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Everything posted by metcars

  1. The looming spectre of Brexit is a concern for all businesses. Generally speaking when customers are looking to 'pull in their horns' its the new car purchase that gets put on hold first. This trade tends to feel the effects of any recession or downturn first .
  2. I can't imagine the Midlands are worse than where I am in East London?
  3. Interesting. I'd have thought that being in the Midlands would be the ideal location. It has the largest concentration of large auction houses and everyone there needs a car to get anywhere as public transport is insufficient. Down here in the 'big smoke' we have a complex public transport system with buses and tubes. In many respects, it's not driving a car that is expensive down here but parking/storing it, especially if you are in the City. In many respects, owning a car in London is an encumberment/liability.
  4. I'm in East London and i've got 9941? Selling LandRovers to a small rural community is every dealers erotic dream
  5. I'm lucky/unlucky as Enfield is my closest auction, about 20mins drive. I remember before the site was redeveloped and the auction stood in what is now their car park. The auction hall ran cars left to right and you would park on the A10. Back then they did evening sales too which I much prefer, shame the big two can't offer an evening sale inside 50miles of London?
  6. I've not been there since they moved from the old place across the road.
  7. Considering opening an account, any good or about the same as any other auction house?
  8. I like it. I'm not sure about the 'blue' dash personally. I hope that calor gas bottle has a proper fixing?
  9. He moved into a new build corner plot a few years back. Started doing odd mechanical jobs, then some vans for a local delivery firm. And then moved on to salvage prestige German bits. I've walked passed his place when a truck has been delivering but It's not anywhere I know. He usually builds up a couple then sells them off and the cycle repeats. He never has cars being worked on while he has them for sale. He's very careful about advertising because I can't find him anywhere? I suspect he sells to his own Polish community as they don't seem as bothered about damaged repairables? If I take the dog out later I might try and sneak a pic?
  10. I have a Polish guy on the corner of my road who repairs accident damaged german performance stuff too. Does it all in his front garden. He has three or four up for sale, but keeps a low profile and its all taxed and mot'd. He seems to have a regular and loyal Polish customer base too? I have no idea where he advertises them and nothing hangs around for long
  11. You realise that consultancy rates for professional services can be hugely expensive?
  12. I would be mightly pissed off if my lambo turned up on the back of an 'open' trailer covered in diesel and stone chips?
  13. No, the place is off montague road in enfield.
  14. There's a big volvo breaker near me in NE london, I'll try and dig out the address
  15. No but you need to be able to shoot straight and hog tie a calf
  16. Don't beat yourself up too much, there are a lot of people worried about what the future holds; the quiet before the storm
  17. As I've mentioned before I think an association is a good idea but I don't think they are necessarily the right guys to do it. If they can't debate in a robust manner on a used car dealer forum without getting a 'strop on' and/or getting personal what chance do they have lobbying government?
  18. Just out of interest had BCA already HPi'd it and knew about the discrepancy or did they wait until it was actually sold before they HPi'd it?
  19. I'm amazed that everyone doesn't use this site. It is immensely useful and It is now part of my auction buying process to run every car on the history check. It is also interesting to see how often a car has the wrong MOT information on the auction site. I've also noticed that compared to the bad old days, there are more and more 'errors' cropping up on what I would have thought would be a fully automated system to check in a car on its vin/reg number. But it appears its all down to grumpy people too bored to put the right numbers in?
  20. I'm not an expert on BCA but don't they usually declare colour changes in the descriptions as they would have HPi'd it themselves? Although you are at the mercy of the person on the computer to notice these things