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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Guess its a bit like the c max i mentioned which had no number plates fitted but had the trade plate on it .
  2. The grading systems are rubbish as well I've seen grade 1 cars that in my eyes are at least a 2 maybe even a 3 sometimes and I've seen grade 2s the was more like a 1 in-fact only recently they asked if would be interested in a car they had coming in said it was a grade 1 said would rather check that as they tend to have stevie wonder grading the girl in the office didn't get it probably not a regular listener lol the guy who told me got it though the yard manager he asked what i meant by that he knew fine well
  3. There is a lot of that to isn't there different models making better money up and down the county I remember guys years ago buying landrovers up in scotland and selling them in England one guy i know did well out off it sold his business and retired what i meant with the sometime you cant explain are prices in general watched stuff go through the auction at times and make close to main dealer money a car we looked at once the old ad was on and the main dealer wanted £500 less than it made in auction .. also at £11000 there would have been the fees etc although as you say you could probably still took profit it out if there popular in your area ..
  4. I'm sure he can think of a few things lol ill rephrase it telephone them nacman ..
  5. There is a news report on yahoo news saying that the effects of a no deal Brexit will affect new car sales all over Europe .. so if this is the case it would I guess affect the used market in some way .. as if new cars are not sold there is no pxs for auctions etc even in my neighbourhood ive noticed people keeping cars for 5 or 6 years now were before the same people were faithfully changing them at 2.5 to 3 years
  6. Keep you chin up Get a plan b have a back up plan would be my advice TG take one day at time if bills are being paid etc don't worry yes a lot of people will be and are honestly busy and. Others quiet as Ive mentioned before there doesn't seem .to be a happy medium its either busy or we think its quiet when in reality its ticking over There is a guy near us thinks himself bit of a sort of jack the lad billy big boy par time car dealer who is always selling a 10 a week we use the same mot tester and he was telling me said guy was in scarily worried about how quiet he his . all the best and good luck ..
  7. I remember a funny story years ago with an old boss bought a c max damaged repairable with rear damage with no number plates had the trade plates on it and caught speeding with a camera they sent photos which were blurry and he said he. Couldn't be sure who was driving so they sent new photos blown up and you could see his face clearly down to logo on the marlabo cigarette he was smoking at the time was a big arrow written on it with a sharpie pointing to his face it said IS THIS YOU ! in big capitals
  8. Its All all about what works a lot of it is trial and error . Whats work for some wont work for others ..
  9. Its down to luck some are helpful some aren't .
  10. good luck . Hope the changes help
  11. Try doing the description thing too nacman like the here we have an of example of this stunning mini finished in etc i think in your description some of it is too close together use the spec for the spec and description part for descrption hope this helps you out
  12. It does seem as though it would work . Though might be worth a try
  13. I watched a video on it once by cars for paul copart he's a uk based blogger Heres the link to it it was fairy interesting
  14. Theres a lot of bloggers on youtube with channels making videos etc some seem to be doing well and some have even given up there day jobs .
  15. I was only joking with new move premises but deffo phone and ask if they can help
  16. Your only option would be to move premises . but i agree with david it all about in general its about how cars are prepped your advert style in general etc I don't think it will put customers off either to be honest but do get your thinking about the scrap yard he means autotrader follow google maps with a postcode phone them up and explain to them see if they can help
  17. I guess the one i was referring to was missed and thats why the replaced clutch and gearbox maybe down to tester error
  18. asked the seller to-sign the invoice . Putting both the buyers and sellers signature on company headed paper some time they also rubber stamp it with garage stamp as well as signing
  19. My guess is the auction houses will have a computer link which staff notifies Dvla of the sale therefore taking it out the trade ownership of say arnold clark then in to the business account holder name at auction but the car still remains in the trade till the v5 is sent with new owner details or as david said a letter saying another trader has possession off car
  20. Thanks David cars I've bought from others traders I've always notified the dvla with a letter and signed invoice as above . Just incase the other trader hasn't interesting to here about the way the auction works never really thought of it before . The ticket would reach the current owner eventually example registered keeper sell cars say no longer own car when ticket arrives sold it to Abc ford Abc Ford sold it at Bca def cars purchased it bca inform this its then Sold to ghj cars def informs its now with ghj and has invoice signed and has notified dvla So therefore the car was in ownership of ghj cars who are liable is says on the notice that the is exceptions to the time frame if not driven by the registered keeper at time of offence
  21. interesting thought though i might be wrong but I always thought it just went down as owned in the trade which was why you got the full v5 etc as trade buyer .. as was always told if i bought a car from another trader was just to get a signed and dated invoice
  22. Yes you can use the same number All you need to know is in this thread as for buying a car from another trader the other option is print three copies of a signed invoice by both parties on company headed paper and pop a letter off to the dvla saying you have bought the car and are in the trade so you wish the car to remain in the trade and you will send off the v5 with new keepers details when sold .
  23. The previous owner part you can sign you name and put in brackets car dealer or car trader - seller etc just your own name and the v5 always come back
  24. If your sure the car is 100 percent and the customers is not a screamer a follow up call works sometimes . If they say there 100 percent happy ask if they would mind leaving a review