go on them though to dave what the old 2.3 slant vauxhall where all the teeth turned into fibreglass mesh
  7. remember that video i sent you the other week where dealer had disconnected the comfort module ,maybe its a similar problem but just a different module they mugged out
  8. so what you do is look at the car guestimate what smart costs it requires look at the mileage work out that at 9 year old and or 100,000 that it will be easier to do it and cost that up and bid accordingly or bid low and in your advert mention its less than other dealers but will require a timing belt in the next year or buy it sell it the jobs getting hard and stash the cash in the china chicken on the kitchen table
  9. ive just been outside and theres a skyline for free,no parts needed
  10. in your dreams,you just want me to say show waddy waddy
  11. i get a new driver every time they deliver how many have they got
  12. i havent got a car that would make it to farm something is there a band? i likes bands
  13. if it drove all good and smooth then no matter what year i would retail it somethings telling me they had problems and a certain part was removed in the drivetrain though? am i dreaming this?
  14. somebodies stolen 2 doors off it,find them put them back on and it will fly away dont forget if you ever want to see the back of a car just spin it round in its parking space
  15. maybe because they know that if a trader is door knocking and buying cars under 3 years old its a trade to trade business so if all these cars have had a haircut its harder to reject /take civil action plus who are you ? you could be selling cloned cars would i buy of a third party if i was wbac nap