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Everything posted by Lakeside

  1. You could possibly get them under “static gear selection” as it’s a noise during operation. Although I wouldn’t bank on it.
  2. I’ve only just moved back to AT from eBay albeit on a PAYG basis. Looks like I’ll be heading back to ebay.
  3. It happens and always has, nothing new. I was bidding at BCA once, I knew the auctioneer was bidding me up so called his bluff, bidded up to what I was prepared to pay and walked away. He was almost begging me to have another bid but I just shook my head. Low and behold the same car was back the following week.
  4. In contrast a smokey one went through bca Bedford yesterday for roughly £500.
  5. Last one I sold was around a year ago now. Plenty of interest but the first thing every punter asked was if the recall had been done.
  6. I’ve used Delphi clone for years, brilliant kit for literally a tenth of the price of the snap on equivalent
  7. I agree but there will always be a genuine buyer within the time wasters. Sold a car to a guy in his 80’s a few weeks back. All communication was done by AT email apart from during the viewing and hand over. Turns out he’d had an operation on his throat that had given him speech problems and was embarrassed about calling people now because he sounded drunk. On the viewing he told me he was amazed how many dealers he e-mail/text about cars that never bothered replying. Luckily I did, and got a sale from it so it’s always worth doing in my opinion.
  8. A bad June has continued into July for me now. Last car sold was just over two weeks ago.
  9. It’s months like this I’m glad I have another business to back me up. Sold one so far and not even any calls or viewings on the others, oh apart from one guy that rang me on a Tuesday evening trying to make me promise not to sell it to anyone else as he couldn’t view until the following afternoon. I’m definitely coming he said, I’m not a time waster he also said. Guess what? Never showed up.
  10. Auction prices have defiantly been lower this year than previous years, even the post Xmas price hike didn’t last long. Im not to worried just yet though. Still selling enough.
  11. Who is Moneybarn? Finance repo’s? Logbook loans?
  12. Surely can’t be worse than multi vendor?
  13. I always assumed they were p/x’s taken in or lemons bought by dealers with stocking loans and sold back through bca? As I’ve seen some right nails within that section.
  14. Nothing new, I’ve seen auctioneers running the bids up while looking at their watch, and as you say cars having the hammer down as sold only to appear again at the next sale or even shipped to another bca site. Best ones when they run the bids up then drop back down because they can’t get a catch. They know we all know what they’re up to.
  15. I had a good couple of weeks end of April/beginning of May but died off this week, no interest at all. I usually gauge how the trades going by the prices at the block, if prices are high people must be selling, if prices are low or the place is empty then the trade on general must be quiet. Prices around here have been pretty reasonable most of this year to be honest in comparison to previous years, but the last few weeks some sales have been struggling to give cars away.
  16. It’s happening at most bca sites, they are all overflowing with stock lately. Wolverhampton visitor car park is now closed and used for storage, someone on another thread said Nottingham has halved its visitor car park, Walsall have had to buy/rent more land for storage and Measham expanded into their visitor and staff car park a while back.
  17. Still does, and yes I’ve won and driven cars home from there same evening.
  18. Anywhere and everywhere I guess, I’ve not been on a sale day since they’ve done it but went there to collect a car I bought online last week. All the customer parking has had steel fencing put round it and there’s a small car park near the entrance with an electric gate which looks like staff parking. To be honest their yard is way to small for the size of the place, when I got the keys and went out the back to find the car the yard was literally gridlocked. Cars parked 4/5 rows deep, yard guys wern’t happy.
  19. Wolverhampton have done the same, no visitor parking atall there now.
  20. Anyone know how much it is to advertise under a grand on AT as PAYG trade? Thinking of chucking all the p/x scrappers on there now as eBay classified has gone up. I know it’s free or £9.95 for private sellers.
  21. New name for BCA partner finance? As everyone knew they were just the knackered p/x’s/auction lemons from stock loan dealers.
  22. Anyone know what time BCA are open on bank hol Monday? I know they’re open for payment and collections but not sure what time. Got a car to collect but don’t want to turn up to early/late.
  23. I’d be more worried about mechanical issues buying online than bodywork as you can’t hear/see them. I will and do buy online but only if it’s cheap enough to take the risk, i’d still much rather be there in person.
  24. Nope Royal Mail still have their own service centres, well they do around the midlands anyway. I know of four around here. I used to do a lot of contract work for Royal Mail fleet and I wouldn’t touch any of their vans to be honest apart from the overnight long distance Sprinters. Anything that was used as a local delivery van will have stupidly low miles but drive like it’s been to the moon and back over a ploughed up field.
  25. Royal Mail have their own maintenance centres. If you know what delivery office it was based at you could contact the fleet centre for that area.