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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. There are plenty about but very expensive for the number of cars I turn a year. My accountant has put me on Xero and they make a manual VAT adjustment for the margin scheme. I only sell around 100 units per year (pro rata as only 1 year old). If I were to double that, I could justify a proper DMS/VAT/Electronic system.
  2. I really admire your work Mr C and everyone knows there is a big market for this stuff, brand new, recently converted and even old dogs. For me, if I were paying that kind of money on a day van/light camper - I want a fixed bed, a shower and a toilet otherwise to me atleast, it is just glorified camping and still have to trek across a muddy field to relieve my alcohol infused middle aged bladder. My mate is massively into this scene He has a £170k German built proper camper which is amazing - I get it. He can wild camp and need for nothing with 3 days worth of water and power, scooter in the garage to nip out for supplies if required. He has an £85k very early 23 window bus which he loves - I don't get it. No toilet, no proper washing facilities, fold out bed, no head room, no power. Each to their own I suppose. That said - top quality work Mr C - wish I had your skills as it must be easier, sorry more rewarding than trying to polish a grand in to a generic used car.
  3. I think we are saying the same thing
  4. They did: Skoda, Hyundai, Kia - they're not cheap anymore and now Dacia - watch them gain traction and start adding bells n whistles and increase their pricing too. Whether you're building a compact car or a large estate - the raw costs to the manufacturer are not too disimilar. Aldi/Lidl - compare their pricing when they entered the market (UK) with today and yes they are cheaper than the other big brands but nowhere near "cheap" anymore.
  5. Consider karma - what goes around and all that...... If you bin her off for the temptation of a higher profit then you are no better than the buyers who make an agreement with you, only to go and buy another one elsewhere and ignore your calls. I would take more pleasure out of being a gentleman and honouring an agreement and even more pleasure telling the other guy, sorry mate - it’s sold (without saying snooze you lose).
  6. Too criptic for me - nothing to hide mate. Call in if you're passing.
  7. He's an alright cop actually, no chip on his shoulder. When he asked me why I was so happy to be pulled, I said "I'm just glad you weren't behind me last week when I was on my R1."
  8. His name is Angus Nairn - He had me on the M50 at 86mph. He is a nice guy actually and he did say I was the freindliest person he has ever pulled over. I couldn't argue, I was bang to rights. Where are you awc - I'm in Worcester itself, just off J6
  9. Sorry to hijack. The SLK I have in stock; the media unit did not power up but when driving it back from auction it suddenly booted up (presumed battery too low). Put new battery on and the unit never powers up now, checked the obvious fuses but nothing
  10. Sorry, I should have qualified that a bit more: When asked would you be interested in my car as a PX, I said. "To be honest, you would be better selling that privately - there is still a demand for large diesel estate cars. If you do really want me to take it, I could only offer you the trade in value which is just over £1,000, whereas you will get nearer to £2,000 selling privately. Trouble is, I have to provide some assurances and a diesel with 140k is too risky at that end of the market." They were happy to try and sell privately. I know she does short trips only and being a leggy diesel, I didn't want the potential issues plus it was an SE spec in manual on a big 5 tourer. At a grand, I would have a go but any more and I didn't want the risk.
  11. My bet is (presuming clutch is now slipping). Got the car stuck doing his job, or tried to pull a root out - burned clutch out and that £50 cash he got for the job will not cover the £300 repair now required.
  12. The phone will be off the hook for an old bus like that (if priced right). Better than the dreamer with a PX last week. I had asked him days before for the reg, he turned up still didn't know the reg. 2006 Astra, failed MOT and EML on - how much do you want for it? About £600 - goodbye. Sold the car the next day to someone else, full retail and they understood why I couldn't buy their 06 BM 5 with 140K - no issue selling it privately.
  13. That is my rationale for taking pictures indoors and I am in a much warmer/drier area, so I sympathise with you. Can you not clear one area purely for this purpose? Re: Vauxhall, I know they are often a cheap fix but it is as much the type of punters as the brand itself why I steer clear. Good luck, it sounds like you have a good business and a sure footing for future growth.
  14. Hi Grant - what can you tell me about this please? WBAUD72070E414016
  15. Hi Mark Welcome to the forum, it is a great place to be - invaluable for mutual advice, friendship and (moral) support - it will probably be one of the first tabs on your browser if you're anything like me. I agree with Nick above - you need to find somewhere less busy for your pictures as in the top one at least, there are pylons, car park, trees, fences, gates. I am a unit trader as well and get a bit of (invited critique) stick as my pictures are all taken indoors. That is because I want a uniform display of stock on the website and I can take my pics regardless of the weather plus the cars remain clean after the valet/prep. I think you are a very brave man with all the Vauxhall stock, something I made a concious decision to never sell again, Range Rover is another bold choice - good sellers but you will be counting warranty days off the calendar. Some of your other pieces should do well and with your mechanical backround, I think you have an edge over many - including me. Good luck.
  16. I'm trying to buy a private from AT - of course number is disguised as an AT number. "I'm sorry, your call cannot be connected at this time - please try later." Not sure if this is an AT issue or Sellers phone. So if anyone has a Fiat 500 Lounge they wish to sell (I know, I know but I am retained by a repeat customer to find one).
  17. I have done a couple through CG but messaged a couple of thousand with exotic names with no response.
  18. For me and I don't know why - Ebay, Facebook, Car Gurus and all the others are out performing AT at the moment. I have been trying to search for one of my cars on AT (the infamous Audi TT) but it doesn't show up and AT cannot explain. Personally, I think the new portal is messing things up.
  19. Got your point re: loss leaders. It's why I now try to sell everything I can on Finance, upgrade warranties etc and I am now thinking of adding other bolt ons to add further £$£$£$£$ Look after the pennies and all that..................
  20. Did you fix their dents as well?