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Everything posted by Casper

  1. or sell it to a customer who previously owned an astra and you would probably get a 5 star review
  2. It's actually a not bad idea look at all the celebs who say they no longer use social. Media due to trolls etc or don't read it during a big comp . Always respond if you can .. even if it just something like for clarification I'm a self employed owner operator and no woman works here sorry I'm confused ny this review customers will say I seen an idiot writing a review but noticed your response ive heard it before .
  3. I hate when that happens dealer I'm friendly with have a tea with at auction got left a negative review for not offering retail money for a px and the guy made up lies .
  4. It's a George Henry I've been using and an and old junk sale Hoover that I bought for £1 got another the same for £10 at a car boot sale so keep one going out the two going to get a vax for shampooing as a hoover I recommend the Titan from screwfix every one on here says there great and my friend got one and swears by it I've used his it's a fairly good machine and his small one only cost him £45
  5. That is weird never heard of that before .. is normally straight forward keep us posted
  6. Yes a basic bladed key with no remote as for start stop Then you would have to get one made from something that can do it by someone that has the machine I guess . I noticed some makers going back to a standard key I think Volkswagen did it with some golf models ..
  7. Lucas moved to the private lounge don't see him much here now. Arthur I've not see for a bit either probably the same
  8. Someone discussed it here before i remember someone saying they got basic keys made up with no.chip to unlock the car which always mean if the key gets locked in the car they could get in sometimes on certain cars ive seen just basic keys with the chip without the remote which is still a spare key . Which seems like a not bad idea . Its a lot of money to make back i think you would have to add it as a sideline to your business
  9. Was sort of half joking about them buying it but i guess it depends on the outcome and if the second buyer did checks with hpi sites etc who sometimes these companys offer guarantees and compensation I'm led to believe i don't suppose many people would buy a car nowadays with £7000 in a briefcase which is worrying and wouldn't have thought the done thing would ring alarm bells and surely the police should be asking questions anyway i know the limits are about £8800 but still would be asking why not bank transfer etc at the very least not this particular car but sometimes you see cars like this been used in crimes etc badly damaged or lightly damaged but enough with body shop repair costs etc they could amount to needing 5000 grand in repairs in no time making it a write off although this doesn't seem likely you make a lot of good points is the original purchaser claiming he bought in in good faith but the same guy who bought it in the first place if the car has been cloned there would be repair costs so is and would the insurance need to be involved and as you said best with some sort of legal advice keep us all posted good luck
  10. He means the car David taxed at the post office was in the trade ..
  11. Welcome thanks for the introduction all the best . There was a post on here the other day about it . Don't know if the recommended programs would be suitable with xero though sorry i cant be any more help
  12. It depends on the cars as sc derby said would devalue a brand new car as after 7 days and a owner its then effectively a used car but on a 6 year old ford- vauxhall car etc wouldn't so much .especially not so as its a run of the mill car but i would think it would maybe have an effect on a prestige low mileage 1 owner example
  13. Would be costly probably be cheaper in the long run with a mobile key guy when you require keys
  14. this Nacman
  15. Do what you think is best i find it has no bearing most guys i speak to try not to have them priced good and not priced high but other say it has no difference and they sell cars no problem that are priced high my advice would be to check similar cars on autotrader etc in your area From a customer you would think if its priced low its a good price i guess some would ask why but if they do tell them you like to compete fairly in the current market . strangely enough they told my mate business associate a similar thing but all his are priced good
  16. The good old fashioned way david
  17. They still do in Scotland if there decent friend of mind got stopped doing 37 in a 30 and they told him to slow down in future and watch how he drives I remember same guy driving a car in a 30 once was travelling about 38 clocked police with a speed gun and braked seen the officer put his gun down and shake his head guess he got it down far enough to be within the tolerances which i think is about 34 .
  18. Well i would agree cause even if dvla send them a letter there only going to bin it it what may help is if it was a voluntary hand back though would still go through as a repo
  19. Stupid isn't it you can not get the address cause its not got a v5 Bca cant give you it or get you it due to data protection laws even if they tried they couldn't get it off the vendor again due to data protection laws DVLA have it right there on there computer but probably oh let me guess cant look it up due to data protection laws
  20. You would think the dvla would have the previous owners details on record wouldn't you.