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Everything posted by Casper

  1. That makes sense . But going the other way I guess any number from 1-9 wouldn't work is a specific number i.e. 3 etc
  2. I'm I being stupid here or does any number from 1-9 work ?
  3. Send it to you've been framed for the £250 lol
  4. She might claim the husband lol ..
  5. Thats the society we live in isnt it . ? Claim for this that and the next thing
  6. Cheers mate i needed that .. lol
  7. Spam = a tinned meat chop pork and ham and obv the post was spam that was my point but very funny tango very funny .see what you u did with the edit there by pretending i said that.. have a good giggle And sandwiches is spelt like this not sandwhiches .. on a serious note why does admin not do something about the spammers though as you say there seems to be one a day
  8. I love spam on my sandwiches for lunch too .
  9. I get his point to fair should always state it in the ads and keep a signed invoice saying sold as a cat d car this was advised and explained in detail the meanjnf to the customer and get them to sign .. hope your well tg..
  10. Got to pay the bills nick and they keep coming lol
  11. Can only imagine Nick your like me always happy to help where you can ..
  12. Your a clever man nick and an asset to the forum ..
  13. Casper

    AT VRM

    I recommend looking at dealers in your area with similar stock and try and price similar some time pricing software can be far to high or low .
  14. I've a sealey one paid about £80 for it seven years ago maybe it's payed for itself 10 times over been a great little machine it's a bit battered and bruised now but still works if you have the knack ..
  15. Thanks ill ask edit ive just checked online my bank does will speak to them next week