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Everything posted by metcars

  1. .... but they're not all the same and used clocks will just be another ticking timebomb. I sell loads of these early Focus' and many have replacement clocks, it's a 'focus thing' and buyers are not really put off
  2. I remember that song, "you can't get fitter than a kwik fit fitter, they're the boys to trust!"
  3. Does anyone have an opinion on the new changes to the MOT. Apparently grading between minor, major and dangerous. Checking DPF is in place! and zerio smoke emissions for diesels. EML light on! And relaxed criteria for windscreen chips.
  4. Sadly no story. This is how the car came in. It's had paint down one side and some overspray has crept in on the door mirror and on the black plastic trim at the bottom of the rear bumper, which I'm assuming either the previous owner missed or didn't care about.
  5. Thanks for the ideas, just to add that sadly it is textured plastic. Door mirror surround and bumper trim.
  6. Yes I know. but does anyone have a successful DIY method of removing automotive paint from hard plastic trim! It's a long story
  7. This! Not forgetting they don't 'want' to communicate face to face or by phone or at least only as a last resort. The ambiquity of text/email's feeds into the low ball/everything for nothing/best last price culture
  8. There are still rascals on there, but they're VAT registered rascals which is better apparently
  9. Oh yes, that's correct. But all these false claims paint a darker picture. And that's the pic that the media feeds into. "dealer won't fix car" is a much sexier headline than "punter tries to rip dealer off"?
  10. The problem is that try as hard as you like, 2018 customers see it as a challenge to find a way to 'discount' or 'be compensated' for just making a purchase. Not just in our industry but everywhere. Just look at some of the ridiculous claims made by people after visiting hotels or pubs. They'll make up complete lies in the hope that the retailer will fold and 'bung them'. When a punter is standing in front of you and happy with his purchase that's great, but when they get home and start talking to a mate who's been reading '" it all goes wrong!
  11. Good try, not for the stuff I buy!!!
  12. Thanks, I'm really short on time as I'm waiting on a car at BCA Enfield before I can leave for Northampton
  13. Could any kind soul confirm the running order for tomorrow. Does the Woolaston stuff go through before Car Shop as the lot number say different?
  14. I had a guy from Romania but a car off me to take back home. I wonder if he made it?
  15. My ex wife used to run a small hire company with her first husband. It was a nightmare from what I've heard
  16. I'm sick of the overuse of the term "Trade clearance" which in reality is meaningless. Also advertising that punters contact a "Trade clearance manager" instead of the usual salesman (same guy) when enquiring about anything under 1k?
  17. I always say that too! Tends to put people at ease when negotating; makes people feel better. But in reality I don't care for the countryside and I quite like living here, warts and all. I understand it's not for everyone
  18. Pre internet days there used to be some 'huge' buyers at Manheim Colchester (when it was NCA they used a helipad) but I don't see those sorts of buyers buying those volumes any more. I'm guessing that they don't have to limit themselves to one site?
  19. It's not that bad up north is it! And, yes I'd agree about the Skoda, I wouldn't want to have to sell too many 17yr old vehicles. I know plenty of 'del boys' and none would travel 250 miles to view an unknown car with an intention to buy. They may have done that 30yrs ago but personally I don't find a huge price variation that would cover the cost/time of travelling those distances regularly unless its something really unique performance/exotic? In fairness plenty of 'carrot crunchers' come to London to buy up Chelsea tractors on the cheap, so it all balances out
  20. This. Since that time it's interesting to see how high st banks have dedicated so much time and effort to try and become 'your friend' again. Some of the TV ads are comical?
  21. What are 'Londoners' travelling 250 miles to buy from you?