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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. Had a 24/7 customer yesterday on a Chevrolet Cruze. Their lender said they couldn't hep her on that car due to price of the parts! It's ony an Astra in a dress. Anyway, to be fair to 24/7, they got her on with another non-mental lender today. I like Nick's idea of a deposit contribution. Might have to steal that one. Rory/Nick- where do you push the finance? Just on the website or Bookface for example?
  2. Yeah - your stock is mostly newer/different than mine and I think this is a big reason as you say. Was just interesting to hear it from Motonovo that it has been quiet.
  3. Just had Motonovo ring looking for feedback or ideas due to downturn in proposals/level of business. I've never had this from them before. We've definitely seen a big reduction in finance business the last year. Are others the same? Annoyingly, I should think half of our proposals have blown the computer up, and quite a few couldn't be helped by the sub-prime companies.
  4. Absolutely- I can't get my head round them either. What DO they think they look like I wonder. Do they care?
  5. The only good a sold car Terry..
  6. Have always done better with selling them out of season rather than in. People do think they’re cheaper- but they’re not. Certainly not here. ;o)
  7. I find them bloody hard work. (As with most little cars) Especially if manual. The market is full of them, so has to be attractive on price or have an edge. I’ve done better with S-Autos if good spec. This is the key with them: spec. It is just Sod’s Law though that what you’ve just sold will attract a call or two- just to wind you up.
  8. Sounds cheap. Just think about insurance, security and possible damage etc.
  9. Boring car, boring customers, but I’ve sold a few and much rather that over any German or diesel crap to sell. As to whether you’ll have it gone by Xmas/New Year Bollock’s who knows. And to be fair: who knows what will sell between now and then. £2450 sounds too cheap to me at those miles. He who dares Rodney....
  10. You need to write to him quickly explaining that continued use of the car, can and will probably cause damage to the vehicle -which you will not be responsible for. Again remind him you are happy to inspect, fix and/or refund once you've diagnosed the fault. On handover as part of the process we point out what happens in the unlikely event of the car having a problem (return to base usually) and that we do not operate a courtesy car (we do, but we but don't publicise this and only lend it out to normal, nice people). They read and sign and get a copy with the Pdi sheet etc. What diesel car is this out of interest? German? Vauxhall?
  11. True. Wise words. Even worse than German crap/Golf buyers. What have you bought Ben? Just one at a time or are you pushing the boat out? (Genuine interest. No sarcasm).
  12. They've only had the junk five minutes! Just look big, get it back and fix it mate.
  13. Fair-to-middling for us after a good start it tailed off a bit. 20 from 40ish, but some nice profits, some old faces gone and quite a few decent PXs stood in at the right money with a very decent future.
  14. EPV is right. Little cars are hard work. Especially in rural areas. I think you had this advice before, but consider going for larger cars/estates/4x4s or something with an ‘edge’ like a bit of spec. Personally I’d save your money and forget Autoraper-particularly for the cars you currently have. You could try an ad in your local paper. Old people still buy it religiously and may be the target audience for them. Good luck. It’ll happen eventually- but as above, really consider your next purchases wisely and don’t buy bookends. Spread your chances.
  15. So, are we now saying that anyone who wants to post needs to have downloaded the Doc? Free to read but subscribe to post? For me it’s as above, download the document/Lawgistics, but where has this fault ‘developing’ bit come from? If you’ve not pissed your punter off, I would get the junk back and fix it sharpish, or refund them and learn the first of many lessons to come.
  16. That’s cheap. Blimey. No, was a late ML. ( I lost track of the numbers after W124 Merc’s and E36 BMs ;o)
  17. For sure, and I think they’d tell me to piss off too... I’d never heard of a mileage blocker either until then
  18. I decided. not to look it up, but now I’m thinking.. .....Ewwwwww!
  19. We had this with an very low mileage Mercedes: took it in to the main dealer for usual German crap issues including two wiring looms, and -long story short- after the third visit for different issues, they discovered a mileage blocker wired up to the dash! Anyway, once removed, the mileage indeed corrected itself by about six thousand miles. So annoying. Bought the junk from Sytners auction, but you can’t blame them really can you. Just glad it happened to us, not the punter we would have sold it to, declaring a lower miles! Obviously Hpi and Mot Check etc gave no indication. Could have been worse/loads more miles I guess.
  20. Would be nice to know what the car is and age/miles etc? But yes, I think you’re being over worried. Get it sold! You should hopefully have faith in your stock and prep right, with new no-advisory MOT, service, PDi etc. so it’s unlikely to cause you future grief? However, it’s all a punt in this game. We spell out to the punter at sale and handover, what the warranty covers and get them to sign the warranty form, Pdi and customer satisfaction form etc. It doesn’t absolve us of the CRA requirements, nor would I wish it to. However, it does save a lot of agro and limits the chancers. Also, your customer I’m Sure won’t be reading the small print like you have?
  21. Ha. Probably. I had to click on it. Have a look/a read. Mad.
  22. 23 window or 21? Does he have the 'safaris' & 'jail bars'? ;0) Best place for old cars is in the past. I too don't get the watercooled in particular ones. Fortunes for a builders van with a sleeping bag and a kettle in it. There's a ballistic miles lime green one on Sytner making stupid money. As has been said above, give me a few hundred nice hotel or B&B stays and a car any day- but, we are (I am) miserable apparently. There's a crook near us that does dodgy conversions and still gets stupid money for the junk. Don't understand it. Do people keep these long term or do they soon get bored/wake up and sell them? However, Mr.C's stuff looks a different league- and you can certainly see why people use him over others: I admire his skills, (as I couldn't even fit a plug without wanting to smash something) plus, to be fair to them- they're busier than us so what do we know. Anyway, liking the things and buying them -and just finding a niche that's in demand and working on them- are two different things I guess. Do you have/ use a van yourself Mr.C?
  23. Ha. Yes. This is true. They're cheap, hard top cab 'fun' if you like that sort of thing. We've sold dozens of them over the years and never had any roof issues, although they nearly always need a clutch. 1.6 much better sellers than the 2.0. They're looking old now so I don't go looking for them, but if they come in PX they still shift quick and you can usually double up.


    I agree. Cars not to buy... Anyway, apologies if I'm missing this point-but are you suggesting to the customer that you'll potentially have it in for inspection and repair, or are you just looking to say it's wear and tear and you're not interested/take it up with the warranty company? Or are you saying 'jog on, there's nothing wrong with it'? In my example, the finance company categorically told me the car 'was not their property' and they were only really interested if the customer defaulted. They also were very quick to side with their customer initially, until I spelled it all out to them and provided the documentation etc. proving that i) The point of sale paperwork and checks were comprehensive and ii) I suggested we get it in for an independent check.