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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Lol hope you and the family are well David
  2. Im in Scotland its a thing they do called Municipal banking its the council in partnership with private banks ...
  3. Well mate ill always help anyone in anyway I can with advice etc here . I know you have been at the game a while but get your point my view is every one has to learn about things not just in the trade but life in general theres a lot of real nice guys so stick with it again good luck
  4. Which banking companies let you pay the money in your account at the local post office I'm sure there is some though i don't think mine does my local council office has a bank as well I'm actually thinking off opening accounts with both post office and council as well as local credit union to put personal money in for.a rainy door or a holiday away etc
  5. Ticking over here but not breaking any records if i compare to last year Although theres been a change in family circumstances and my elderly father needs more care now so putting time into his care also . He looked after me during difficult times so its only right i return the favour ..
  6. They weren't a bad car to be fair . We have used them as runabouts before in both petrol and diesel forms paid a few hundred from auction used them as runabouts collecting cars or going to the tip then took the scrap money when it wasn't worth the repair cost . The last of them will be nearing 10 years old now think the newest Ive seen was an 60 plate and that was a one off have seen a few 10 plates Hopefully i said much the same on the other post before coming here and noticed it being discussed Noticed you have been here a while Chris but posting more now nice to read your and enjoying your input enjoyed the one about your father in law and the tvs hope to see you around here often good luck all the best
  7. Casper

    Fca change

    Interesting i guess this is why the supermarket buyer can pay a premium at auction because of finance margins which may also help us if there is less margin in the finance deal for them it may push the prices down to where the margins are per bonnet not per finance deal will have to wait and see
  8. His wifes focus was needing tyres then. I guess
  9. Or that your on a round the world cruise . And by the way your neighbours at the two sides are with you leaving the houses empty for the local burglars lol ..
  10. Yeah I know funny isn't it but there nothing worst than buying one with fuel light on either I remember buying two cars from a main dealers years back first one came on fumes and I asked him about the second time and he gave me a full tank
  11. I agree and since going at it alone would rather give the £50 off sometimes I'll even give them £20 back for fuel the shortbread thing was in a previous job where I just did my buying thing and let the big boss man deal with incentives ..
  12. Haha I'll rephrase that I'll give anything a go within reason . But on a serious note you do find customers want money off rather than free Mots servicing etc we even tried free shortbread once lol
  13. Heard a few people do it offering free TVs etc a local dealer did a buy one car get one free once back in the 90s thing is you could have bought the two of them for the price of one have tried the free servicing mot things etc in different jobs over the years as you said. People tend want money off more although I'm always open to suggestions .. and will give anything ago
  14. You might have cleaned them for him first lol
  15. Agree 100 percent . The people voted .. and now the politicians are trying to hold it up or stop it altogether
  16. Of course they do Im sure every one get help from there parents at some point I did in the earlier years I meant later in life in this area I've seen loads of people go to uni graduate etc only to work in the office of daddy's company one has tried a few business but all roads lead back to daddy's business
  17. That was my first thought to running the fire engine chip fat -bio diesel . Bet many go on to live of daddy's money
  18. I don't doubt its had an affect I'm just saying it can't take all the blame.loads of companies for sale up here In Scotland . Not just within the motortrade