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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I don't mind boris actually .but I'm not Corbyns biggest fan It's each to their own I guess I'm getting to the stage I don't even see the point of voting the people voted to leave and everything is being put in place to stop it happening I think at the time I actually voted to stay can't even remember now but got to go with the majority vote I'm my opinion. was the same with the independent Scotland thing I voted no along with the majority of Scots and Nicola is still going on amount wanting independence I'd blame it on the accountant or book keeper .. or the owner for not submitting the accounts to them on time i don't doubt brexit has had an effect but it to easy for people to blaim it when the facts are there . It was a lot of other factors .
  2. Another one gone sad to see
  3. And it's not just motor trade then . Or diesels every business is slow just now I'm told
  4. I know motor trade insurance has been covered here many times before but not this question mostly just people asking what cover is needed etc but as some stage I'm looking to maybe advance the business my insurance is taken up by a broker think insurance and sure the policy is with trade wise with 2 names on it for both social domestic and pleasure and motor trade my question are there motor trade policies still available for any employee of the business etc a few ex employers had those one even had one which said it covered any friend relative employee or associate-under mr boss mans permissions for both social domestic and pleasure and motor trade use this was years ago though so don't think you well get polices like this so much now though I guess you can get anything if you pay the money he was a millionaire lol and wouldn't have believed it had he not given me the policy to tax a garage car one day wonder if there still out there and recommendations for company that will provided any driver cover for motor trade and let me name social domestic and pleasure drivers
  5. Not there's answer love it made me smile
  6. It was the older ones at time was back 10 years ago 2003-2005 think the newer one are better
  7. Suzuki vitaras don't know if there any better. Now but had 3 of the older ones from difference sources all with the same fuel problems bought one for good money took biggest ever hit on any car the other two were traded in at the time cheap and sold abroad for parts Bought a few audis diesels and only had the occasional small problem ..
  8. 0300 200 3300 try this one seems to be a number to get your through to your local office
  9. Strange thing is dad never drank and gave up smoking about 20 years Also a friends mum has dementia and never smoke or drank .
  10. My auld mum is still fairly fit and healthy apart from general old age aches and pain dad however has various Heath conditions . Copd heart trouble arthritis and sort of middle of the road forgetfullness possibly dementia waiting on test results at the minute
  11. New car needed its a ford on a serious note refit the original radio and see if it still does maybe a slight voltage difference or something
  12. Move to scotland sun splitting the trees here its a lovely day for a change
  13. I guess u get that with people buying cars for wifes Christmas etc my old boss bought his wife a Porsche once for Christmas ..
  14. Very true , sometimes it keeps the prices off stock down ..
  15. Very valid point though sometimes you can buy your stock the few weeks before and hold it till the new year . We used to do this previously in one my previous jobs
  16. Yes nacman that was my point buddy . Hope your doing well all the best
  17. I do agree with you probably about £1000 is as low as you can go in an ideal world im just saying I've know friends and business associates to sell with £800-900 profit not every day but maybe on a car when you realise say you maybe paid to much for to start which does happen on the odd occasion or wont shift not every car also bear in mind as as a home trader overheads etc wont be as high i remember speaking to an associate who works for and is well contacted to a large car dealing group and he told me they will sometimes do it just to keep stock turning over As i said i think your aim between £1200-£1500 but some times it cant always happen and some sort of profit is always better than a loss
  18. Seen some dealers sell for about £800 -£900 profit but only on some cars the aim as you. Say is about £1200 -£1500 though a lot of the big dealer groups are looking to profit it between 2-2500 k on ex motabilty stuff ive followed 2 recently that were knowing missed one and seen the other in auction but was a bit over priced id known both cars since new
  19. No sure mate no even sure thats the track was just to give you an idea best to send andy a message looks like its all free its 3 hours away from me though
  20. Go kart racing nac mac karting manchester&bnine=true&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzOGT8oL55AIVTUTTCh0IKgPJEAAYAyAAEgLzf_D_BwE
  21. Still selling ok up here in scotland to the right buyer also a lot of traders still buying at the auction so must be turning them over i guess
  22. As as above all income must be declared to the lovely tax man not getting on to you but just when you said you want to do it properly a good accountant can help with this I'm a lucky I've a retired accountant book keeper does all mine for me If it's possible start trading from home for the first 6 months before commiting to a unit remember you will have a lot more bills with a unit etc good luck casper