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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Probably, "turn it off and back on again"
  2. I'd assume most manufacturers, and large companies, have 'social media experts' as part of their management tools? And yes these things are important now
  3. They're called Discoveries because every day you discover a new problem
  4. I'd be surpised any manufacturer would accept a warranty claim on a vehicle that doesn't have full main dealer history?
  5. The energy companies will be out to make as much money from consumers as possible. Especially and bearing in mind they will be having to invest a fortune upgrading the system. Thirty years is really not a lot of time.
  6. Yes, I noticed too. Shame, as I find the the MOT history check really useful. It's always interesting checking through the history how a change of testing station can 'get rid' a pass
  8. ... you've done it now, mention IMDA too many times and they'll appear! The highlight for me was being accused of unprofessionalism, but on the plus side I got a lot of phone numbers just in case I want to "talk about it" Seriously, and unsurprisingly I'm out. I actually think it's a good idea to have a trade association as a voice for independents, but it's all about personalities, and they're not my 'cup of tea'
  9. The internet killed regional auction price variations
  10. So, if every household is charging a car, where is all this increased demand for electricity going to be coming from?
  11. I'm guessing all this ambiguity and confusion will cover any 'U'turns' from the Treasury
  12. You're right, but you can bet that when there's a 'huge demand' there's a huge price increase in electricity
  13. Ignore. Like most punters, they assume 'greedy' car dealers sell cars at 99% margin, and that you could accept any offer and still get a healthy profit.
  14. Bargain reduced down from £1395 I reckon £695 is where it should be?
  15. I've noticed a few 'proper' local forecourts with bangers at inflated prices. '02 Astra £1395 come on
  16. In my neck of the woods they are hugely popular with a 'certain' type of guy (I know I shouldn't stereotype). They have to be three door though. I can't buy them in anywhere near decent nick, they are always worn out, dent on every panel and broken interiors from amateur HiFi installs.
  17. All those crazy price auction purchases are finally finding there way onto the market. There are some real chancers down this way trying to make money on some old shitters
  18. Yes. I found all this stuff the other day, even the little book they produced listing cars that run on unleaded
  19. I used to have a fancy green leather case for mine.
  20. Same here, we used to aim to buy at CAP prices and sell at Glass prices
  21. I'm not sure why my opinion is so important to them? I'm not sure what they have all taken offence to? I didn't name them the 'magnificent 7' Umesh did. All these snotty/barbed/patronishing comments remind me of the stories my dad used to tell about having to join Trade Unions back in the 60s?
  22. This is exactly the sort of 'barbed' comment I'm talking about? You understand I'm feeling a little bit 'under attack' here, just for having an opinion Welcome to the forum by the way, where are my manners?
  23. So did I? And why does having the freedom 'not to join' make me unprofessional? I'm starting to feel uncomfortable about the guys on here 'ganging up' on others, it has the feel of the old Union 'bully boys' after their weekly subs
  24. OK, Let's be clear. I never said I don't agree with them or doubted their abilities as business men. All those guys are giants in this industry and good luck to them. I may or may not join, I'm going to see how it all pans out. Is that OK with you?