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Everything posted by Casper

  1. This is very true treat others as you would like to be treated was the way I was always taught manners cost nothing . Glad you got it sorted ..
  2. Had a mate do something similar sold his garage and car sales place due to ill health and getting older .. and bought a little cottage with some land and outbuildings and just trades from there now says no staffing issues etc is the best move he made
  3. I refer back to my original post that many main dealers do not fresh mot all stock yes there are many dealers who will sell without fresh mots and also various dealers who will sell without checks etc ask yourself this would you buy from one or put your family in it untested or no checks carried out I know I wouldn't some traders just want to make a quick buck also as above every dealer is different with regards to mot many will mot on arrival many will wait till sold many will do a bit of both many large main dealers have a large customer network a small home trader or local independent car dealer doesn't always have this luxury when customers return 3 or 4 times for replacement cars recommend family etc you know your doing something the right way . as I said small dealers are opening themselves up to problems if a major fault develops later down the line .or end up in court with an untested car sold with present mot Main dealers probably have funds and insurances etc available for this also large workshops staff etc to turn around warranty claims Also bearing in mind though there is 3 main dealers who freshly mot and warranty everything near me there is also 3 that don't anymore than 6 months mot it goes with that and 3 months warranty theres also a small dealership near me for sale which sells car unchecked but has a lot of bad google reviews . I could also tell you stories of guys that buy from auction and then sell them on pretending to be private sellers who bought the car for there niece but she didn't like it was the wrong colour etc it goes on has done for years and probably always will new pay and go sim and they have another car on next week doesn't mean its right though and as you said above there is dodgy people in every trade as to advisories there at the testers discretion so effectively the same car could go to one garage and get 10 advisories and be moted at a different car the next day with none or maybe more 10 more or 10 different ones extreme example but just to make the point and paint the picture . it may even just pass or fail at others as really the mot is at the testers discretion seen lots of cars with stuff advised to pass at a different garage the following year with no advisories but the advisory not having been done for example a tyre place may advise a tyre and a place that doesn't do tyres may not one piece of advice i would offer about any car ask yourself if you would be be happy to use it as your own personal car before you sell it thats normally a good indication again welcome to the forum and I do wish you luck . And hope your business works out for you keeps us all posted all the best .. good luck and finally give it a try or you will never know and ask yourself what if to help
  4. Bet it still drove well with 198k we had one with over 250 k and still pulled well sold it in the local auction Least you got. 2 new screwdrivers nick
  5. Ive heard that before at that auctions david was years ago mind never used the method myself though but did hear it talked about
  6. Apart from years ago when the radio just happened to disappear and that recent battery was swapped for the old shitter that would hardly start the car
  7. I often ask the same question you mentioned about other dealerships you make a valid point . My only advice would be to anyone to not try to grow to big to soon I've seen that happen to a lot of good company's not only in the Motor Trade keep your good work up all the best .
  8. I'm able to do a lot of the prep and basics. But being able to do more in depth stuff would have be an advantage ..
  9. As long as the food was good it makes a difference ..
  10. Always fancied a house boat .for weekends. friend used to have various boats on Loch Lomond he had a cabin cruiser than a Speed boat sadly he's no longer with us . Camper van is another thing to get away the odd weekend I thought of that may still come some time .
  11. Selling a car unchecked is asking for trouble though . Imagine a situation where something on a 300 pound car or any car for that matter has a serious accident due to a rusty brake pipe bursting causing a fatality you would be in deep with courts etc and as for living with the guilt I don't think I could as someone said earlier all cars should be checked regardless of it £300-or £30000..
  12. Fisher price do good chalk boards i heard Boycie not sure about drawing boards though lol
  13. Congratulations on your new arrival Mark . What do you fancy as your new daily ?
  14. Few years ago local auction to us offered a local trader/ scrap man all the unsold lots up to a couple of hundred quid in a lot of about 10 units for £100 a bonnet with reduced fees .
  15. See that all the time gumtree is another favourite . Sometimes see the same car advertised a couple of times bought cleaned up readvertised etc
  16. I wouldn't recommend it with no checks the minimum should always be a mechanic check pdi and a fresh mot at the very least your just opening yourself up to problems if not I.get what your saying about other dealers but surely there opening themselves up to comebacks some of the large dealers chains don't even fresh mot 10k stock if its over 6 months I don't agree with there policy .. good luck . Hope it goes well
  17. I agree tony if you have done everything right and nothing wrong Jordan you have nothing to worry about with trading standards .. as Tony says contact them.Yourself for advice let customer know this and you probably wont here from them again .
  18. Must have been a good car mark mate . All the best with the wedding all the best to you and your fiancee .. wish you both many years of happiness together
  19. Sitting in Spain in the sun would've living the dream for me tradevet . I had a look at the book you suggested going to order it for a read
  20. Add terms and conditions and get the customer to sign as well as yourself basically saying they are pleased before leaving that they have inspected driven the car and are happy with it etc ..