It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. my transit banana did that,i had to have 5 baths to get clean
  2. thank you and well said a customer having extras added free really thinks theyve hit gold and would be back next week because theres an earing dangling noise somewhere
  3. hi mark not trying to tell you how to suck eggs but unless you insisted the car left your premises on a trailer then you would be liable if the person you sold it to got a pull or worse was involved in a fatto,never sell cars with dodgy brakes suspension or bald tyres,nobble the ignition if you have to so itss defo trailer away just elpin........
  4. im sorry but in todays world if i can get an extra £800 im going to go and try to get it ive always looked after customers to the extreme but lets be honest here customers who are honest to us as so minimal these days you can count them in tens i really go the extra hog here but no on this occasion more money is more money end of
  5. hi coastal this job is boom then nothing i think you are very wise to think carefully if 50 g is enough,it would be better if you could trade more from home and maybe rent a secure yard for viewings? this way your overheads are lower,theres nothing wrong with punting out cheaper if you can make the figures work ,good luck or rather happy dealing
  6. hello mrs pierce i have your car in the bodyshop now and they had to remove the bumper cover to successfully do the two scrapes,unfortunately they hase found accident damage in the chassis tower,i am upset as you are and intend to take it up with the dealer from whom i purchased it from,of course i will give you a full refund of your deposit and obviously i am very sorry,i will endeavor to locate another one as similar if you wish,shall i proceed with your refund at this stage? thanks dave
  7. google motor trade insurance be aware ive just renewed mine and they now need a mouth swab before they take on new clients so brush your teeth before asking for a quote also regarding registering as a ltd company i would suggest you row before you fly
  8. hi if your company wont start have you considered joining the AA? or maybe you just flooded it more info needed year model engine etc
  9. what did he want for it surely thats more important?,that way you know if you can run with it.............. and you sold your xf
  10. whilst i agree all garages will be looking for work if a customer comes in and says does it need a clutch at the end of the day the customer has made their mind up and i always find thats it so if you leave it trust me here the car will suddenly not be running at all within the 28 days if you reject the rejection as suggested,of course if you have an infinite pot of money and can sleep at night knowing that their favourite grandchild is an arsonist by trade then go for rejection me i would beg borrow or steal the cash to repay if my account said no
  11. hi xfs ive looked at your profile quote I’ve been in and around the trade for...well to many years...since well before the internet anyway. My first mobile phone cost me £300 with £30 per month line rental and 50p per minute for calls...that’s how long. Anyway, I sold all my stock, and I’ve been bumming around Europe for a couple of years, but it looks like Brexit is going to make that sort of life harder and I’m getting bored anyway. I,m looking to start trading again in May. unquote i see you are coming back into the job,well things have moved on its called life and my wife is gutted she doesnt get wolf whistled anymore
  12. if stuff like this bothers you then dont get a walk on place because after a month you will be getting the cleaver out ive had more walkin idiots this last week than all year put together and its not even easter ride the ride coz it is a ride remember for all the idiots theres a punter there
  13. you cant tony you have to give full amount back if its a genuine fault in first month from the day after collection you could try and negotiate but once you try a negotiation customer would have you so its all or nothing deal the cards basically
  14. i tell new owners straight the log book doesnt get sent off for at least a week after they purchased but obviously i only tell this to decent customers who you know are straight (ok ones going to get past occasionally) get it on your receipt and get them to sign it ,you are not taking away consumer rights you are getting them to sign they were happy with dints dents tyre treads clutches etc at pos if you cant write your own i think lawgistics do a receipt pad with similar writing its no fun going to court so please choose wisely
  15. well its a serviceable item and of course they checked and drove it prior to buying do you have a section on your collection/sales invoice that states customer is happy with car and has been on a test drive and they sign it? for what its worth they obviously have buyers remorse as you know,the thing is do you want to go legal or would life be simpler if you paid them out and flocked them off
  16. hes got what you want you dont need what he has so just kick him in the nuts
  17. i suggest you change your broker and insurer
  18. this car should maybe join it as apparently it has a hard start
  19. hyundais and chocolate clutches who would believe
  20. well said and just to remind some on here i voted brexit and expect a hard border
  21. Just wow an 11 year old astra is worth 7 point 5 plus boring dave just looked at the c1 not impressed